我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-08-08 10:31:17 面试问题 我要投稿
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  Faced with one pointed question after the next regarding your career, a job interview can quickly take on the feel of an interrogation.


  But employers aren't the only ones who get to poke and pry during the sit-down. By asking thought-provoking questions, you can not only collect valuable information but also distinguish yourself from the pack.


  "It means that you're thoughtful about the process and that you're very interested in the position because you took the time to think of questions that would be substantive," says Cheryl Palmer, a career coach and founder of the career coaching firm Call to Career.

  “意思是你对整一个过程很有自己的想法,对职位本身很感兴趣。因为你花了时间去想一下实质的问题。” 职业导师Cheryl Palmer如是说。她同时也是Call to Career职业指导公司的创办人。

  Here are some questions you can ask and tips for interpreting the responses from your interviewer.


  How has this position evolved since it was created?


  Getting a brief history on the role should clear up whether the position has expanded over the years or has been a dead end for employees, Palmer says.


  Interpreting the response: If the interviewer says the position has expanded beyond its original scope (and is continuing to do so), that signifies an opportunity for growth within the company. If the position has stayed static for years, don't expect to blossomthere. Depending on your career ambitions, the latter response isn't necessarily bad, Palmer says.


  What have past employees done to succeed in this position?


  Knowing how the organization measures achievements will help you understand what the expectations will be and whether you have the skill set to meet them, Palmer says. But don't undermine your past accomplishments just because your route to success doesn't match up with the one embraced by the company. "You also don't want to be too narrowly defined by what other people have done. Because you're a different person, you may approach things a little differently," she says.


  Interpreting the response: You may hear a description that highlights the positive and negative attributes of your predecessor. That could be a good indicator of the company's culture. "Typically, what one person has done to be successful is what the organization tends to do to be successful," Palmer says.


  What have you enjoyed most about working here?


  Your prospective boss can relay what he or she values most and what led to his or her personal success with the organization. Then, Palmer says, you can internally ruminateabout whether you share the same values and can envision yourself working there.


  Interpreting the response: Your interviewer may commend the company for everything from benefits to year-end bonuses. On the other hand, "if they're struggling to come up with something positive about why they like working there, chances are good that you're not going to be able to come up with anything positive after having worked there either," Palmer says.


  What is the top priority for the person in this position over the next three months?


  This question is helpful so you know what to focus on if you do get the position, Palmer says. Without a clear expectation, she adds, you won't know what to accomplish or how to make the right impression during your first days on the job.


  Interpreting the response: You may be told that you need to complete 15 tasks rather than two or three. "If these are all big initiatives that they want you to handle, probably not that doable," Palmer says.

  面试官反应的解读:你有可能听到你要完成不止两个三个的任务,而是15个。Palmer 说,”如果这些任务都是些大条目,那么他们也许并非那么可行。”

  What are the qualities of successful managers in this company?


  If you're interviewing for a managerial position, you'll want knowledge of the skills and core competencies the company treasures in a leader, says David Lewis, founder and president of OperationsInc, a Connecticut-based human resources outsourcing and consulting firm. If excellent people skills and multitasking top the list, emphasize how you've demonstrated those traits throughout your career.

  David Lewis是OperationsInc公司的创始人兼总裁,这家公司总部在康乃狄克州,主营人力资源外包和咨询。他说,”如果你去面试一个管理岗的职位,你就想知道这家公司看中领导者哪方面的技能。” 如果良好的人际交往能力和多任务处理能力在在最受关注之列,那么就要强调你在你的职业生涯当中你是如何体现出来的。

  Interpreting the response: According to Lewis, you may get a response along these lines: "The best managers in our organization are independent thinkers, are good teachers and completely aligned with the direction the company is going in. " If he or she can't name a single star in the managerial stable, that's problematic and speaks to an organization short on progress and promotions, Lewis notes.


  If offered the position, can you give me examples of ways I would collaborate with my manager?


