我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-02-06 12:03:39 外贸英语 我要投稿




  acid cyanine 酸性菁

  acid delivery hose 输酸软管

  acid densimeter 酸浓度计

  acid direct-arc electric furnace 酸性直接电弧炉

  acid drop 酸粒糖

  acid dye 酸性染料

  acid electrode 酸性焊条

  acid elevator 升酸器

  acid ester 酸酯

  acid etching machine 酸性蚀刻机

  acid extractor 脱酸机

  acid feeder 送酸器

  acid felting 酸毡缩

  acid filter 滤酸器

  acid firebrick 酸性耐火砖

  acid fixer 酸性定影粉

  acid fixing salt 酸性定影盐

  acid flesh 酸性果肉

  acid fluorescence yellow 酸性荧光黄

  acid fog inhibitor 酸雾抑制剂

  acid from recovery plant 再生酸

  acid fuchsine 酸性品红

  acid gloves with turnback cuffs 反转袖口防酸手套

  acid gravimeter 酸比重计

  acid green 酸性绿

  acid ground glass 毛玻璃

  acid hydrogen 酸式氢

  acid hydrometer 酸性液体比重计

  acid ink blue 酸性墨水蓝

  acid iron 酸性铁

  acid lake blue 酸性湖蓝

  acid light dyestuff 酸性耐光染料

  acid light yellow 酸性嫩黄

  acid lined converter 酸性转炉

  acid lixiviant 酸性浸出剂

  acid material 酸性材料

  acid measurer 量酸器

  acid metal 耐酸金属

  acid milling dye 酸性耐缩绒染料

  acid milling 酸缩绒

  acid modified fibre 酸改性纤维

  acid modified oxidized etherified potato starch 酸改性氧化醚代马铃薯淀粉

  acid modified polyester fibre 酸改性聚酯纤维

  acid mordant black 酸性媒介黑

  acid mordant blue 酸性媒介蓝

  acid mordant brown 酸性媒介棕

  acid mordant dark blue 酸性媒介深蓝

  acid mordant grey 酸性媒介灰

  acid mordant navy blue 酸性媒介藏青

  acid mordant orange 酸性媒介橙

  acid mordant red 酸性媒介红

  acid naphthol red 酸性大红

  acid navy blue 酸性藏青

  acid oil 酸性油

  acid open-hearth 酸性平炉

  acid orange 酸性橙

  acid pellet 酸性球团

  acid phosphate 过磷酸钙

  acid pickled magnesium ingot 酸洗镁锭

  acid pig 酸性生铁

  acid printed lustrine 烂花绡

  acid prolealytic enzyme 酸性蛋白酶

  acid proof light boots 耐酸轻便靴

  acid proof paper 耐酸纸

  acid pump of hard porcelain 硬瓷耐酸泵

  acid pump 酸泵

  acid receiver 盛酸器

  acid red 酸性红

  acid refractory brick 酸性耐火砖

  acid refractory 酸性耐火材料









