我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-01-10 09:51:03 英语试题 我要投稿





  第一部分 选择题(共55分)


  第一部分 听对话回答问题 (计10分)


  ( )1. What does Tom’s father do?

  A. B. C.

  ( )2. What does Kate like doing?

  A. B. C.

  ( )3. How does the girl come to school every day?

  A. B. C.

  ( )4. What is the weather like today?

  A. B. C.

  ( )5. What’s Tom’s father like?

  A. Fat. B. Short. C. Thin.

  ( )6. What does the boy want to be when he grows up?

  A. A doctor. B. A player. C. A teacher.

  ( )7. How much does the woman need to pay?

  A. Seven yuan. B. Twenty-three yuan. C. Sixteen yuan.

  ( )8. How long is the shopping mall open?

  A.10 hours. B. 12 hours. C. 11 hours.

  ( )9. Where are they?

  A. In a fast food shop. B. In the hospital. C. In the school.

  ( )10. What’s Tim’s favourite subject?

  A. Art B. Maths C. English

  第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题(每小题1分,满分10分)



  ( )11.Where is Amy going?

  A. A fruit shop B.A food shop C.A bus stop

  ( )12.How many people are going shopping together finally(最终)?

  A. One B. Two C. Four


  A photo of Ann’s family

  Ann She is. __13__.

  Her mother She is watching TV.

  Her grandmother She is__14__.

  Her father He is reading an interesting book.

  Her brother He is playing with__15__.

  ( )13. A. doing housework B. doing homework C. doing cleaning

  ( )14. A. watching TV B. playing computer games C. reading a book

  ( )15. A. some stickers B. his toys C. his teddy bear


  ( )16. Mike comes to China because    .

  A. his parents work in China B. he likes to learn Chinese C. he likes China

  ( )17. Mike has    hair.

  A. black B. yellow C. brown

  ( )18. Mike enjoys playing    with Peter.

  A. football B. basketball C. volleyball

  ( )19. At the weekend, Mike often does his homework    .

  A. at his home B. in the library C. at Peter’s home

  ( )20. Mike often helps Peter learn    .

  A. English B. Chinese C. History


  ( )21. —What would you like for __________ breakfast every day?

  —Two pieces of bread and _________ cup of milk.

  A. a; the B. /; the C. /; a D. a; a

  ( )22. —Ram is very strong.

  — He’s a superman! He _______ goes to the doctor.

  A. usually B. always C. often D. seldom

  ( )23. — How many ____________ will you buy at the supermarket? —Five.

  A. cartons of oranges B. cartons of orange

  C. carton of oranges D. carton of orange

  ( )24.I want to buy some hair clips different from _________.

  A. you   B.yours    C. your’s    D. your

  ( )25. —_________ is your father?

  — The man on the right wearing blue jeans.

  A. Where B. Whose C. What D. Which

  ( )26.一Can the little boy_______ English?

  一Yes.He often_______ hello to me in English.

  A.say;speaks B.tell;says C. speak;says D. talk;speaks

  ( )27.There _____ a lot of delicious food on the table and there ______ a lot of people around the table.

  A. are, is B. is, are C. are, are D. is, is

  ( )28. Mum,________ at 6:30 tomorrow morning.

  A. waking me up B. wake up me C. wake me up D. wakes me up

  ( )29.RT-Supermarket _______at 9 a.m. and it ______ for 10 hours every weekend.

  A.opens;opens  B. opens;is open C.is open;opens D. open;is open

  ( )30. We will have a basketball ______ the afternoon _______ 2nd February.

  A. in; in   B. at; in C. on; of D. on; on

  ( )31.---May I have ______ milk? ---Sorry, we don’t have ________.

  A. some, any B. any, some C. some, some D. any, any

  ( )32. - Excuse me, I’d like a pair of black shoes.

  -What about this _______? You can try ______ on.

  A. one, it B. pair, it C. one, them D. pair, them

  ( )33. About _________ films will be on show during the 18th Shanghai International Film Festival(第18届上海国际电影节) in 2015.

  A. two thousand of B. two thousands of C. two thousand D. two thousands

  ( )34. How much _______an iphone6_______? ---Over 5000 yuan.

