

  性格测试实在是刷人利器,从网上的帖子和身边认识的很多朋友发现,通过率大概是1/4, 下面给出一个朋友做失败的答案,他用马甲做了好多次,觉得这一次一定过结果还是失败了,但是他记录下来答案了:

  As a part of a restructure

  1. You meet with

  2. After meeting, listening

  3. You call the client

  4. You prepare as much

  5. Be open and see

  Some recent changes

  1. Excited

  2. Intrigued

  3. Concerned

  4. Motivated

  5. Apprehensive

  You have been told

  1. Notify your

  2. Make efforts to

  3. Investigate the impact

  4. Be open with

  5. Be honest and admit

  Your team has recently

  1. You feel

  2. You immediately offer

  3. You sympathise

  4. You think this

  5. You would love to

  Your manager has just

  1. You have a peer

  2. Consciously

  3. Meet with

  4. Accept your differences

  5. Speak to

  You are due to go

  1. You explain that

  2. Try and answer

  3. During the break

  4. Inform the client

  5. You go online

  Your manager has asked

  1. Meet with

  2. Speak to

  3. Approach the meeting

  4. Extensively prepare

  5. Prepare lots of

  You are rotating into

  1. You seek to understand

  2. You love analysing

  3. You should

  4. It is likely

  5. You are slightly

  You have recently finished

  1. You contact the leader

  2. You send a group

  3. You know the senior

  4. Now the deal is complete

  5. You really enjoyed

  You are a few months into

  1. You persevere

  2. You speak to

  3. You are not too concerned

  4. You are used to challenges

  5. It is important to do

  You have just finished

  1. You think the best

  2. You are not daunted

  3. You want to learn from

  4. Given your experience

  5. You feel quite nervous

  You have just relocated

  1. You thank your Manager and ask

  2. You immediately

  3. If you are

  4. You than your Manager , but explain

  5. You think this sound great

  It is 3pm

  1. You think the best

  2. You decide you can

  3. You send one

  4. You decide you

  5. You think the most

  Your team have been working

  1. You are concerned

  2. You want to show

  3. You speak to your

  4. Although not ideal

  5. You focus on

  One of your most promising clients

  1. As it is a

  2. You love

  3. You ask your

  4. Given the in

  5. You analyse

  You have been asked by

  1. You immediately

  2. Explain that you

  3. You want to accept

  4. Ask your current Manager

  5. Explain honestly that

  You have been working on a client deal

  1. You are determined to

  2. This is a setback

  3. This is a frustrating

  4. You are naturally

  5. You feel quite

  You have recently joined a new team as part of

  1. You offer to

  2. You can see

  3. You appreciate your

  4. You are focused on

  5. You know how


  Remember... People learn in different ways. Don’t be surprised if you need to adapt your style when working with others who may pick up information differently.

  Remember... Don’t hold back telling others about your aims and ambitions. Capture personal goals you achieve on your CV and LinkedIn profile. Be ready to showcase your hard work.

  Remember... Summarising and exploring things that you find complicated will help you to fine tune your analytical skills.

  Remember... At the start of your career, a broad network of meaningful contacts is extremely valuable. Work hard to maximise your network and put extra effort into maintaining connections over time. You never know when you might be able to help your connections or they might help you.

  Remember... Part of earning the trust of others is about trusting yourself in the first instance. Use your instincts and judgement to know when to give advice and when to ask for it.

  Remember... Focussing on your performance will increase your self confidence and likelihood of achieving what you want.

  Remember... Not everyone thrives in a team. How can you support people who prefer working alone? Think about how you motivate yourself when you have to complete work on your own.

  Remember... Some people find it hard to adapt their style so you may find you are always the one doing the adjusting. It is important to be authentic and consistent when interacting with people professionally and socially.

  Remember... Great service means repeat business. Working hard to exceed the expectations of others will create future opportunities.

  Remember... People learn in different ways. Don’t be surprised if you need to adapt your style when working with others who may pick up information differently.

  Remember... Setbacks happen to everyone. It is important to understand why a setback has happened and explore how you can learn and move forward from it.


  Num测试有新题啊,我一路顺风做到最后突然发现新题来了,手忙脚乱去找纸笔有没有。我遇到的样题叫:Employee performance ratings. 大家对这去找以前的试题吧。 Logic貌似很简单的样子,但最后几组会偶尔突然加难度,做好心理准备,会来不及做的。

  最后到了录像面(video interview)的环节了,回放一下前几个帖子的总结,向他们致敬。

  “关于setback的,3.什么样性格致使成功,4. mistake and learn, 5.入职会和谁build relationship,how。6. analysis complex data。 7. when is you last time to adapt your style of communication to senior position

  a big mistake you made and what you learn from it.

  have you ever had recovered from some setback

  the first month you entering sc, who would you build relationship with and how

  personal characteristic

  how to do a complex data analysis


  以上是别人的, 我的总结是:

  1. 别人有重大事情求意见你怎么应对

  2. a big mistake you made and what you learn from it

  3. Under super pressure, how can you deal with clients well?

  4. Manger ask to analysis complex data

  5. Suppose you are the first day of you graduate program, how to build relationship with your new guys...

  6. 你的什么样性格致使成功

  7. Motivation for collaboration

  8. The last time you adapted your changed your style of communication with senior ppl/management

  9. 应对setback的经历


上一篇:2015中国进出口银行校园招聘笔试经验分享 下一篇:2015年校园招聘工商银行笔试经验分享

