我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-01-15 19:24:31 考研英语 我要投稿





  T9:Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, 9 cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride’s and groom’s wrists ,and 10 (passing)a candle around a circle of happily married and respected couples to bless the 11(union) .

  A.folding: fold v. 折叠 对折 包、裹 倒闭 He folded the map up and put it in his pocket.

  [opp]unfold v. 展开 打开 The audience watched as the story unfolded before their eyes.

  B.piling:pile n.摞 堆 a pile of一些 piles of 许多 大量

  v.堆起 叠放 放置 She piled the boxes one on top of the other.

  Pile up=accumulate 积累 挤压 Work always piles up at the end of the year

  C.wrapping:wrap v.用...包裹 包、裹 He spend the evening wrapping up the Christmas presents.

  n.披肩 围巾 包装材料

  Under wraps 保密 隐藏

  D.tying:tie(v-ing式) 系 绑 tie...around...把..系(缠绕)在...




  The fashion industry knows it has an inherent problem in focusing on material adornment and idealized body types.

  (1)inherent problem,什么意思呢?inherent 一词在牛津词典中的含义解释为that is a basic or permanent parts of sb./sth. and that cannot be removed,中文意思就是内在的,固有的意思,因此,inherent problem就是指内在的问题,本来就有的问题。拓展另一个单词inherit,这个inherit和inherent长得很像,但是意思是完全不一样的呢,inherit:v.继承,继承 继任的意思。关于继任者、继承人有两种形式,有一个单词,叫“successor”,指没有血缘关系的继任者,与之对应的继承人则为“heir”,古代皇帝死了,太子就是皇帝的“heir”。

  (2)adornment n.装饰物 修饰物的意思,其动词形式是“adorn”,装饰,修饰,常见的近义词有decorate beautify等。

  (3)idealized指理想的,完美的.。其adj.形式为:ideal ,其名词形式为 idealism理想主义。拓展一个长得像的单词ideology,这个词指意识形态,其形容词形式是ideological,表示意识形态上的意思。

  The newly revised Danish Fashion Ethical charter clearly states, we are aware of and take responsibility for the impact the fashion industry has on body ideals, especially on young people.

  (1)revised 修订,和它长的像的有个单词叫review 复习,回顾的意思,有时也有评论的意思,在考研中比较常见。

  (2)charter  特许状的意思。

  (3)take responsibility for 为...负责。

  Relying on ethical persuasion rather than law to address the misuse of body ideals may be the best step.

  (1)rather than而不是...,为什么要讲这个词组呢?因为这个词组太普遍了,就在2016年的真题里,小伙伴们自己发现了几处?并且常常易混的单词包括

  Other than除了

  More than 比...多,多于..

  No sooner than 一...就....


  The Conservatives’ planning reform explicitly gives rural development priority over conservation,even authorizing “off–plan” building where local people might object.

  (1)explicitly adv.明白地 明确地。与之对应的词是implicitly adv.含蓄地 暗中地。英语中e-,ex-和im-这一堆前缀对应有很多对用的词,比如export和import,emigrant和immigrant等。

  (2)priority n.优先权其形容词形式prior adj.优先的 优等的。与之对应的是inferior adj.较次等的 劣等的。其n.形式为inferiority n.劣势

  (3)Conservative n.保守党。conservation n.保护 保护区natural conservation 自然保护区。其v.形式为conserve 保护。

  This is not a free market but a biased one. Rural towns and villages have grown and will always grow. They do so best where building sticks to their edges and respects their character.

  (1)biased adj.偏见的。unbiased adj.公正的。

  (2)edge n.边沿 边线。bridge n.桥梁。ridge n.山脊。

  (3)character n.品质 品性 特点。其形容词形式为characteristic adj.特有的 典型的,也可以做n.特征 品质。

  Avoiding this rather than promoting it should unite the left and right of the political spectrum.

