我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2020-12-23 17:57:12 英语试题 我要投稿




 单 选


  21.A 考查人称代词。因为是代替my father,并且在句子中做主语,所以选择代词he。

  22.B 考查时间介词。在季节前应用介词in。

  23.B 考查特殊疑问词。因为后面答语是because表示原因,所以用why提问。

  24.D 考查形容词最高级。根据one of+ the +形容词最高级,所以选择 the oldest。

  25.B 考查情态动词。根据答语needn’t,所以应用must 提问。

  26.A 考查时态。根据问句中的时间标志词usually可知是一般现在时,是对一般状况的提问,所以答句应该也是一般现在时,所以选择 go。

  27.D 考查时态。根据时间标志when the telephone rang可知,是过去某一时刻正在发生的事情,所以用过去进行时。

  28.C 考查时态。根据时间标志词since可知,选择have known。

  29.D 考查被动语态。主语The mobile phone与动词invent之间是被动关系。又因为时间状语是in1973所以答案为was invented。

  30.C 考查宾语从句。根据宾语从句的时态原则和陈述语序原则可知答案为where you bought 。

  完 型


  31. B 本题考查动词。根据上文“do some volunteer service in a nursing home”可知“她被告知她将每个工作日花一个小时与布莱尔夫人待在一起。”A. 浪费;B. 度过,花(时间);C.计划;D. 锻炼

  32. C 本题考查动词。根据下文“Take a seat, please.”可知此处Emily是别扭地站着。

  33. D 本题考查名词。由下文Emily想知道该说什么可推知此处应该是负态度名词,故是“沉默填满了她们之间的空间。”

  34. C 本题考查动词。由第一段“To pass her Civic source, she had to do some volunteer service…”可知此处为volunteer.

  35. A 本题考查动词。根据下文 “Many people, especially teens, don’t seem to care about old people like me.”可知布莱尔夫人对于Emily的坦白是不介意的,故选A。B害怕;C坚持;D后悔。

  36. B 本题考查形容词。只有最佳女主角能荣幸地佩戴一个______手链。此处应为一个正态度词汇,故选B special。

  37. C 本题考查名词。根据上文“Emily smiled along with Mrs Blair and listened to other stories attentively.”。可知此处为story。

  38. A 本题考查形容词。由下文布莱尔夫人安慰Emily的话“Don’t be sad.”可知此处Emily对于分别应为一个不开心的,故选upset。B.困惑的;C.吃惊的;D.紧张不安的

  39. D 本题考查副词。对于布莱尔夫人的礼物,Emily应该是小心地打开。proudly 自豪地;secretly秘密地,worriedly担心地,语境都不符合。

  40. A 本题考查名词。根据从句“she would keep her word to Mrs Blair.”可知此处为Emily摸着手链,做出承诺。B改变;C.判断;D. 选择

  阅 读



  41.A. 细节题。根据题干,“the Postal Museum”可定位到小标题黑体字1上,可知时间是“July 17-23”。

  42.C. 细节题。根据题干,定位到第三个黑体字所在位置,可知电话应是“Tel:357-3030 ”。

  43.A. 细节题。根据题干,定位到最后一个黑体字所在的段落,可知是“The Building Museum”。

  44.C. 细节题。根据题干,定位到第二个黑体字所在的段落,可知我们可以“ make a paper airplane”。


  45.B. 细节题。根据题干,定位到第一段的第一句话“When I was in the seventh grade, I had problems behaving.”可知选B。

  46.D. 细节题。根据题干,定位到第三段第二句“I felt disappointed as I walked down there.”可知选D。

  47.A. 细节题。根据题干,定位到第第三段的最后一行“...and I just called you down to my office to give you a peppermint.”可知选A。

  48.D. 细节题。根据题干,定位到最后一段的“Mr Ratcliff gave me some hope by giving me some love.”可知选D。


  49. B 细节题。根据题干中“consuming products takes too much time”定位到文中第一段最后两句,根据“Consuming products is not necessarily bad. If we spend too much time doing it, we should look at it carefullly.” 可知选项B正确。

  50. A 多项细节题。选项A定位到第四段第三句 “However, we can start a personal revolution against consumerism. How? By consuming less.”,可知与选项A表达意思一致。选项B定位到第四段倒数两句 “We can ask ourselves what experiences bring us the greatest satisfaction. Then we can organize our lives so that we have more of those kinds of experiences.”这里并没有说是购物带来最大的满足感,与B选项不符。选项C可定位到第四段第一句 “The environment we live in encourages us to ave packaged experiences.”,与选项C不符。选项D可定位到第三段第一句 “it is likely that non-consuming experiences like these will be our most important memories.” 可知是 “non-consuming experiences” 可以带来最难忘的记忆,与选项D不符。故正确答案为选项A。

