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时间:2023-12-05 09:16:18 德燊 观后感 我要投稿
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  《千钧一发》中英双语观后感 1

  In Sci fi thriller Gattaca, set in the not too distant future, DNA engineering has made it possible for men and women to be born with a high I.Q. and perfect bodies. Naturally born individuals are stigmatized by society and given only menial jobs. Vincent (Ethan Hawke) is naturally born with poor eyesight and a heart condition. He is genetically defective, yet his yearning to become an astronaut has made him into an innovative subversive.

  A broker arranges for Vincent to swap identities with Jerome (Jude Law), a genetically perfect specimen who was paralyzed in an accident. Using Jerome’s identity and blood samples, Vincent steps into the door of Gattaca Aerospace Corporation, and he eventually rises to become one of the elites in the corporation. However, his dream of going to outer space was put in jeopardy when a murder investigator threatens to reveal his true identity.

  The film does not load you with graphic murders or action sequences. Instead, the story offers you theories on the future of science and morality. It makes us wonder whether science can ever make up for the world’s imperfections. At the same time, it reminds us of what makes us human. In this film, we cheer for the rebel as he tries to fulfill his dream to voyage in outer space. Our dream, the heart’s desire, is one of the things that what makes us human.

  Ethan Hawke brings undeniable charm to his role as Vincent, and in this richly textured show, many minor characters also stand out. The best performance belongs to Jude Law, who steals the show in every scene he’s in, and creates a character filled with the pessimism over having a burden placed on his genetic perfection. The production will dazzle you with its striking beauty. From futuristic office space to the sleekly cold and massive buildings, every set is a treat for the eyes.

  Gattaca是一部有关基因与遗传的科幻电影。在科技非常发达的未来世界里,DNA技术已经可以把胎儿的头脑和身体编译的十全十美。人类已经不能完全按照自己的意愿生活,人的命运已经在出生前就被安排好了,自然生产的婴儿也会受到社会的排斥。因为人可以决定遗传基因,基因则可以决定人的命运,但是科技毕竟不能控制人的思维。Vincent是一个从母亲肚子里自然生产的普通人, 他出生时眼睛和心脏都有严重的缺陷。他自小梦想成为一名宇航员。但是在基因人风行的社会里,他这种存在先天基因缺陷的普通人无法到工作机会的。为了实现他的梦想, Vincent决定违反社会法规,毁灭自己基因,重新制造自身。

  通过一笔交易, Vincent和一个名叫Jerome的人换了身分. Jerome拥有完美的基因, 但因为一次车祸双腿瘫痪. Vincent利用Jerome的身分和血液证明混入了Gattaca航天公司,成为了一名优秀的.员工。然而就在他即将可以实现他的升空梦之际,一踪企谋杀案的调查官却企图揭露他的真实身份。

  整部电影里并没有什么血腥的动作场面, 但它质疑了我们人类未来科学发展的方向与道德标准。 这部影片发人深思,未来的科学技术到底能否使人类变得完美?在我们为Vincent努力实现他的航天梦而加油的同时, 也会领悟到梦想与激情是我们作为人类所必不可少的。

  在影片中Ethan Hawke的表演魅力十足, 其它一些小角色也被演的活灵活现,十分抢眼. 但整部影片中表演最出色的演员还要属Jude Law. 他把Jerome的每一个眼神,每一个动作都表现的十分完美。除表演外,整部电影的视觉效果也是非常精彩的,未来世界中壮观的建筑物让我们大饱眼福。

  《千钧一发》中英双语观后感 2

  I was bored watching a science fiction film last night, but I still felt it was good.

  I dont belong to those who really enjoy watching movies, but I enjoy watching comedy, romance, science fiction, and war movies. Of course, these movies must have a good reputation to be more popular. The most unforgettable comedy films are "The Big Three Stupid Bollywood", "Lost in Thailand" and other series, romantic films are unforgettable "Gone with the Wind", science fiction films are unforgettable "Mars Rescue", and war films are unforgettable "Pearl Harbor". Although I have watched these films, I have never written any reviews for them, so from now on, I want to record all the feelings that I want to go and are worth recording here.

