

  Possible response: If you were interviewing for a nursing assistant, position, you could say: "Cheerios. Because I’m reliable, consistent, and good for you!" -- all positive qualities for someone in the health-care industry.


  "If you were writing an autobiography, what would its title be?"


  What’s the point? This question gives the interviewer a peek into your self-perception as well as a read on how creative you are.


  Approach: Emphasize your main selling points. If you can’t come up with something original on the fly, perhaps there is a song or movie title that captures your essence. You don’t need to invent something on the spot as long as you can provide a good explanation for the title you choose.


  Possible response: If you were applying for a job as a social worker, you could say "I Will Survive," explaining that the hardships you personally experienced made you a stronger person, qualified to help others to work through their own issues.


  It’s impossible to rehearse the best responses to wild-card interview questions, since, by definition, they are unpredictable. But you can prep. Even if you don’t get asked the specific questions you’ve practiced for, you’ll still have a better handle on wild cards in general. If you answer honestly and justify your response, you’ll likely impress your interviewers and be one step closer to landing your dream job.


上一篇:面试时强化自己时用到的英语 下一篇:搞定英语面试小贴士(双语版)

