

  1. What are some of the key skills and abilities necessary for someone to succeed in this position?

  1. 如果成功应聘这个岗位,需要具备哪些核心技能或者能力?

  If you ask this early in an interview, it can guide your entire strategy, Cole says. You can tell the interviewer how your strengths match up with what the company is seeking.


  2. If I get the internship, how do I earn top marks on my performance review?

  2. 如果进入实习期,我怎样才能在绩效评估中取得高分呢?

  This marks you as eager to reach for excellence. Everyone wants an ambitious new hire.


  3. Now that you know more about me, how do you think I can best help the company?

  3. 既然你已经对我有一定的了解,你认为我怎样才能最大程度的帮助到公司呢?

  You want to know what the interviewer thinks about the fit, Cole says. The question also potentially reveals what he or she sees you working on in the position.


  4. Is there anything else I can answer for you? I want to be as complete as possible.

  4. 还有其他需要我回答的问题吗?我想尽可能做到完整。

  You ask this to gauge the interest level of the interviewer and to get feedback, Cole explains.


  "They may say, 'There is one thing ...' and then you'll have a chance to respond to it in real time," he says. "As you ask this question, watch their facial expression and body language. That will tell you how they really feel about you."


  Debra DelBelso, director of the career center at Siena College, told Business Insider that if your interviewer is smiling and maintaining eye contact, there's a good chance your interview is going well.

  Debra DelBelso是锡耶纳大学就业中心的主任,他告诉“商业内幕”,如果你的面试官面带微笑并且和你保持眼神交流,那么你的面试极有可能进展顺利。

  However, if the interviewer is crossing his or her arms, leaning away from you, or looking at the door, that might mean they're not impressed, career expert Lynn Taylor told Business Insider.

  然而,如果面试官双臂交叠,靠向椅背,或者看向门的方向,那可能说明他们没有被打动。就业专家Lynn Taylor告诉“商业内幕”。

  5. What can I do or provide for you when I follow up?

  5. 如果进入下一阶段,有什么是我能做或者能提供给你的吗?

  By asking this wrap-up question, you appear thorough, helpful, and willing to make sure nothing is left to chance, Cole says.


  What not to ask


  Cole says it's wise to refrain from asking any questions about benefits, time off, schedule accommodations, or other things that could be perceived as picky during an internship interview. "These 'custom requests' can seem presumptuous and be off-putting to the hiring manager," he says.


  Instead, focus your questions on the company.


  "If you do some research and ask unusual questions that others won't ask, this will mark you as clever, industrious, and willing to go the extra mile to get to know the company," Cole says. "You will be memorable."


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