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老将阿加西坦言疲倦 暗示不久将结束职业生

时间:2022-12-30 01:43:43 精品文摘 我要投稿
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老将阿加西坦言疲倦 暗示不久将结束职业生

Agassi Hinting That the End is Nigh

摘要:It may just have been the sting of losing badly in front of a home crowd but Andre Agassi sounded like a man at the end of his tether, as though he is finally losing patience and the battle to prolong his career into his late 30s. 美国网坛老将阿加西在日前的一场比赛中不敌对手,赛后他坦言,自己对比赛已经感到有些疲倦;并暗示说,或许不久后他就会选择挂拍。

It may just have been the sting of losing badly in front of a home crowd but Andre Agassi sounded like a man at the end of his tether, as though he is finally losing patience and the battle to prolong his career into his late 30s.

Agassi will be 36 next month and though he has never been one to take defeat well, his reaction to being beaten 7-5, 6-2 by Tommy Haas in the third round of the Pacific Life Open suggested he will struggle to make it as far as Wimbledon, let alone to the end of the season. 【您现在阅读的文章来自“中国人才指南网”,请记住我们的永久域名:www.cnrencai.com 】

"It#39;s been a long time since I#39;ve felt good on the court. It#39;s just getting tiring, that#39;s all," Agassi said. "It never feels good when you#39;re losing often. You know, to have a few good wins and have a good tournament would help me, remind me right now why I#39;m doing this. But as of right now it#39;s hard to feel that thrilled about it."

Agassi sustained an ankle injury playing racketball last October which forced him to pull out of the Masters Cup after one match and then miss the Australian Open. He has played eight matches since reaching the US Open final in September, winning only four, and his failure to regain any kind of form since returning to the tour in February has worn his patience as bald as his pate.

"When I really look at where I am, tearing the ligaments in my ankle was a bigger setback than I even anticipated it could be," the Las Vegan said.

Agassi has won eight grand slam titles and 60 tournaments in all during a career that began in 1986, reaching the world No1 ranking in April 1995 and for the last eight years ending the season inside the top 10. His 20 years in the game have seen him come back from various injuries and, in 1997, a career-threatening slump that saw him fall to No141 in the world. He recovered from that to climb back to No1 and five of his grand slam trophies were won after that resurrection.

This time, though, he sounded as though he had run out of comebacks. "Each one feels different. Each one has a whole new set of reasons and answers," he said when asked if the current malaise felt different from anything he had previously experienced.

"I mean, it#39;s a delicate juggling act to try to balance everything in your life on and off the court, negotiate your health, everything that goes into being your best at every stage. It absolutely feels substantially different."

Having already announced that he intends to miss the clay-court season, Agassi goes to next week#39;s Nasdaq 100 in Miami knowing it will be his last event before the grass-court season begins in June. "Missing the clay this year is the best alternative," he said, "but it doesn#39;t change the reality of where my play#39;s at right now."










