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时间:2021-06-17 10:19:19 考试英语 我要投稿






  杭州最著名的景点是西湖(the West Lake)。西湖是人造湖泊,是根据中国人喜爱的休闲式的花园风格公园而建造的。十个世纪以来,西湖一直被中国的文人墨客(men of letters)视为精神家园。宋代诗人苏轼把西湖比作中国古代最美丽的女人西子。中国古代人民将西湖周围的区域誉为神奇美丽的土地。在现代,西湖被视为杭州的骄傲,被人们当作躲开城市喧嚣(the hustle and bustle)的好地方。


  The most famous attraction in Hangzhou is the West Lake. West Lake is man-made and created after Chinese people's love for recreational garden style parks.For ten centuries, it has always been regarded as the spiritual home by Chinese men of letters.Su Shi,a poet in the Song Dynasty,compared West Lake to Xi Zi,the most beautiful woman in ancient China.Ancient Chinese people praised the area around West Lake as a miraculous and beautiful land.In modern times,West Lake is taken as the pride of Hangzhou, and a perfect spot to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.



  2.十个世纪以来,西湖一直被中国的文人墨客视为精神家园:“文人墨客”是个极具中国特色的词汇,翻译为men ofletters。

  3.中国古代人民将西湖周围的区域誉为神奇美丽的土地:"神奇美丽的土地”可用miraculous and bcautiful land表示。其中miraculous意为“神奇的”。



  丽江古城有800多年的历史,曾经是茶马古道(the old tea horse road)上的一个贸易集结点(confluence)。丽江因其有序的水道和桥梁系统而闻名。丽江古城在建筑、历史及其原住民纳西族(the Naxi people)的文化传统方面不同于中国其他古城。古城沿山脉和河流而建,为我们提供了一个研究古代建筑的非常珍贵的样本。独特的地理位置、历史背景以及多民族的居民,都使丽江成为最特别的古城之一。


  The old town of Lijiang has a history of more than 800 years and was once a confluence for trade along the old tea horse road.It is famous for its orderly system of waterways and bridges.The old town of Lijiang differs from other ancient Chinese cities in architecture, history and the culture tradition of its local residents-the Naxi people.The town is built along mountains and rivers, providing us a very precious sample of the research on the old-time architecture. The unique geographical location, historical background and multiracial inhabitants make it one of the most special old towns.


  1.丽江因其有序的水道和桥梁系统而闻名:“因...而闻名”可用be famous for...表示。

  2.丽江古城在建筑、历史及其原住民纳西族的文化传统方面不同于中国其他古城:“原住民纳西族”可译为local residents-the Naxi people。

  3.古城沿山脉和河流而建,为我们提供了一个研究古代建筑的非常珍贵的样本:“沿山脉和河流”可译为along mountains and rivers。



  苏州是中国著名的`"园林城市(city of gardens)",在园林数量和艺术性上都远胜于其他城市。苏州的因林艺术有1500年的历史。14世纪到20世纪之间的明淸时期是其园林建筑的货金时期。这座城市里曾经有超过200家私人园林。它们中的一些今天仍然保存良好。这些园林的独特魅力使它们在1997年被列人世界文化遗产名录(the list of World Cultural Heritage)。


  Suzhou is China s well-known city of gardens,which tops all other cities in both the number and the artistry of gardens. Suzhou's art of gardening has undergone a history of 1,500 years. The Ming and Qing Dynasties between the 14th and 20th century were its prime periods of garden building. At one time there were more than 200 private gardens in the city. A lot of them are still preserved in good condition today. The unique charm of these gardens has led to their entry into the list of World Cultural Heritage in 1997.