  As an entry-level staffer, you may want to work with management as a means to showcase your skills and move up. But there's a distinction between simply taking orders and actively working with a superior who is grooming you for something better. "[Finding] out how an organization utilizes people at the staff level is key," Lewis says. "Is it a dictatorial environment or a collaborative one? "


  Interpreting the response: The employer may be short on examples or dismiss the notion of working with management altogether. Prod further, Lewis says, and find out why that it is. There may be a legitimate reason behind why the company doesn't promote collaboration.


  What are some challenges that will face the person filling this position?


  You owe it to yourself to know what you're up against. "It just gives you a reality check," Palmer says. The drawbacks may differ depending on whether the position is managerial or entry-level. As a manager, you may oversee a department that runs on ashoestring budget. As a lower-level staffer, you may work odd hours or get stuck with assignments that lack substance.


  Interpreting the response: The interviewer may point out the least offensive parts of the job. But if he or she denies any downside whatsoever, that should raise doubts about his or her credibility. "Any boss that tells you there are not challenges, they're lying. It's just that simple," Palmer says.

  解读面试官的反应:面试官有可能只指出该岗位当中最不伤大雅的部分。但是,如果他否认任何缺点,那么你就该对他的可信度有所怀疑了。Palmer 说,“当任何一个老板告诉你没什么挑战的时候,那么他们就在撒谎。就这么简单。”

  Do you have any hesitations about my qualifications?


  Asking a question like this lets the interviewer know that you're secure enough to openly discuss your vulnerabilities. It also signals confidence and the ability to be coached, says John Kador, author of "301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview. " "Coachability is a hugely attractive attribute as far as interviewers are concerned," he explains.

  问这样的问题可以让面试官知道你是可以放开讨论你的弱势的。这也表明了你自信和可塑性。《面试最佳301问》的作者John Kador如是说。他同时也说:“可塑性对于面试官来说是个非常具有吸引力的方面。”

  Interpreting the response: At your urging, the interviewer may voice concerns about a lack of training in certain areas or gaps in employment. Rather than gloss over your shortcomings, address them and put up a respectful and reasonable defense. "You may be able to come up with a satisfactory response, you may not," Kador says. "But at least you have the chance."


  面试大闯关4 如何介绍上一份工作

  1. Would you briefly describe this company to me? 介绍一下你的原单位, 好吗?

  问题分析: 当老外提出这个问题的时候, 他心里的疑问是: “这个公司我从来没有听说过, 是否是个名不见经传的小公司?”所以, 在向老外介绍自己工作单位的时候, 要着重强调公司的优点, 规模大的强调规模, 人数多的强调人数。如果你所在的公司业务总量很小, 你可以告诉面试官, 业务总量不大但是平均到每个员工的业务量却相当惊人!

  回答示范: “广盛发”,the name means “a big, prosperous company”, hehe, although it’s not really a very big company. But, it’s true that the company is quite prosperous. It specializes in exporting women’s shoes. With only 10 employees so far the turnover last year was up to 15,000,000 RMB. I am one of the three customer service officers, with the responsibility of order taking, tracking and general customer service roles. Due to the limited number of staff, we all work more than 10 hours a day, 7 days a week in busy season.

  点评: 很明显, 这个回答既体现了自己原来的公司的规模, 也暗示了自己能够适应繁忙工作的特点。

  2. Would you describe your typical working day? 请你描述一下自己典型的一天工作吧。

  问题分析: 在这个问题上, 面试官希望捕捉到的信息点是: 第一, 这个家伙原来干的工作和我们现在这份工作到底有多少是类似的?第二, 他在原来工作单位表现到底怎么样?所以, 在描述自己的工作内容时, 要注意突出两个信息点: 第一, 用事实突出自己繁忙并且业绩不错的优点; 第二, 要着意强调一下和所申请工作类似的内容。

  回答示范:Yes. I would arrive at office half an hour earlier as my boss often gives me a lot of work once he comes in, and I have to be ready for it. My responsibilities are mainly to assist the sales manager and representatives with order tracking, stock reporting, document preparation and translation, using Excel, Word and PowerPoint. When the reps are on a business trip, I will deal with their share. Two thirds of my work involves computers, working on tables and forms precisely and quickly. The rest of time is to take care of the managers and reps, you know, do what they need me to.

