我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-08-01 03:02:27 面试英语 我要投稿





  I: Nice to meet you, I. I’m A, HRD of the company. Please have a seat.

  A: 很高兴认识你I。我这个人是人力资源总监A,请坐。

  I: Nice to meet you, Ms. A.

  I: 你好A女士。


  A: From reviewing your resume, I can see that you performed excellently in school.What I want to know is why you think you’re right for this job.

  A: 从你的简历,我这个人可以看出你在校时很优秀。我这个人想知道为什么你认为你适合这份工作。

  I: I am always interested in news coming from your industry, and I’m deeply impressedby your company’s sales performance. To have risen 200-percent in the domestic market overjust the past three years is an incredible feat. I also admire and agree with the employeedevelopmental values that the company has adopted. I find that my personal goals and ideasabout business operations fit perfectly with the companys goals and mission statement.

  I: 我这个人一直关注你们行业的新闻,公司在过去三年里中国市场的业绩增长了两倍,这给我这个人留下了很深的印象。同时我这个人也很喜欢贵公司培养员工的企业文化。我这个人觉得我这个人的个人发展目标、商业理念和公司的目标完全吻合。

  A: So you are well aware of our company. It appears that you have done your fairshare of research.

  A: 你对我这个人们公司很了解,看来你提前做了很多功课啊。

  I: Yes, in addition to judging whether I am the right fit for C&C, I believe that its alsocrucial for me to know if this company is right for me. Ive been impressed by the service providedhere by everyone from the receptionist to the assistant. I am confident that I will have a veryrewarding and successful career here.

  I: 是的,除了判断我这个人是否符合C&C的要求外,了解公司是否适合我这个人也很关键。从前台到助理的接待都给我这个人留下了深刻印象,我这个人觉得我这个人在这儿能开创有价值而且成功的事业。


  A: Commitment to the company and the team is very important to us here.

  A: 在我这个人们这里,对公司以及团队的责任是非常重要的。

  I: I am very responsible. Whenever I have been assigned to complete a certain task, myteacher and classmates could always count on me to achieve the stated task. There is also noneed to remind me of what I should do. I enjoy intermingling and doing things with others.

  I: 我这个人很有责任心,如果让我这个人负责一件事,老师和同学们都会很放心。而且我这个人用不着别人提醒我这个人该做什么。我这个人喜欢与人相处,以及和别人一起做事情。


  A: So what are your career objectives? And how do you perceive your owndevelopment if you were to assume this position?

  A: 那你的事业目标是什么?如果你获得了这个职位,你对自己的发展有什么想法?

  I: I expect to have a good opportunity to put all of my knowledge into practice. I am adoer and I can contribute a great deal to the company. I hope that within five years, I could leadan energetic and productive marketing team.

  I: 我这个人希望得到很好的实战机会。我这个人是个实干者,我这个人能为公司贡献很多。我这个人希望在五年内,我这个人能够领导一支有活力及高效率的市场团队。