  1.14世纪到20世纪之间的明清时期是其因林建筑的黄金时期:“明清时期”可译为the Ming and Qing Dynasties。

  2.它们中的一些今天仍然保存良好:“保存良好”可译为be preserved in good condition。



  据说如果地球上真有人间仙境,九寨沟(Jiuzhaigou Valley)—定是其中之一。它有梦境般的风景:蓝色的湖泊、瀑布、翠绿的森林、白雪皑皑的山脉,还有藏族和羌族人民(theTibetan and Qiang peoples)的民间习俗。九寨沟不仅仅有壮观的景色,还是九个藏族村寨的居住地,还有超过220种鸟类以及许多濒临灭绝的动植物物种。它在1992年被联合国教科文组织宣布为世界文化遗产。九寨沟一年四季的美景使它成为中国最著名的景点之一。


  It is said that if there should be wonderlands on theearth, Jiuzhaigou Valley must be one of them. It hasdreamlike scenery, which combines bluelakes,waterfalls, verdant forests, snow-coveredmountains, and the folk customs of the Tibetan andQiang peoples. More than just spectacular scenery, Jiuzhaigou Valley is home to nine Tibetanvillages, over 220 bird species as well as a number of endangered plant and animal species.Jiuzhaigou Valley was declared a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site in 1992. It providesspectacular scenery throughout four seasons of the year, making it one of China's most well-known scenic sites.


  1.据说如果地球上真有人间仙境,九寨沟一定是其中之一:该句前半句的“如果…”可判断出它表示与现在的事实相反,所以要用现在时的虚拟语气,即should+do的形式。其中“人间仙境”可译为wonderlands on the earth。

  2.九寨沟不仅仅有壮观的景色,还是九个藏族村寨的居住地,还有超过220种鸟类以及许多濒临灭绝的动植物物种:其中“不仅仅有”可译为more than,是“超过,多于”的意思。“…的居住地”可以理解为“是…的故乡”,故可用be home to…表示,这是英语中常见的表达方式,如:China is home to the panda.(中国是熊猫的故乡。)

  3.九寨沟一年四季的美景使它成为中国最著名的景点之一:“一年四季的美景”可以翻译为所有格的形式,但译为it provides spectacular scenery throughout four seasons of the year,会使译文增色不少。后半句部分因前半句出现了谓语动词provide,所以可用making it…来引导后半句,作句子的伴随状语。



  坐落于北京南部的天坛(the Temple of Heaven)是中国现存最大的古代祭祀建筑(sacrificial building)群。它占地约273公顷,面积是紫禁城的三倍。天坛建于1420年,为皇帝祭天所用。它被认为是北京皇家寺庙中最神圣的建筑物。人们形容它是“建筑和景观设计相结合的杰作'尽管在封建时代平民不允许进人这个巨大的公园,但现在只需很少的钱每个人都可以在这里玩一整天。


  The Temple of Heaven in the southern part of Beijingis China's largest existing architectural complex ofancient sacrificial buildings.Occupying an area ofabout 273 hectares,it is three times the area of theForbidden City.It was built in 1420 for emperors toworship the Heaven.The Temple of Heaven is considered the most holy of Beijing's imperialtemples.It has been described as“a masterpiece of combining architecture and landscapedesign”.Although in feudal times common people were not allowed to enter this enormouspark,now by paying only a small fee everyone can enjoy it all day long.

  1.它占地约273公顷,面积是紫禁城的三倍:其中“占地”可译为occupy an area of,occupy意为“占据,占领”,还可意为“使忙于,使从事”。“面积是…的三倍”可用it is three times the area of…表示,该句型为英语中表达倍数的常用句型,也可用it is three times as large as...。

  2.人们形容它是“建筑和景观设计相结合的杰作”:“形容”可译为describe,意为“形容,描述,把某事说成”。“景观设计”可译为land scape design。

  3.尽管在封建时代平民不允许进入这个巨大的公园,但现在只需很少的钱每个人都可以在这里玩一整天:该句可以翻译为although引导的让步状语从句。其中“平民”可译为common people。“允许”可译为allow,常用的结构为allow sb.to do sth.(允许某人做某事)。“玩一整天”可enjoy it all day long来表达。









