我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2020-12-28 14:39:41 英语试题 我要投稿




  英 语


  1. 一律用黑色或2B铅笔将答案填写或涂在答题卷指定位置内。

  2. 本试卷共6页,满分150分,答题时间120分钟。

  第I卷 (选择题, 共80分)


  1. ---Hello, may I speak to Jane? ---_________

  A. Who are you? B. What’s wrong?

  C. This is Jane speaking. C. She is Jane.

  2. ---I’ll go to Hong Kong for a trip next weekend.

  --- Great! _______

  A. Good luck! B. Have a good time!

  C. Best wishes! D. Glad to see you again.

  3. ---You have a beautiful voice. I love your songs. ---____________

  A. No, I’m not. B. Thank you. C. It’s OK. D. That’s all right.

  4. ---Are you confident about the basketball match against Class 9, Yangyang?

  ----_________ I’ve got everything ready!

  A. Of course not. B. It’s hard to say. C. Sure, I am. D. I am afraid not.

  5. ---You’d better not eat too much salt. It’s bad for your health.


  A. Not at all. B. You’re welcome.

  C. I’m thirsty now. D. Thanks for your advice.

  6. ---My new iPhone was stolen when I took a bus yesterday.


  A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. It doesn’t matter.

  C. Don’t be silly. D. I’d love to.

  7. ---Would you mind my opening the window?

  ---___________ It’s much too hot here.

  A. Certainly. B. Of course not. C. All right. D. Yes, you can.

  8. ---Mum, I’ve got the first prize in the photo competition.


  A. Good luck! B. Not at all. C. Good idea! D. Congratulation!

  9. ---Is everyone here today? ----____________

  A. No, Jack isn’t here. B. Yes, please.

  C. Yes, it is. D. Let’s go.

  10. ---What’s the weather like in your hometown? ---__________

  A. Yes, I like it. B. It’s warm in winter.

  C. Why not? D. Yes, very much.

  II. 单项填空。(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)


  11. Could you please get me some ________? I’m hungry.

  A. apple B. water C. bread D. egg

  12. ---How was _______dinner at Mike’s house?

  ---It was great. Mike’s mum is _______ wonderful cook.

  A. a; the B. the; a C. the; the D. a; an

  13. ---Is this _______ ruler?

  ---No. _______ is over there.

  A. her; Her B. her; Hers C. hers; Hers D. hers; Her

  14. The bread smells _________ and it sells ________.

  A. well; good B. good; good C. good; well D. well; well

  15. ---Which is the biggest number of the four? ---________.

  A. One third B. Two thirds C. A half D. A quarter

  16. There _______ a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon.

  A. is going to be B. will have C. are going to be D. is going to have

  17. I ________ $300 for the bike.

  A. took B. spent C. cost D. paid

  18. I _______ my hometown for a long time. I really miss it.

  A. left B. went away from C. have left D. have been away from

  19. ---Is the man over there Mr. Brown?

  ----It ______ him. He has gone to Brazil to watch the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

  A. may not B. can’t be C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t

  20. Tom’s mother told him _______ eating too much meat.

  A. stopping B. to stop C. stops D. stopped

  21. ---I have changed my job. ---_________

  A. So do I. B. So have I. C. So I do. D. So I have.

  22. They will lose the game _______ they try their best.

  A. unless B. once C. since D. after

  23. ---Could you tell me _________?

  ---You can take the No. 1 bus.

  A. how can we get to Xingyi Airport B. how we can get to Xingyi Airport

  C. how do we get to Xingyi Airport D. how we got to Xingyi Airport

  24. He didn’t go to school yesterday ________ he was ill.

  A. because B. because of C. if D. so

  25. _______ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are _______ teachers.

  A. A number of; women B. A number of; woman

  C. The number of; women D. The number of; woman