  (1)unite v.联合 合并,其名词形式为union n.联合 联盟。表示联盟的词还有Ally等,一战二战中的同盟国就是Allies。要注意的是有一个单词allay v.使镇静 使缓和,与ally很像,但是意思完全不一样哟~。

  (2)spectrum n.光谱 范围 系列。在这个句子中就是political spectrum 指政治范围,政治领域等。


  That is, to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits.

  (1)that is 也就是说,在写作中常用到,表示同意转述。=in other word

  (2)be engaged in 参与 参加

  In all, the study concludes that whereas prosecutors should only evaluate a case based on its merits, they do seem to be influenced by a company’s record in CSR.

  (1)in all 总之 总计 合计,在本句话中指总之,总而言之的意思。=in general/in a word/to sum up等。

  (2)whereas 然而=however

  (3)evaluate v.评估 估价 valuation n.评估 估价。这个单词还可以进一步拓展到value valuable等单词。

  (4)merit n.绩效 功绩 优点 merit and demerit 优缺点


  We estimate that either eliminating a substantial labour-rights concern, such as child labor, or increasing corporate giving by about20% result in fines that generally are 40% lower than the typical punishment for bribing foreign officials.

  (1)estimate v.估计 eliminate v.除去 排除,这两个单词也很像哦~~

  (2)fine n.税 罚款 惩罚,要注意这个单词和我们学过的意思常常不一样哟~

  (3)typical adj.典型的 typically adv.典型地=especially


  Nostalgia for ink on paper and the rustle of pages aside, there’s plenty of incentive to ditch print.

  (1)nostalgia for...怀念...

  (2)incentive v.刺激 激励encourage sb./sth.

  (3)ditch v.抛弃 丢弃 摆脱 to get rid of sb./sth.because of there is no longer want or need it.

  Figuring out a way to accelerate that transition would make sense for them,but if you discontinue it, you’re going have your most loyal customers really upset with you.

  (1)accelerate v.使加速 加快

  [opp]decelerate v.减速 下滑

  (2)transition n.过渡 转变 The transition to a multi-party democracy is proving to be difficult.

  (3)make sense 合乎情理 有道理。与sense相关的短语还有make sense of 理解...的意思,弄懂...的话。

  (4)discontinue v.终止 停止 中断。Continue 连续的...继续

  (5)loyal adj.忠诚的。为什么要讲这个单词呢?因为这个词跟它很像,royal adj.王室的。这两个单词常常容易弄混。

  In other words, if you’re going to make a print product, make it for the people who are already obsessed with it.

  (1)be obsessed with...对...着迷,沉迷于.....

  Part B:

  The difference between today’s workplace and the “dress for success” era is that the range of options is so much broader.

  (1)era n.年代 纪元。这个词是不是跟year很像呢?year表示年,年代。与年代相关比如century 会写吗?

  (2)option n.选项。这个单词也是为了拓展另外一个词,optional 随机的 可选择的 选修课。与之对应的compulsory adj.强迫的 强制的 义务的 必修课。9-year compulsory education九年义务教育。

  Look for cues about how others perceive you. Maybe there’s no need for an upgrade and that’s OK.

  (1)cue n.暗示 线索。线索还有一些词,如clue等指实质性的线索、物证等。而cue指的是抽象的线索,一种不言自明的线索,cue还有棒球杆等意思。

  (2)perceive v.注意到 意识到=notice





  (3)upgrade v.提高 加强 改进。Downgrade 贬低 低估

  Enlist the support of professionals and share with them your goals and context.

  (1)enlist v.列举 使...入伍,应证入伍等。关于en-/em-这样的前缀,有时会改变词的词性,比如code n.编码 数字,而encode v.加密 使...加密。Body n.身体 实体,embody v.使...实体化,实际。

  (2)context n.背景 情境 环境。与这个单词相似的有content 目录,有contest 竞赛 比赛,还有contend 主张 认为。