  I have never imagined what future people would look like. I have only written similar essays to perfunctory teachers in my past essay classes, and in high school, I saw many new students who were not as tall as us and predicted that future people would become shorter and shorter, like frogs. Now, I feel that this is a strange idea that belongs to that age.

  The background of this film is in line with the trend of the times. Darwins theory of evolution, survival of the fittest, and natural production have defects. Children born without genetic screening are not allowed to enter the upper echelons of society and become social elites. After becoming fertilized eggs, those who undergo careful screening are all high-quality humans and will no longer have defects. The male protagonist of the story is the so-called defective person. In the film, he does not believe in fate, I dont believe in scientific laws, I only believe in myself. After going through twists and turns, I realized my dream of taking off and won love.

  Many shots in the film can portray the male protagonists lack of faith in fate, such as leaving home to pursue his dreams, transforming himself through technology, dealing with immense physical training in the face of takeoff, and doctors predicting through technology that he will die at the age of thirty and still live well. But what left a deep impression was that when his younger brother recognized his transformed brother, the two of them went swimming in a competition. From childhood to adulthood, his physically strong brother swam farther than his brother, but this time he swam even farther than his brother, and even saved his brother who fell into the water. My younger brother asked the male protagonist how he did it, and the male protagonist said, "This is my method. Dont give up even if you risk your life.". In fact, many people often give up when they encounter a little difficulty, such as me. I have given up many things and wasted a lot of things, but part of the reason is that we still have a way out. The male protagonist has no way out, and he wants to achieve his dream of taking off. He is claimed to only live until the age of thirty, and we still have parents behind us. Parents will tell us not to be too tired and to relax, But it is precisely because of these words that we also comfort ourselves, dont be so tired, let ourselves live happily, why be so sad. This is the idea that we will give up step by step and achieve the ultimate, gradually becoming mediocre.

  I have been gaining a realization these past few days that excellent people receive the most resources and information. Only by becoming an excellent person can others know, know, and appreciate you. In four years of university, excellent and mediocre students are different. Excellent people know teachers and receive many rewards, while mediocre people can only stay in their own world and have no way to face difficulties, such as.









  《千钧一发》中英双语观后感 3

  This is the line that came to my mind after watching the movie "A Close Call": You have the right to decide, what is impossible.

  Defects are not limiting reasons for dreams and achievements. Mr. Bean, who stutters, can make a name for himself in comedy; Roosevelt, who had buckteeth and polio, was able to run for four consecutive terms as president; Jack Ma, who looks like an alien, can become a popular male god And the protagonist of this movie is also, in a society with strict genetic hierarchy, he did not accept reality, give up his dreams, and always carry his own space dream like the vast majority of genetically deficient "flawed people". In the end, he realized his dream.

  Confidence is a common trait among successful individuals, and for those with flaws, the first thing to overcome is lack of confidence. The protagonist of the movie is born naturally and has a genetic defect. Through genetic analysis, it is estimated that his lifespan is only 30 years old, with a 99% chance of developing heart disease. Moreover, his younger brother, who is two years younger than him, grows slower and loses to him every time he swims. Even his own father didnt believe he had any chance of success, he just suggested that he go sweep the floor. But he defeated his brother in the last swim, giving him confidence: that moment made me believe that other things could also be possible.

  The ultimate strong determination and unremitting efforts enable the protagonist of the movie to overcome numerous difficulties to achieve his dreams, gain recognition from others, and gain loyal love. I was very touched when I saw Wensheng quietly sitting in his office while sweeping the floor, persistently exercising outside of work, and memorizing various books related to aerospace. Because of ones own flaws, one must put in more effort than others in order to have the opportunity to stand out. When he receives various help from others, it is through his own efforts that he can do better than others, making everyone willing to help him.