  51. B 主旨题。 应根据主题句及段落大意进行判断。根据文章第一段论点句 “However,if we spend too much time doing it, we should look at it carefully”如果我们花太多时间消费,我们就需要认真考虑下了,可知作者对消费主义是否定态度。文章第二段第三段都是在说非消费活动如和朋友聊天或帮助孩子读书带给我们真正的快乐以及原因。最后一段倒数两句升华主旨“We can ask ourselves what experiences bring us the greatest satisfaction. Then we can organize our lives so that we have more of those kinds of experiences.”可知文章的目的是提倡更多积极的体验,而不是提倡过度购物。与选项B “To encourage people to have more active experiences” 意思一致。故正确答案为选项B。


  52. C 细节题。根据题干的“Dr. Casey” 定位到文章第四段。根据第四段第三句话“In a recent study, teen volunteers played a video driving game , either alone or with friends watching.”,没有体现青少年喜欢和朋友一起玩开车游戏,可知选项A不对;选项B定位到第四段第一句话“teens are very quick and accurate in making decisions on their own and in situations where they have time to think .”,无法体现青少年更喜欢有时间思考的场合,可知选项B不对;选项C定位到第四段第四句话,“The researchers discovered that the number of risks teens took more than doubled when their friends were watching ,compared with when they played alone.”,与选项C“朋友在旁边的时候,青少年可能更敢于冒险”一致;选项D定位到第四段第一句话“teens are very quick and accurate in making decisions on their own and in situations where they have time to think.”,与选项D“青少年独自做决定的时候速度慢”相矛盾,可知选项D不对。故正确答案为选项C。

  53. C 猜词题。根据文章第四段第一句可知在青少年有时间思考的情况下他们可以独自做出准确的决定,根据however可以推断句与这句构成转折。本段第二句“然而,当在…情况下,他们的决定会被其他因素影响。”由本段最后一句话“teens may find it more difficult to control risky behavior when their friends are around , or in situations where they are extremely angry.”可知,青少年在很生气的情况下,他们很难控制危险的行为。故正确答案为选项C。

  54. B 多项细节题。选项A“青少年渴望和其他同伴不一样”,在文中没有提到这一点,故A不对。选项B定位至文中第三段第一句,“We are all influenced by our peers at any age.” 我们在各个年龄都会被同伴影响,和选项B叙述同义。选项C,“同伴压力对青少年的坏处比好处多”,根据第五段第一句“Just as people can influence us to make unwise choices ,they can also influence us to make good ones .”文章中没有对于好处与坏处进行比较,故选项C不对。选项D,“青少年认为,在学校取得好成绩有挑战性”,根据文中“A teen might join in a volunteer project because his or her friends are doing it ,or get good grades because his or her friends think getting good grades is important .”没有提到“get good grades”是“有挑战性的”,与选项D不符。故正确答案为选项B。

  55. D 主旨题。文章前三段介绍了peer pressure 同伴压力的含义及对青少年产生影响的原因,第四段介绍了同伴压力对青少年产生的不好的影响,第五段介绍了同伴压力对青少年产生的好的影响,第六段讲了在同伴压力的影响下,我们应该自己学会做选择。故主要是在讲同伴压力对青少年的影响及如果做决定。

  五 选 五


  56.A 因为第一句they are twins。所以可得出她们长得很像。故选A.

  57.E 因为下句中表达的Tara的想法,并且用转折词while 连接,所以上一句应该是Lara的想法,故选E.

  58.B 因为下句中“to put an end to their fights ,their parents decided to…”可知她们不止争吵一次故答案为B.

  59.D 因为上下文都提到drama,所以这应该是对drama的描述,故答案为D.

  60.C 因为后面有she replied ,可知前面是有人问了问题,上句中有“their father asked Lara ”可知,这次是问Tara故答案为C.




  解析:根据题干定位关键词 “American name”和 “come from”可定位到文章第一自然段,第一句Many American names come from England. 即可得出答案为England

  62.In the Middle Ages.

  解析:根据题干定位关键词 “find a way” 和 “escribe each person exactly” 可在文章第二自然段第三句找到 But in the middle Ages , people found a way to describe each person exactly .即可得出答案为 In the Middle Ages.

  63.300 or 400 years

  解析:根据题干定位关键词 “ extra name” 和 “ develop into last names” 可在文章第三段第一句找到答案 It was 300 or 400 years before these extra (附加的) names gradually developed into last names , or surnames . 即可得出答案为 300 or 400 years

  64.Four kinds of surnames.

  解析:首先,本题为段落主旨大意题。由第一句可知Many surnames were based on father-son relations 第一种姓基于父子关系;由第四句可知Surnames like Hill described the place where a person lived .第二种姓来自一个人出生的地方;由第六句可知 A third kind of surname was based on a person's job .第三种姓基于一个人的职业;由第九句可知The fourth kind of surname was a nickname. 第四种性基于一个人的绰号, 因而从第四自然段整体考虑,本题答案可概括为Four kinds of surnames.

  65.Because being able to make metals into tools was an important skill in the Middle Ages.

  解析:根据题干定位关键词 “ many people trained blacksmiths” 和 “ in the middle ages”

  可在文章最后一段第三句找到答案Being able to make metals into tools was an important skill in the Middle Ages , and many people were trained blacksmiths. 即可得出答案为Because being able to make metals into tools was an important skill in the Middle Ages.