  点评: 用事实说明自己是个敬业的人。在描述工作内容的时候, 有细节性描述, 也有总结性描述, 非常清晰。

  3. Why do you want to leave your job? 你为什么要离职?

  回答示范1:To be honest, the reason I quit is that I am not pleased by my current job. My current work is in a vocational high school. Maybe I have to explain a bit more here. In China, vocational high schools are designed for the less-advanced students or the ones wanting work instead of going to university to further their education. As a result, the social status and the pay in vocational high schools are not at all satisfactory. I can never become a professor in this school. So, although teaching makes me happy, I have to leave this job because I can’t have long-term career development here.

  点评1: 相当一部分申请人辞职的原因都是为了“长远的职业发展”, 目前工作“看不到前途和未来”或者“缺乏挑战和创新”。这些其实都是合理的理由, 但是, 务必要把看不到前途和未来的原因解释清楚, 让面试官知道, 没有前途不是你个人能力缺乏所致, 而确实是客观因素使然。此外, 涉及中国特殊现象时,把具体的情况解释清楚, 否则 老外不会了解中专教师为什么不像大学教师那么爽。

  回答示范2:The former company hasn’t done well in the past 2 years, they have to make some redundancy and our department is lucky enough to be one of them. What a pity.

  点评2: 公司裁员很少发生, 不过如果事实如此, 你需要解释出自己被裁减的原因是因为整个部门被关闭, 而不是你个人表现欠佳而被裁减。同时, 展示了一下自己的幽默, 很好。

  回答示范3:Frankly speaking, I want to leave the job simply because I’m attracted by the position you offer. Compared with my current employer, Global Market is so much more renowned, offering a secure job and a long-term development. My current employer now offers an okay salary, but the career opportunities here are very limited because the size of business is relatively small. I think you can understand my choice.

  点评3: 很真实,90%的人都是为了“更好的发展”而离职, 不妨实话实说也罢。

  4. What is an ideal boss like? 你最喜欢的老板是什么样子的?

  问题分析: 和上个问题一样, 面试官希望了解的是: 第一, 这份工作是否会让你满意?第二, 你一定会效仿你的老板, 如果你说自己喜欢的老板是能吃苦耐劳的, 那么你往往是一个吃苦耐劳的人; 如果你说喜欢自己的老板是高屋建瓴的, 那么你往往也是一个颇为注重宏观规划的人。要格外注意的是, 如果面试你的人恰恰就是你未来的老板, 那么这个问题可要小心了, 如果你所做的描述和他的个性风马牛不相及, 可能令面试功亏一篑。

  普通回答:I like democratic bosses. They can give me enough room to develop on my own, rather than giving instructions to me for every small detail.

  点评: 这个回答比较危险, 明显地表现出该申请人追求“自由化”的性格特点, 会令很多面试官觉得心里一沉。所以说, 在回答这个问题的时候, 要走“保守主义”路线, 尽量不要给人一种“初生牛犊不怕虎”的感觉, 而要表现出谦虚谨慎、 积极、 诚恳等特点。再者说, 这个回答明显在给老板提要求, 当你对比下面这个回答示范的时候, 你就会明白一个道理: 给老板提要求, 远远不如请老板给自己提要求令人喜欢。

  回答示范1:Ideal boss? Well, I prefer strict bosses. Although working with strict bosses means a lot of pressure, I can grow fast with them. For new graduates, nothing is more important than developing our abilities as fast as we can.

  点评1: 主动请老板为自己加压, 多么可爱可敬的人, 善哉!工作经验有所欠缺的申请人, 不妨向面试官表表这样的态度。

  回答示范2:Ideal boss? Let me see. Well, in my opinion, an ideal boss can effectively motivate his or her subordinates by encouraging good performance and punishing poor performance. I will feel highly motivated to do a good job if I know my boss would reward me for excellent performance.