  Genes determine where you start, while hard work determines where you end up. A science fiction movie with flaws and high ratings, and also an excellent inspirational movie. The initial perfection does not necessarily mean perfection, being too perfect can actually bear a heavy burden of "must be perfect". However, imperfect genes endow the future with more imagination and possibilities. As long as there is a goal and one strives and perseveres for it, everything is possible.

  Just like the statue of Vilas, no one knows what his most beautiful arms look like.







  《千钧一发》中英双语观后感 4

  Ten years ago, when I saw this movie, I would feel like it was pure chicken soup. With hard work, everything can be achieved, and all obstacles and difficulties seem to disappear. However, reality simply cannot be like this. After experiencing the cruel baptism of society, I realized that the success of others is not illusory, and the characters in movies are not dramatized. The only reason why others have achieved something and you havent is that you havent forced yourself to do it yet.

  The deficiency of Vincents genes is just a representation, and behind it may be a lack of ones own resources, or past ties. These should not have been obstacles to a persons development, but they happen all the time. Just like in the college entrance examination, the difficulty for non local students to come to excellent universities in Beijing is like how ordinary universities find it difficult to enter prestigious companies, and how unrelated individuals seem to never be able to secure their ideal iron rice bowl. In reality, in any of these tasks and performances, so-called standards are useless. Vincent himself does not possess the so-called benign genes in the screening mechanism, and he remains the most outstanding candidate, with no one questioning his good performance. Ironically speaking, this is the best proof of the value of those standards. The person with extremely high standards who exchanged identities with Vincent lived a parasitic life, until in the end, he was touched by Vincents pursuit of an ideal life.

  A close call, it is a very good movie title translation with a pun on it. On the one hand, it is consistent with the story of Vincents struggles for his ideals, including being suspected of murder, falling in love with a colleague, almost having his plans cancelled, and his biological brother threatening to expose his identity, all of which happened before he succeeded at the last moment. On the other hand, hair, as a key symbol of genetic standards, almost exposed the male leads identity several times, and was also a commemorative item left to Vincent by the male lead who changed his identity with Vincent.

  When you want to do something, the whole world will make way for you. This sentence is not an exaggeration. If you havent walked that path yet, its because you didnt think enough. The mechanisms of society do not show any mercy to those who lack resources. Thinking about every detail Vincent has done to cover up his identity, one will know that he is not yet qualified to speak of this world.





  《千钧一发》中英双语观后感 5

  The best science fiction film that tells the story of inspirational dreams, with a high-tech exterior and a rich humanistic temperament.

  At the beginning of the film, the technique of reverse narration and monologue was used to capture the audiences curiosity while also telling the storys causes and consequences. The directors film technique can be said to be very skilled.

  The middle narrative revolves around the main theme of investigating the culprit, and the plot is cleverly designed with twists and turns. Many events occur in a dangerous and dangerous manner, but in the end, they can all be turned into safety. This is to fully grasp the psychology of the audience, in order to prevent viewers from feeling tired in a straightforward narrative. I would like to say that the director and screenwriters ideas are surprisingly rational, admirable, admirable.

  But the most sublimating aspect of the film is still at the end. The exposure of identity concealment, or the fact that ones own brothers come to cause trouble, and the protagonist swims with them in a water competition, proves that natural selection can also overcome artificial innate selection through hard work. At night, the male and female leads let go of their past grievances and embraced each other to sleep.

  The next day, the launch plan continued as usual, and the male lead was afraid that he had feelings for the female lead, so he wasnt very excited. There are two details in the film that further strengthen the male leads dream chasing journey, which can be said to be a stroke of genius. 1、 The identity swapper gifted the protagonist with resources to falsify their identity in the future and used death as an excuse to travel around the world; 2、 During the physical examination on the computer, the test failed due to intentional or negligent reasons. The examining doctor reminded him without any trace (your deeds are also inspiring my son) and changed the data to pass.

