我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-04-06 17:37:11 教学设计 我要投稿




  1.知识技能目标: a)能听懂、会读、会说句型:I get up at seven o`clock.并能正确分清它与汉语的语序;

  b)能听懂、会读、会说动词词组get up, go to school, have lunch, go home , wacth TV,go to bed;










  Step 1:师生问候

  T:Hello, Boys and girls.(唱歌问候How are you, how are you ,how are you today?

  Ss:(唱歌回答)I am fine,thanks, I am fine,thanks, how a lovely day!


  Step 2: Revision:

  1.T:Are you happy today ? Let’s chant: “One, two ,three” .Stand up ,please. Do the action and say follow me .

  Ss:OK.(Do the action and say)


  2 Well done! Look,I have a picture. How many mice ? Let`s count .(数一数说数字,然后用教室里的`人物复习数字. (温故以知新,把图片奖给学生)

  Step 3 :新课呈现:

  1 Watch the video.

  T: Now, let’s watch the video. And then tell me who he is

  2 T: This is DaMing`s daily life . . Can you describe your daily life in English? Of course you can. Now let me help you. At first let’s learn some new phrases.

  I get up at seven o`clock


  T:(拿出一个卡通钟) Tick, tock, tick, tock, it`s seven o`clock. It`s time to get up .(做起床动作): I get up at seven o`clock .

  出示短语get up ,教读(生边读边做起床动作),并把短语贴在挂图上。

  Ss: I get up at seven o`clock .(让男,女分别起立边做起床动作边说I get up I get up I get up)

  2 I go to school at eight o`clock.

  T(拿出卡通钟)Tick, tock, tick, tock, it`s eight o`clock. It`s time to go to school .. (师背起小书包做上学装状) I go to school at eight o`clock.

  T出示短语get up ,教读,Let`s go to school together .(让几个学生上台一起上学,并把短语贴在挂图上。

  3. I have lunch at twelve o`clock .

  T.(师做肚子饿状)I`m hungry now. Oh ,it`s lunch time .I have lunch at twelve o`clock . (做吃的动作)would you have lunch with me ?

  (情景创设:拿出一次性碗,食物小图片, 邀请几个学生have lunch,运用Do you like rice/meat….进行对话。


  I go home at four o`clock .

  T : (对表演have lunch的学生说…)

  Tick, tock, tick, tock, it`s four o`clock. It`s time to go home . Say good-bye to me, go home, please.

  出示短语卡,教读(情景创设:I`m a bus driver,who want to go home by bus ?让几个学生one by one跟在老师后面,边坐车“回家”边说:I go home at four o`clock .)

  5. I watch TV at six o`clock .

  T :(实物教学)课件出示句子,教读 .做看电视的动作。

  7 I go to bed at nine o`clock.

  T(运用卡通钟,做动作):Tick, tock, tick, tock, It`s time to go to bed . I go to bed at nine o`clock.

  出示短语,教读 .(boys/girls /S1/S2…)

  8 (课件再现情景,并出示全部句子)T:Wonderful.! Now look at the vedio and read:I get up at seven o`clock ./ I go to school at eight o`clock./ I have lunch at twelve o`clock ./ I go home at four o`clock ./ I watch TV at six o`clock ./ I go to bed at nine o`clock.

  Step 4 :在游戏中巩固所学的新知识


  T:Let’s play a game. OK? Group1 are “get up” , Group2 are “go to school”…. When I say “get up” Group1站着,.其他组坐下.(先短语后句子,逐步增加难度.此活动主要是练习学生的听力和对六个词组的迅速反应能力。

  2 Listen, point and say :

  T: Seven o`clock. Ss: I get up (say and point)(对反映最快的学生奖励贴贴纸.)

  Step 5 : Task –fulfilling(知识的拓展,语言的输出,综合能力的运用)

  T: There are many animals at the zoo. They can describe their daily life in English .look:

  (师戴上动物头饰:示范 )I am a dog, I`m two years old, I`m short .I have lunch at 12 o`clock……

  Now, you are the animals,describe your daily schedule to your good friends . (然后让几个学生戴动物头饰动物头饰上台演示.)

  Step 6 :师小结.

  同学们,今天我们学习了“I、、、、、、 at 、、、、、、o’clock.”的句型以及词组get up . go to school. have lunch.go home.watch TV . go to bed.还复习了one,至twelve等数字单词,我们都辛苦了,但我们的心情还是很愉快的,为什么呢?





  生:好的,Thank you teacher.bye-bye.


  get up    at  seven o’clock.

  I   go to school at  ```

  have lunch  at  ```

  go home    at  ```


  1、学困生——及时鼓励,特殊对待,激发他积极学习的兴趣或用鼓励性的话语让学生再尝试一次,例如:Take it easy!Think it over,please!从而让学生自然地接受教师的纠正。

  2、自卑者——政策倾斜,给他一个“体验成功”的机会Very good! But you can  do it better next time!

  3、好学者——发挥优势,给他创造一个“领头”的机会Very good! Super!