  点评2: 好!一个希望老板能“奖惩分明”员工, 往往是很自信能够做出优良表现的员工。

  5. What were the best aspects of your last job? 在上一份工作中, 你最喜欢的是什么地方?

  问题分析: 在这个问题上, 面试官要捕捉的信息点是: 第一, 这个申请人是个什么样的人?如果你是小秘书却喜欢有挑战, 那你很可能还停留在好高骛远的不成熟阶段; 如果你喜欢原来的老板给你很大的自由发展空间, 那么你很可能是个“自由派”, 不太喜欢约束; 第二, 你所申请的工作到底是否会让你满意?如果这一份工作内容和你最喜欢的工作内容大相径庭, 比如说, 你喜欢有挑战而偏偏这份工作很细节, 那么面试官可能会因为“自惭形秽”而拒绝你的申请。

  回答示范1:The best aspect of my last job? Let me see. Well, I think it was the trust of my boss. He gave me lots of room to develop myself, you know, letting me shoulder responsibilities. And I didn’t let him down. I did a good job.

  点评1: 一个令前任老板信任的员工, 更有可能赢得未来老板的信任。

  回答示范2:The best aspect of my job, well, is that I can learn a lot from others. As you can imagine Carrefour has a team of high-quality staff. When working with these people I can learn a lot, you know, their attitude to see things, the way they work.

  点评2: 乐于向别人学习的人, 我们都喜欢!

  回答示范3:The best aspect of my job? I think it’s the team I work with. As a sales assistant I work with the sales reps on a daily basis. It’s so interesting to work with them, as you can imagine the sales reps are all active and humorous guys. I can learn so much from them. After working with them for a year and a half, I feel I have “inherited” their good traits. I’m tougher, more positive and a lot better at pleasing others, hehe.

  点评3: 很多人都会说自己工作最好的地方是拥有一群好同事, 但是只有在你给出细节之后才能打动面试官。这个答案很棒, 既夸了自己的团队, 也夸奖了自己。

  6. What were the worst aspects of your last job? 在上一份工作中, 你最讨厌的是什么地方?

  问题分析: 这是一个比较棘手的一个问题, 说得虚伪了没有人相信, 说得太真实又唯恐令面试官反感。

  回答示范1:The worst aspect of my current job is definitely lack of job security. My pay was delayed twice in the four months since I’ve worked there. I joined this company in hope of helping the boss to grow a small business into a bigger one. However, it proved a lot more difficult than I expected. The boss is very reluctant to invest in promotion. As a result, business has been rather slow.

  点评1: 职位不稳定, 薪水不能保证, 这的确是份糟糕的工作。不过, 别忘记告诉面试官, 这可不是你的错儿。

  回答示范2:I have to work six days a week in my current job. You know it’s against the Labor Law but it’s the normal practice in many factories in Dongguan. It would be quite alright for me to work on Saturday occasionally, but certainly not every Saturday.

  点评2: 很真实的回答。如果是我, 早就从这个每周六都要上班的鬼单位辞职了。人权哪, 同志们, 尤其是珠三角一带的同志们, 让我们齐声高唱: 起来, 不愿意一周干六天的人们, 冒着老板冷冷的眼神, 辞职, 辞职, 辞职!

  回答示范3:The worst part of my current job is that it’s too quiet. As it’s a branch liaison office it only has five people. And I don’t have enough workload. Sometimes I have little to do for the whole week! I really feel bored of working there. I’d like to have a busier job. You know, more responsibilities, more sense of achievement.

  点评3: 因为工作太清闲而辞职, 这样的人儿谁不爱?No work, no future. 年轻的你就应该忙碌起来。

  7. What were some of your achievements in your last job? 在上一份工作中你有哪些成就?

  问题分析: 一个颠扑不破的面试哲学是: 在上一份工作中有成就的, 才有可能在新工作中有成就。在回答这个问题的时候, 一般要遵守一个原则: 用事实与数字说话。

  回答示范1:I was named “Employee of the Year,”for the highest level of accuracy of all 18 bank tellers last year.

  点评1: 一个言简意赅而又强大的回答: 既说出了所得到的奖励, 而且列出了获奖原因, 同时又告诉面试官自己在18人中是最佳的。

  回答示范2:I increased sales approximately 100% in three years. Last year I personally sold 1.5 million Yuan worth of services and was ranked number 2 in the entire company among 14 sales reps.