  Finally, as the rocket ascended to the sky, "perfect" faces were illuminated one by one by light, and finally frozen onto the male leads face. As the camera switches to the vast starry sky and a monologue begins, I may have come from the stars, but now I have to leave this world that originally did not belong to me. Perhaps I have just begun my journey back home. The film ends.

  Epilogue: Is it really an inevitable contradiction between natural and innate random selection and intentional selection after human technological development? I think if thats really inevitable, then people need to spend more time thinking about their own philosophy to solve the problem of their inner strength gradually becoming weak and firm due to the convenience of technology.








  《千钧一发》中英双语观后感 6

  In the future world of movies, parents can "customize" their children through genetic editing. These children are naturally gifted, and each persons genetic excellence determines their position in this society. And our male protagonist Vincent is one of the few humans born naturally in this world, but unfortunately, he was declared to have a certain genetic defect upon birth, and he is highly likely to suffer from heart disease and is predicted to die around the age of 30.

  So in such a world of geneticism, the male leads life is hindered everywhere. He was rejected from kindergarten due to a genetic defect, and when he grew up looking for a job, he could only do low-level jobs such as cleaning the toilet. Whats even more tragic is that his parents gave birth to a "perfect" younger brother through genetic editing;

  The two brothers often have a competition to see who can swim further in the sea, and without a doubt, the younger brother wins every time. Faced with the arrogance of his "excellent" younger brother, Vincents heart was extremely suppressed. But Vincent did not succumb to this world full of discrimination. Although he was not an artificial genius, he worked harder than anyone else, and finally one day he won over his invincible younger brother. This inspired Vincent and gave him more hope for his dream of becoming an astronaut. However, when he came to the space center for an interview, he was once again rejected by "accurate" genetic data, Even so, Vincent still chose to stay and work here, even if it was to clean up, because there was his own dream here.

  Faced with dreams that are close yet unattainable, Vincent is increasingly disappointed with the unfairness of life. At this moment, he met Jerome, who had excellent genes but was paralyzed due to a car accident. The disabled Jerome had to sell his genes in order to survive. He provided Vincent with blood and urine samples, using his excellent genetic samples to replace Vincents defective genes, and thus a bold adventure began. With the help of these excellent genes, Vincent went all the way to the pinnacle of his life. Not only did he successfully enter the internal work of the space center, but he also found a beautiful girlfriend. His space program was also approved, and his dream of becoming an astronaut was about to be realized.

  But just as Vincents space program was about to begin, a murder case occurred at the space center. The police quickly intervened and prepared to conduct a thorough genetic examination of the space company. The leader of the team was Vincents police brother, who quickly discovered Vincents fake identity and everything was about to be destroyed. However, the brother did not choose to uncover his fake identity because he knew that the culprit could not be Vincent, Moreover, due to his brothers efforts, he couldnt bear to poke through all of this. It wasnt just his brother who was moved. Jerome understood the meaning of life from Vincent, so he left enough genetic samples for Vincent and chose to commit suicide, ensuring his absolute safety. In the end of the movie, Vincent opened the letter left by Jerome in the spacecraft alone, silently crying, Vincent no longer needs to pretend and suppress himself in this narrow space, there is no discrimination here!

  The visuals and plot of this movie, like any other, exude a gray and gloomy tone, which contrasts with.









  《千钧一发》中英双语观后感 7

  Truly beautiful things are never afraid of the magic of time, and "The Last Chance" is such a movie.

  Another year is coming to an end, and I have nothing material to commemorate it. I can only find joy in my spiritual world in the light and shadow.

  I have always had a fondness for science fiction movies, because science fiction, like history, is the best metaphor for the real world. The bizarre and bizarre world of today can confuse you. Only by stepping out can you see the truth of things, and living the truth without delirium is not the life that a rational person dreams of the most?

  It has been a full 20 years since the critical moment of filming, and I have not seen any signs of aging, just like when we read Plato and Aristotle today, we not only do not feel the traces of time, but also are surprised by our ignorance.

