我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-06-18 10:51:19 职场英语 我要投稿


本文是微软元老级员工Philip Su在2010年离开微软时写下的离职信。信中字字珠玑,回顾了自己在微软工作的12年所感受和领悟到的职场真谛。无论你是职场老手还是职场新人,相信都能从中获得一些启发。
Today was my last day at Microsoft, after 12 years straight out of college. I will start at Facebook next week as a developer in its Seattle office.
今天是我在微软的最后一天。自从大学毕业,过去的 12 年里我一直都在微软工作。下周起,我将以一个程序员的身份在Facebook西雅图的办公室重新开始。
Below is the email I sent to Microsoft colleagues on my last day.  I loved Microsoft, every one of the past twelve awesome years.  Here’s to new adventures!
 Original email below 
Microsoft has been an awesome place to work over the past twelve years.  Today is my last day.
过去的12 年里,我一直很喜欢在微软工作,但是今天是我在微软的最后一天。
I’ve always been somewhat random, so I’d like to end this whole adventure true to form:  quirky, controversial, optimistic, seat-of-the-pants, with rarely a satisfying explanation.
Don’t look for coherence below – you won’t find it.  And if parts of this offend you, it’s probably because you don’t know me well enough – I offend people inadvertently all the time, almost as a rule.
Thanks for everything.
In college, I never thought I’d work for Microsoft.  Then I interned in 1997 and fell in love:  free sodas, individual offices (with doors!), Pentium 66’s – what more could a coder ask?  Years later, my manager from the internship quit suddenly when his hard drive crashed, erasing weeks of code that hadn’t been checked in.  He said it was a sign from God.  I have no idea what he’s doing these days.
上大学时,我从来没有想过在微软工作。但我1997 年的时候在微软实习后,就对它一见钟情:免费的饮料、自己的办公室、奔腾66... 一个程序员还能要求什么?几年后,我实习时的老板突然离职了。他电脑的硬盘当时发生了故障,丢失了几个月的工作。他说这是一个来自上天的征兆。我不知道他现在人在哪里,在做些什么事情。
People often complain after getting a “bad” review that their manager has a distorted and inaccurate view of them.  Don’t you think that, of all the people in the world, the person reviewed would have the most biased view of their own performance?  I sometimes gently suggest this.  People don’t believe me.
Choose carbs.  Eat dessert first.
Use Occam’s Razor in interpersonal relations:  look for the simplest, most straightforward explanation that assumes the best of everybody.  Stay away from people who always have a conspiracy theory involving twisted office politics, unfulfilled Machiavellian ambitions, and unspoken agendas.
Anonymous college course evaluations often ask for the student’s grade in the class. Turns out that there’s a strong correlation between a student’s grade and their assessment of the professor’s abilities.  I don’t listen too carefully when a poor performer tells me how awful their previous manager was.  My ears perk up when a star performer constructively criticizes their management.