  点评2: 如果是做销售的同志, 只能用数字来说明自己的业绩。

  回答示范3:I suggested to my boss that we should create a new type of customer satisfaction survey. This suggestion was applied later and effectively reduced customer complaints.

  点评3: 对于没有得到过什么奖励的申请人, 一个比较好的办法就是告诉面试官, 自己的一个好建议被老板采纳, 取得了非常不错的效果。

  8. What were some of the disappointments in your last job? 在上一份工作中你比较失望的地方或者失败是什么?

  问题分析: 这个问题相当棘手。太真实可能会吓坏面试官, 太虚伪又没法令人相信。比较好的应对方式是, 给对方列举一些非致命的失败, 同时, 这些失败是由于自己所订立的目标比较高。

  普通回答:Disappointments? There were some. I couldn’t get an A in the annual evaluation. I got B, which was not bad, but certainly not good enough.

  点评: 这个回答太圆滑, 明显在利用“失败”夸自己向来高标准严要求。面试官最不喜欢这种自作聪明的人。

  回答示范:I failed to achieve the sales target last year, I sold a million and a half but the target was two million. Our Beijing headquarters is having some problems and can’t provide effective pre-sales support for us. Failing to reach the target is a big disappointment for me.

  点评: 一个很好的回答, 体现出了一个销售人员对完成任务的强烈的渴望, 同时也顺便带出了自己完不成任务的客观理由。

  9. How would you evaluate the progress you made in your last job? 你如何来评价自己在上一份工作中的表现?

  问题分析: 对于在上一份工作中表现平平的申请人, 这个问题简直如芒刺在背, 痛苦啊。但是, 哪怕面壁三天、 掘地三尺也要想出一两个你在上一份工作中的亮点, 否则, 只能在面试时芒刺在背了。

  回答示范1:I am very proud of the progress I made in my last job. I joined the company as a new hand, but after only a year and a half, I was promoted to team leader. I could achieve such a rapid progress partly because my last job was in a small firm. If I can make the same progress in a large company like GE, I would be prouder.

  点评1: 回答得非常好, 既吹嘘了自己的迅速成长, 也诚恳地指出自己是个羊群里的骆驼, 在小公司里才能获得如此快速的提升。

  回答示范2:Well, I would give myself 70% if 100 means full satisfaction. I had some achievements in my last job. For example, I got 80-89% in the annual evaluation last year, which was 60%. The promotion program I organized on Wangfujing Road was highly successful and my client was very pleased. However, the results of several other programs were not quite satisfactory due to some reasons I couldn’t control. Actually that’s why I want to quit.

  点评2: 这个回答可能更符合多数申请人的实际情况: 有成就, 也有失败。

  10. What pressures did you have in your last job and how did you manage them? 你工作中有什么压力, 你是怎么样应付的?

  问题分析: 平庸的人往往感受不到压力, 有能力的人往往在工作中遭遇很大的压力, 同时, 他们处理压力的方法也是相当积极有效的。

  回答示范1:In my current job, most pressure comes from the high sales target. It’s extremely difficult to meet the target because it’s a 30% increase over the sales of last year, and the sales of last year were already quite high. However, I can manage this pressure well because although I can’t meet the sales target, my sales abilities have never been challenged by my boss and others. Six out of seven sales reps can’t meet the target this year and I am actually quite close to it.

  点评1: 虽然该申请人没有说出具体的应付压力的办法, 但是他告诉面试官他并不受压力所困, 因为自己的能力早已经被公认。这是一个很自信的回答。

  回答示范2:Well, I have to meet deadlines in my current job. Some projects have a very tight schedule, and even if we do a lot of over time work it’s still hard to meet the deadline. This gives me a lot of pressure. Usually I manage the pressure by communicating honestly with my boss. If he can understand me I feel relaxed.

  点评2: 非常入情入理的回答。做技术工作的人员通常为了赶项目而熬通宵, 而如果熬通宵也不能如期交付项目的话, 势必会造成心理压力。争取老板的理解, 的确是缓解压力的好办法。

  回答示范3:There are many emergencies in my current job, you know, customer challenges, unexpected orders. As the customer service officer with the longest experience I am usually put in charge of handling emergencies,you know, like a firefighter. This gives me lots of pressure because I can’t let my boss down. I could handle these pressures well, partly because I’m used to them.