  最后,给18年考生建议:1. 应用文的练习注重分析题目,不要一味地背诵模板,加强其他应用文体的练习,如:申请书、通知、发言稿等等。2. 夯实语言基础,规避语法错误;注意写作逻辑性、语法结构、语言亮点的'能力提高。


  第一段:Where are you going?

  分析:开门见山答题即可,根据所给提示词语“park、go boating”可以确定。另外,为添加亮点,可再补充一个where/which引导非限定从。

  第二段:What are you going to do?


  注意:1. 逻辑性用词:一定不要忘记使用表示逻辑性用词,如“first and foremost/to begin with/in addition/moreover/furthermore/after that”等。2. 语法结构的灵活:如第一句可采用被动语态或定语从句,之后的分点采取不同的谓语结构“will do/be going to/plan to/there be句型”等。3. 注意亮点句型的使用,如非谓语作状语。

  第三段:When and how will you get home?



  Dear Mrs. Smith,

  My friend Jim asks me to go out with his family this afternoon. We are going to have a trip to the Central Park, where the scenery attracts a number of tourists every year.

  In the park, there are numerous things that we have arranged to do. First and foremost, we will take a walk freely, enjoying the beautiful view and taking in the fresh air. After that, we are going to take a boat tour on the lake, which will last an hour or so. After we finish the park trip, we also plan to watch a movie together in the movie theater near our home.

  I will take a bus from the theater to our home and get home at about 8:00 p.m..It is quite fast and cheap, so please don’t feel worried about us.

  Li Hua



  1. What happened between you and him/her?

  2. Why did you decide to forgive him/her?

  3. How did you feel after forgiving him/her?






  I still remember what happened between me and Jerry, who has been my best friend since we entered primary school. Last summer, Jerry and I made a perfect plan to sign up for a basketball camp together. However, when I had already attended the camp, I learned that Jerry had attended the English camp without telling me anything. Disappointed and upset, I decided to break up with Jerry forever and not to contact with him any more.

  Then, my mother noticed the problem and had a deep talk with me. She told me that everyone might make mistakes and a person who learned to forgive would be a grown-up. My mind began to change and finally I decided to make up with Jerry.

  I felt a sense of relief after forgiving him, because I didn’t lose my best friend. Instead, we became closer. In my opinion, forgiving others requires more courage and should be learned by every student.



  ① 注重基础的巩固,单词语法知识点不可以疏忽

  ② 注重单词的发音,最好掌握音标,单词拼读要精确

  ③ 熟练掌握中考要求词汇,并坚持积累扩充词汇

  ④ 注重相关题型的专项练习,尤其英语话题的口语训练





  LegoBricks & More 10664 Creative Tower

  ListPrice: $119.99

  Price:$101.35 & FREE Shipping

  Featuring 160 colorful Lego bricks tocreate anything your young kids can imagine, this item is designed to allowchildren complete flexibility. If you are looking for instruction sheets, manyare found on the Lego site.

  If you buy it together with the LEGOIDEAS BOOK, the price for both will be $115.44.

  MostHelpful Customer Reviews:

  ★ Spectacularvalue!

  By Marissa McRoberts on November29

  The typical price per piece of Lego hasbeen slightly more than $10 since 2005. At $101 for 160 pieces, this set isabout $ 0.6 per piece. It is a great deal.

  But there are some downsides: no wheels,bushes, trees, grass, technic elements and that sort of thing. This isotherwise a fantastic starter set.

  ★ Agreat deal!

  ByShawn Bosworth on December 6

  I got this set as a Black Friday deal foran amazing $30! I wanted 2 sets but they were gone before I could even get myhands on one. A very nice man gave me a spare that he grabbed. It’s huge,strong and well-made. The box is about 2 feet tall and is strong enough for astorage option. I will absolutely be looking to get another set one day!

  21. According to Marissa McRoberts, this set of Lego Bricks ______.

  Ais a perfect starter set

  Bcosts too much money

  Cshould contain more pieces of bricks

  Dis much cheaper compared with similar products

  22. The Lego Bricks & More 10664 Creative Tower includes ______.

  Aa few wheels

  Ba strong container

  Ctechnic elements


  23. How did Shawn Bosworth get a set of Lego Bricks for $30?

  AHe got the chance from a man who had an additional set.

  BHe ordered two sets and was then offered a discount.

  CHe grabbed the bargain when it was first served.

  DHe made a deal with the seller for a lower price.





  根据文中At $101 for 160 pieces, this set isabout $ 0.6 per piece. It is a great deal.说明买这个很值得,很便宜,故选D。





  根据文中Featuring 160 colorful Lego bricks tocreate anything your young kids can imagine, this item is designed to allowchildren complete flexibility.和A very nice man gave me a spare that he grabbed. It’s huge,strong and well-made.可知,选B。





  根据文中A very nice man gave me a spare that he grabbed. 一个友好的人给力我一个他买的备用玩具,可知,选A。