  Jude Laws flourishing beauty no longer needs my pen to elaborate on. Umasermans cold and graceful smile is simply a gift from Scandinavian ancestry. On the night when Vincents invisible cornea fell off, Umaserman wore a cloak and waited anxiously on the other side of the road. The beauty that comes from daily life, mixed with anxiety and vulgarity, is my favorite aesthetic style. From the perspective of acting alone, being naive is not fair, But the word fairness is tightly intertwined with the proposition of the movie itself.

  When watching movies, my mind kept thinking about what kind of social form we would be if humanity entered a completely fair era. Its inhumane to say that we might lose all our vitality.

  A large part of human progress is driven by resistance, against insatiable desires, against unequal rules, against the shackles imposed on us, and everything we resist, except for the hope of obtaining our life that originally belonged to us. Perhaps what we strive for is the initial appearance of fate. All of this makes me somewhat believe that humans are a group of lambs exiled in the Garden of Eden, abandoned gods.

  The interpretation of the whole critical moment can be very diverse. You can say that dreams are in the midst of stars, you can say that the body and soul are more important, and you can also combine them with todays rapidly developing genetic technology to interpret a different flavor. Of course, you can also see it as a movie full of emotions. However, I prefer to look at it from the perspective of chasing dreams and having a childlike heart. Good movies have universality, Its about removing the decorations of the times, the outer coat of technology, and the core of the story remains steadfast, achieving a critical moment.

  Those sand yellow buildings always occur in afternoon and night scenes, those seemingly noble but extremely like concerts and restaurants in the gathering place of the Third Empire, minimalist style interior decoration, glazed green vintage cars, and unchanged yet restrained sexy professional attire, all emitting restrained romance and a hint of cold warmth. This seemingly contradictory beauty confuses me and deeply attracts me.

  The movie revolves around defects, resistance, and goodwill.

  Vincent is a product of love, a natural creation. Unfortunately, he was defined as a failure from the beginning, and the door to upward fate had long closed for him, reflecting back to this day.




















  《千钧一发》中英双语观后感 8

  Im so ashamed that I havent heard of such a good movie before. And it was also written by Andrew Niccol, a screenwriter and director whom I really like. His screenplays "Trumans World" and "The End of Happiness" can be said to be his favorite works when he first started working on foreign movies.

  Unexpectedly, "A Close Call" is a Virgo film written and directed by Andrew Niccol. Although the overall temperament of the movie appears relatively cold (possibly due to technology), it is not considered my favorite movie style. And the camera switching frequency is low (compared to the fast cuts in Hollywood that blind you), which can actually make people feel dull.

  But the script is really impressive. Without intense visual stimulation, my strong curiosity has been pulling me down to explore the fate of the protagonist.

  Can the protagonist ultimately successfully overcome all obstacles and achieve his dream of reaching heaven? What are the ultimate identities of the female lead and Jude Law?

  I personally love the final testing scene in the ending of the film. It is a lie that cannot be hidden from everyones eyes, but if it is a kind, harmless, and even a bit great lie, why expose it? The laboratory technician knew his identity from beginning to end, and it was he who indirectly helped Vincent achieve his dreams.

  In the end, seeing the protagonist step by step, never succumbing to fate and successfully realizing his dreams, his hidden identity day after day, his worries and anxieties have become a heartbreaking and memorable past.

  The characters portrayed by Jude Law have a touch of tragedy, which is quite heartbreaking.