  点评3: 这是个超级棒的回答, 它变相地告诉面试官, 自己是最资深的客户服务代表, 因此总是被派做“消防队员”, 自然要面临很大压力。而自信, 是对付压力的最好办法。

  11. Sometimes a work assignment requires frequent travel. How do you feel about the prospect of frequent travel? 有时候工作需要你经常出差, 你怎么看?

  问题分析: 如果你兴高采烈地说: “哦, 出差是免费旅游的好机会呀!”面试官只能哑然失笑或者苦笑, 因为你太天真了, 对于绝大多数人来说, 出差绝对不是“美差”而是“苦差”。所以, 在这个问题上, 面试官要捕捉的信息点有两个: 第一, 这个家伙成熟了没有?他对于这份职位本身的缺陷有没有心理上的准备?第二, 这个家伙到底会采用什么样的方法, 避免出差损害了自己的身体健康, 并令精神萎靡不振?所以说, 面试官不想听大话和空话, 他要听的是一些实实在在的小措施, 能够让你常出差而不会太辛苦。

  回答示范1:I traveled a lot in my last job. I traveled almost every week. As far as I know, this job requires travel, but not every week. So it wouldn’t be worse than my last one.

  点评1: 以事实来回答质疑, 永远是最上策。

  回答示范2:I am very lucky that I can eat and sleep very well on trips. I’ve never been carsick, and even when sitting on a train I can sleep well. So, I never need to worry about frequent traveling.

  点评2: 这是个很踏实很中肯的回答。有很多女性在出差的时候神经衰弱, 面有菜色, 凄惨无比, 老板当然希望你能够在出差时吃好、 睡好、 精神好。

  回答示范3:I don’t worry about frequent travel because my daughter is taken care of by my parents, who are both well-educated scholars. It is not a big deal for them to educate a two-year-old little thing.

  点评3: 有家庭有小孩的申请人要主动告诉面试官自己是如何处理家庭和工作的关系的。这是一个很博得人好感的回答, 有教授级的老爸老妈来带自己两岁的小家伙, 还有什么后顾之忧呢?

  12. Most employees and bosses have some disagreements. How did you react to these disagreements in your last job? 很多雇员都和老板有意见相左的时候, 在上一份工作中, 你是如何处理和老板意见不同的情况的?

  问题分析: 这个问题通常会提给有几年工作经验的申请人。在这个问题上, 面试官希望捕捉的信息点是: 第一, 他是一个有主见的人, 还是一个唯老板之命是从的人?第二, 他是更信任自己的老板, 还是更信任自己?第三, 在真正意见相左的时候, 他是否能够高效地解决问题?

  回答示范1:My last boss was very democratic. He always listened to our opinions and gave us enough opportunities to defend them. So we never had any trouble communicating with each other when having disagreements.

  点评1: 这个回答体现了对老板的赞赏。感恩, 是很令人欣赏的一种素质。

  回答示范2:When I have disagreements with my boss, my first reaction is to double-check my opinions. My boss is an expert and he’s been proven right most of the time. If I do believe I’m right or partially right, I provide my boss with a detailed report listing all facts and numbers to prove my opinion. Because my boss is extremely busy, I need to make the report simple but powerful, to help him make the decision.

  点评2: 这个回答体现出了该申请人的两个优点: 第一, 在意见不合的情况下, 他首先会信任自己的老板, 检视自己的意见。第二, 他会以事实和详细的数据来支持自己的观点, 帮助工作繁忙的老板做出决策。善哉!


  Are you willing to work overtime? This depends on you; you can answer as you wish. However, if it is difficult to find job or this is a good job, you should consider working overtime willingly.


  Answer samples


  1. I love my job and when a project deadline is coming up, everyone has to pull together to finish it – even if that means investing our beloved weekends…

  1. 我喜欢这份工作,最后期限快到时,每个人都会全力以赴把它做好——即使这需要我们放弃美好的周末……

  2. I do understand that it will occasionally be necessary in software industry to work overtime. Generally I feel that the work can be completed on time if we work sincerely and utilize the work hours. However I have no problem in working overtime if the project deadlines are very tight and requires me to work hard.