  A.is, cost B. does, spend C. does, take D. does, cost

  ( )35. —Mum, I’m going for Jim’s birthday party. I’ll be back before 9:00.


  A. Come home early! B. Be careful! C. Have great fun! D. Really?


  Sheepdogs are very important to farmers. Sheepdogs help farmers to find their__36__and bring them back to the farm.

  Mike, a farmer from a___37__, has a very clever and honest sheepdog__38___ Bobby. He has built a little but__39___ house for Bobby and he treats the dog as a family ___40___. He often says. “Bobby is the best dog in the world. He works hard and__41___ my sheep very well.” If the dog house is__42___. Mike knows Bobby must be with his sheep.

  Mike__43__ with Bobby through whistles(口哨).Bobby can understand many different orders from those whistles. And Bobby can __44__express(表达) himself by barking(狗叫)or __45__ other actions.

  ( )36. A. villagers B. dogs C. farmers D. sheep

  ( )37. A. village B. city C. park D. bank

  ( )38. A. aged B. dressed C. called D. showed

  ( )39. A. big B. expensive C. comfortable D. terrible

  ( )40. A. member B. menu C. number D. friend

  ( )41. A. looks out B. looks after C. takes back D.takes away

  ( )42. A. full B. clean C. empty D. dirty

  ( )43. A. chats B. speaks C. catches D. says

  ( )44. A. also B. too C. as D. well

  ( )45. A. doing B. to do C. to doing D. do



  Look at the two posters about Sunshine Theatre( 剧院 ) and Moonlight Theatre:

  Welcome to Sunshine Party!

  Time: 1:30p.m.- 8:30p.m.,June 1st Happy

  Place: Sunshine Theatre Children’s

  Activities: Singing, dancing, a magic(魔法) Day

  show and a fashion show

  Welcome to Moonlight Party!

  Happy Time: 2:30p.m.-10:30 p.m., June 1st

  Children’s Place: Moonlight Theatre

  Day Activities: 3 cartoon films and a fashion show

  ( ) 46.Both the two theatres will celebrate _________.

  A.Children’s Day B. Teachers’ Day

  C. Christmas Day D. Spring Festival

  ( ) 47. In Sunshine Theatre, you can’t ________.

  A. watch a film B. watch a fashion show

  C. listen to music D. enjoy a magic show

  ( ) 48. When does the celebration finish in Moonlight Theatre?

  A. 10:30a.m. B. 10:30 p.m. C. 8:30p.m. D. 2:30p.m.

  ( )49. How long does the party last(持续) in Sunshine Theatre?

  A. Seven hours. B. Six hours. C. Eight hours. D. Ten hours.

  ( ) 50. Children can _____ in both the two theatres.

  A. enjoy a fashion show B. play games

  C. watch a cartoon film D. sing songs


  Many parents today worry about their children's diets. Then what is a healthy diet for children? Miss Jones from Happy Children Hospital gives the following advice(下面的建议):

  ◆ Children shouldn't eat food with too much salt, because it can cause(引起) high blood pressure(高血压).

  ◆ Children should eat food with less fat, oil and sugar. They should not eat too much junk food.

  ◆ Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins. Children need to eat fruit and vegetables often.

  ◆ Water is important to everyone. Children need to drink enough water every day.

  ◆ Children need to eat breakfast every day. It is good for their bodies and minds.

  ( )51.Miss Jones can be(可能是) a __________.

  A. teacher B. doctor C. farmer D. cook

  ( )52. What does the underlined word " junk food " mean in Chinese?

  A. 绿色食品 B.垃圾食品 C.天然食品 D.营养食品

  ( )53. According to Miss Jones, children should drink________ every day.

  A. enough juice B. enough water C. enough coffee D. enough milk

  ( )54. Which kind of food is rich in vitamins?

  A. water B. junk food C. sugar D. fruit and vegetables

  ( )55. What is the best title of the passage(这篇文章的'最佳题目)?

  A. Bad Habits B. Junk Food

  C. Advice on a Healthy Diet D. A bad Lifestyle