  这么好的电影居然之前没听说过,太惭愧了。而且还是出自我非常喜欢的编剧、导演Andrew Niccol之手。他编剧的《楚门的世界》、《幸福终点站》可以说是当年刚接触国外电影时最喜欢的作品了。

  没想到《千钧一发》是Andrew Niccol自编自导的处女座。虽然整个电影的气质显得比较冷(可能因为和科技有关),不算是我钟爱的电影风格。并且镜头切换频率低(和现在好莱坞“闪瞎你双眼”的快切相比),其实很容易让人觉得沉闷。






  《千钧一发》中英双语观后感 9

  In my heart, "A Close Call" is undoubtedly an extremely excellent movie like "The Snow Country Train". A movie has multiple faces, it has both depth of thought and the support of celebrity actors; We need to cater to the audiences interests and love scenes, while also highlighting science fiction themes in our promotion. However, in my opinion, its most dazzling aspect lies in portraying the impact of genetic technology on politics and social patterns so reasonably.

  In fact, with the development of the Internet, the collection of human information has become increasingly accurate. For example, what is the rating of this person in our backend and what is the likelihood that they will buy our products? Assess what his purchasing power may be? Should we push him advertisements for BMW or second-hand cars?

  People who appear to be "equal" now become extremely unequal. But we all know that it will definitely become like this. It is obvious that this is more efficient. Higher efficiency will eliminate lower efficiency. The advertisements you receive on WeChat may be different.

  When this practice spreads to genes one day, it becomes very scary. Just like womens participation in labor sparked the rise of the feminist movement; The mobilization of black people during the Civil War triggered the liberation movement of black slaves; A large number of civilians participated in World War I, greatly improving the status of post-war civilians. When genes can be freely modified, it will profoundly change the political landscape of the people on Earth.

  In ancient times, priests and other religious classes who held the power to offer sacrifices, treat diseases, and explain various natural phenomena such as birth, aging, illness, and death were politically significant forces. So in the post genetic revolution era, top engineers related to genetic engineering will also be heavily politicized.

  Due to the significant advantages in physical and intellectual abilities of individuals with selected genes, those who possess more resources will prioritize genetic engineering. And the excellence of future generations amplifies their advantages. So, the Matthew effect of society will be quite significant. Their disadvantage may be that they dont have enough genetic mutations to make mistakes. After all, the cost of trial and error is very high. They may choose individuals with good trial and error results from the public and incorporate them into their gene pool - they may incorporate that individual into the elite class, but more likely, you are a naturally conceived commoner with various minor flaws in your genes but an advantage that no one else has, so they steal a strand of your hair. A single strand of hair is enough. You dont need to be recruited into the elite class to promote class mobility. Class mobility is no longer necessary. The strong are always strong.

  The importance of bonus points in traditional politics such as population size will be significantly reduced.

  The standard for future counterattacks is to be able to pay for genetic engineering costs, give birth to a genetically perfect offspring, and raise them up. In this way, the next generation will be much stronger than your generation.

  In movies, the beautiful stories of defective people are likely not to happen. More likely, he couldnt get in at all. Its difficult to do well even if you sneak in. But as a movie, it would definitely be written like this, very good.

  The relationship between the other two characters is also very interesting: the younger brother of the genetically engineered person vs. the older brother of the defective person; Defective person vs. front swimming.

  In the end, he committed suicide. This is a sad stock market. He killed the girlfriend of the defective person. He must have been very happy at that moment.

  Another interesting point is that the launch window period seems to be only a few dozen days in sixty or seventy years. So the leader needs to do everything in their power to ensure a smooth launch. Sixty or seventy years is an interesting length of time, which means that some people who train for a lifetime are destined not to ascend to heaven. So, how can we ensure continuous talent recruitment? The people who can fly in the next window period may be their junior brothers and students. How to ensure their enthusiasm?













  《千钧一发》中英双语观后感 10

  If at the time of your birth, a doctor could tell your parents by testing a drop of blood on your body, what is the probability of getting each disease in your life, what disease will you get and die at approximately what age, and how will you face your life?