  2. 我明白做软件这行,偶尔加班是必要的。一般来说我觉得如果努力做事而且充分利用时间的话,工作是能按时完成的。但是如果工期紧强度大的话加班也没问题。

  3. I am very responsible person ,and I have definite plan and I go according to that in a systematic way, so in case I am behind schedule I will surely work overnight and make sure i complete it in time.


  4. It depends on the responsibilities on your shoulder. if I have to complete a task then I can work overnight and weekends…………. after that I will be happy that I have completed my job on time.

  4. 这要看我肩上的担子重不重了。是我该做好的事我会没日没夜的做,做好后我会很高兴自己按时完成了工作。

  5. I can normally work in a few nights or weekends of overtime through the month if required to meet some deadlines. I hope projects are scoped and scheduled in such a way that overtime and nights are not a common requirement.

  5. 通常来说要赶进度的话,我可以晚上或周末加班。我希望项目能安排得好些,不需要经常彻夜加班。


  Setting yourself apart from the crowd is vital when you are looking for that new job. This applies for all stages of the recruitment process - you want to ensure that your CV is at the top of a recruiter or hiring manager’s pile, and that your interview shows you in the best possible light.


  People looking to fill a role will be looking for that something special which sets the very best candidates apart. To give yourself the best opportunity, here are some very common mistakes and phrases which you should try to avoid in those all-important interviews.


  I don’t know


  Interviewers will be looking to stretch and challenge candidates during the course of the recruitment process. The best way of dealing with the tough questions is to do your homework. The importance of research cannot be understated – you should know about the company, and be prepared for anything you will be asked about your own CV. Of course if there is a question which you are not expected to know the answer to, or if you are genuinely stuck, don't make things up or try to bluff your way through. Move back into your comfort zone, relate the question back to something you do know and take on board any new information you are given. But as I said, proper planning and preparation is essential.



  What’s the salary?


  The salary is always a tough point to discuss with a new employer, especially at the interview stage. There is a time and place to bring it up, and the first interview isn't always the right one. At the same time, you don’t want to get too far down the process and not know what the salary is. Initially you should have a good indication of the remuneration from the job description. The chances are that the interviewer themselves will ask you what sort of salary you are looking for - this gives you the opportunity to talk about it and negotiate the best deal for you.


  How many holidays do I get?


  Companies are on the look-out for people that are motivated and willing to put in the necessary effort. They want staff to be ambitious, driven self-starters, not people who are just looking for an easy life. If you want a fulfilling career and the rewards that tend to come with that, then you have to be prepared to go that extra mile. Of course you are perfectly entitled to perks, but try to avoid talking about things like holiday entitlement straight away, because it can give off the wrong impression.


  I dislike my current company


  You never want to turn the tone of the interview negative, even if you may be having a bad experience at your current job. All this does is make you seem like somebody who is difficult to manage. If asked why you are leaving, focus more on your ambitions for the future and what excites you about the job you are applying for.


  I don’t have any questions


  I have written before about candidates needing to ask questions themselves in interviews. You want to show prospective employers how keen you are to get the role. The research you have done may have thrown up some interesting facts that you can ask about, or you may want to know about the scope for personal development. You may also wish to get some more information about your role or the working culture – either way it is important that the interview process is not one sided.



  To galvanize your job search and lead you to your new dream job, your communications with any prospective employer — whether via phone, email or during a job interview — must incorporate these three messages:


  1. Here's what I've got.


  You’ll notice this isn’t “Here’s what I know.” Your employer doesn’t care about what you know. In fact, what you know has little relevance to your employer.


  It’s what you can do with what you know that really counts. Nothing else matters, but this is where the majority of people go wrong.


  Just because you have specialized knowledge doesn’t mean you should be employed.


  2. Here's what I will do for you.


  This is the step where you demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.


  Your attitude will come through in your interactions, so being positive is important. A negative attitude can be poisonous in this step.


  Keep in mind that many candidates have experienced the same hardships, but they bring positivity to their interviews. That positivity is not just contagious; it makes people want to work with you.


