
  37. What does a single solid white line across an intersection mean?

  A. You should stop behind the line for a traffic sign or signal.

  38. What does a yellow diamond shaped sign mean?

  A. Warning of caution.

  39. When should you use your parking lights?

  A. When parking only.

  40. Which way do you turn if you go into askid?

  A. In the direction the back of the car is skidding.

  41. How far should you stay behind the car you are following?

  A. At least 2 seconds.

  42. What direction should you check first when approaching an intersection?

  A. To the left.

  43. If two cars reach a four-way stop at the same time what is the proper procedure?

  A. The driver on the left yield to the driver on the right.

  44. What should you do if you go into a skid?

  A. Take your foot off the gas pedal.

  45. What is the most common mistake a new driver makes with the brake?

  A. Pushing the brake too hard.

  46. What is the best way to talk to other drivers?

  A. Through the use of you horn or lights.

  47. What does ared eight-sided sign mean?

  A. Stop.

  48. What does ared and white triangular sign mean?

  A. Yield.

  49. If you drive through a deep puddle, what should you do?

  A. Test your brakes.

  50. When is the road surface most slippery?

  A. During the first few minute of rain.

  51. When should you use your high beam lights?

  A. Open country driving situations.

  52. If the lights of oncoming cars are in your eyes, what should you do?

  A. Look to the lower right side of your traffic lane.

  53. A driver's left hand extended upward means what?

  A. He is making a right turn.

  54. A driver's left hand extended straight out means what?

  A. He is making a left turn.

  55. A driver's left hand extended downward means what?

  A. He is making a stop or slowing down.

  56. The safetest way to exit an expressway is to?

  A. Slow your car to the posted exit speed.

  57. What should you do if your brakes fail?

  A. Shift to a lower gear and pump your brakes.

  58. What should you do if your electric signal fail to operate?

  A. Use hand signals.

  59. What should you do if you have a blowout?

  A. Slow the vehicle gradually.

  60. What shouldyou do if you are angry or upset?

  A. Cool off before attempting to drive.

  61. What should you do if you miss an exit on an expressway?

  A. Go on to the next exit. Don't reverse or back up.

  62. When you are driving on a curve your vehicle will tend to go in what direction?

  A. Straight.

  63. What is a good practice at intersections that have no signs or signals?

  A. Be ready to stop if necessary.

  64. It is a good practice to keep a space cushion to:

  A. Give you time to react.

  65. One of the best defense against drunk drivers is:

  A. proper wearing of a safety belt.

  66. When a school bus stopped at a school to pick up or let off

  children, you may pass from either direction at a speed at no more than?

  A. 10 miles per hour.

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