  Unfortunately, Vincent, the protagonist of Gattaca, is such a person. In the future world, genetic technology has become very advanced. Doctors can use genetic technology to remove all bad genes from human fertilized eggs, while only retaining the most perfect genes from the parents. Deciding the gender of a baby is no longer a difficult task, and if you are willing, you can even determine the color of the babys hair and eyes. And those infants who have not been genetically eliminated are referred to as defective individuals. Vincent is a person with a genetic defect. Doctors told his parents when he was born that his lifespan was only about 30 years old. Unfortunately, Vincents parents were very eager for an excellent son, so they used genetic selection to give birth to a younger brother for him. So Vincent lived under the shadow of his brother with perfect genes. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot surpass his younger brother. He enjoys swimming with his younger brother the most: swimming towards the depths of the sea to see who cant hold on and swim back first. Of course, Vincent always fails.

  Although Vincent has unique genetic defects, he also has his own dream, which is to become an astronaut. He keeps working hard to study and exercise for this. But his family kept pouring cold water on him, because only those who had undergone genetic selection could become astronauts. But Vincent never gave up on pursuing his dreams and continued to strive towards his own. One day, he finally won a swimming competition with his younger brother and saved his exhausted brothers life. Vincent felt that the time had come, so he ran away from home to pursue his dreams.

  But reality is always cruel. Although the law explicitly stipulates that individuals with genetic defects have the same rights as those without, individuals with genetic defects like Vincent still face discrimination everywhere. Although his grades are excellent in all aspects, many of his interviews have only lasted for a short minute - that is, pressing his finger on a genetic testing instrument and using a machine to draw a drop of blood. Once genetic testing is conducted, those good jobs will forever close the door to Vincent. There is no other way, Vincent can only work as a cleaner, a job prepared for people who do not need perfect genes. In order to get closer to his dream, he came to the space center to work as a cleaner. He can watch through the glass as soon to be astronauts enter the building while cleaning every day, and then go to their workplace to do cleaning work after they finish work. He sometimes secretly sits in front of someone elses computer and imagines becoming a part of this place, but he never belongs there. At most, he just secretly sits there and fantasizes. But in this situation, he still did not bow down to fate. Once, one of his colleagues told him that the glass had already been wiped very clean, why was he still keeping going.










  人因梦想而伟大!你的出身并不能决定你的人生!也许你的梦想在别人看来不切实际,可是命运永远掌握在自己的手中。只要你努力,只要你朝着自己的梦想不停的前进,总有一天你的梦想会变成现实。请我们记住片子中那句经典的台词吧:“No matter what kind of flaw you have, you still have yourself and the hope。”(不管你有什么缺陷,你至少还拥有你自己和自己的梦想。)

  《千钧一发》中英双语观后感 11

  What is equality in this world.

  It is better for rich, poor, advanced, and garbage people to be determined directly through genetics. The film is so straightforward that you feel shocked and hopeless. From birth, everything in your future life is determined. Why do you live, your profession, your life, whether you should spend your whole life picking up garbage or making spaceships. At first glance, this kind of life is despairing. We marvel at such an unfair society. But what is fairness?

  People are born differently, whether in movies or in reality. Movies are separated by visible genes, while reality is separated by implicit levels. People born into different levels of families receive different education and encounter different things, and each person enjoys different resources, resulting in varying advantages in social competition. The advantage of unequal resources does not exist from the perspective depicted in the film. As long as the genes are good, anyones child can directly overcome other limitations and reach heights that may not be achievable through hard work in reality. The restrictions imposed by parental and family hierarchy no longer exist, and only genes determine the limitations. From certain perspectives, the system in the film is not very poor, only replacing the dominant core content. There is no true equality in the world. You can say that in reality, the results obtained through hard work are more fair, but how much effort falls under the weight of power and money. The various types of transaction darkness that emerge in life are the plundering of social advantageous resources.

  However, life always requires hope, and the cruelest aspect of the film is not the inequality displayed everywhere, but the hope that is deprived from birth. No one can deprive a person of hope and ideals, which is the most despairing and unforgivable. The wise say, "Without ideals, there is no difference between humans and animals." Efforts can fail, but there is no right or wrong. Judging right or wrong should not be done by the government or institutions. Right or wrong is in my heart, in my heart.