  3. Here's what I want you to do next for me.


  Don’t ask about compensation and benefits. Instead, let the interviewer broach those topics. Interviewers will often ask applicants what compensation they’re seeking.


  When asked this question, a lot of interviewees will say they don’t know or cite a too-high or too-low figure based on guesswork.


  In summary, employers are mostly interested in what you can do for them. They really don’t care about your background, except with respect to how you can use it for their benefit.



  Whether you're a new graduate or someone with a few years of experience under your belt, you might come across interview questions about where you'd like to go in your career during your job search. One of the more common versions of this question is, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?". Although it may not be the most creative question, it's an important question to ask yourself anyway, and you should have a response prepared for the interview.

  无论你是应届生还是有了几年工作经验的职场人,你都会在面试中碰到与职业选择有关的问题。有个最常见的版本是,“你的五年工作规划是什么?”。 尽管这不是什么创新型的问题,可这对你个人来说还是很重要的,你应该为了面试好好准备一下。

  First, let's consider what the interviewer is really asking. They want to find out a few things: Have you given thought to your career? Are you ambitious or do you lack initiative? Do your goals fit with those of the company? Are you going to be a long-term employee or are you going to jump ship for the next big opportunity?


  The interviewer doesn't want to hear that you don't plan to stay at their company for long, but instead plan to start your own business, go to grad school or live on a beach in Greece. What they want to hear is that you're looking to make a commitment to the company and that the role is not only exactly what you're looking for but also something you do well.

  面试官不想听到你说不想在他们公司长期做下去,而是要自己创业、读研或是在想要住在希腊的沙滩上。 他们真正想听的是你想为公司做出一个承诺,这个角色并不仅仅是你所想要的,同时也是你能力所及。

  Don't be too rigid in your goals, such as, "I want to be promoted within a year, and be managing a team six months after that." This can automatically take you out of consideration if the position has little growth opportunity. And if you are applying for an entry-level position, this seems presumptuous and they may go with a different candidate that has more realistic goals.

  不要立个太严苛的目标,比如说,“我想在一年里就升职,而且在六个月之后能够带领一支团队。” 如果这个职位的发展机会很小的话,这样的回答会使你直接被淘汰。 另外如果你申请的是初级职位,这个回答未免太过自以为是,面试官们可能会选择其他目标比较现实的候选人。

  A good answer to this question will show you've thought about your career and that you want to continue to learn and grow at their company, as well as shows off your strengths and accomplishments. If you have strong values about contributing to the team or working at a large corporation, include this in your answer.


  For example, a good answer could be, "I'd like to continue progressing in the marketing field, and see myself in a more senior marketing role. Judging by our conversation so far, this position would give me the opportunity to gain new skills and techniques that would help me to advance. I'd like to continue taking on more responsibilities and am confident that I can make positive contributions to the team that will bring the company more success."


  Keep in mind that the goal of the interview is to convince your interviewer that you are the best person for the job so that you will proceed to the next stage of the job search process: the offer. So, show the interviewer that you can contribute to the company's success!


  More examples:


  1. First and foremost, I want to contribute as much as I can to your company in the position I'm applying for. Once mastered, I see myself in a supervisory or management role. I'm a good leader and enjoy managing people and projects.

  1. 首先也最为重要的是,我想尽我所能在我申请的这个岗位上为贵公司做出贡献。一旦对工作内容掌握得更加熟练后,我认为我会提升到主管或者管理级别的职务。我是个很好的领导者,我喜欢管理员工和项目。

  2. Although my initial focus would be to work to my full potential in the job I'm applying for, I would very much like to move into a supervisory or management role in 3-5 years...or less. I enjoy supporting my team members, and strive to set a good example for others.


  3.My first goal will be to meet or exceed your expectations in the position I'm applying for. After that, I would enjoy the responsibilities of management. I'm patient with others and like the challenges of leadership.

  3. 我的第一目标将会是在这个岗位上达到或者超过你的期望。在那之后,我想担起管理的职责。我对待他人总是很有耐心,也喜欢迎接作为一个领导者的挑战。










