

  Personal Information 关于个人信息的问题

  1. What’s the meaning of your English name? 你的英文名字有什么含义么?

  问题分析: 有些申请人的英文名字不合常规, 比如叫King, 或者Sushi, 或者Monk等等。面试官询问这些申请人名字的含义, 主要有几个目的:

  第一, 缓解面试的紧张气氛; 第二, 面试官也有一点点好奇心; 第三, 给申请人一个展示自己独特个性的机会, 因为敢于给自己起独特名字的人往往具有很独特的个性,


  普通回答: Actually, Sushi is my nickname. My friends gave me this name because I like to eat the Japanese food sushi.

  点评: 这个回答体现出你是个什么样的人呢?在中国吃寿司价格不菲, 如果吃寿司吃到了朋友给你起了“寿司”这个外号的地步,

  这个申请人一定不会是囊中羞涩的人。同志们想一下, 我们在面试的时候, 是把自己伪装成“艰苦朴素”, 还是“锦衣玉食”呢?即使现如今寿司已经跌价到人尽可食的地步,

  你这个回答也只是在告诉面试官: 嘿, 我可是个好吃的人啊!比较一下以下的这个回答, 你就知道哪个更胜一筹了。

  回答示范1: As a matter of fact, Sushi is a nickname my friends gave me, because I like sushi and like to make sushi. I can make about ten different kinds of sushi! My friends say that my personality is a bit like sushi, simple but good,hehe.

  点评1: 与刚才的回答相比, 这个回答体现出你是个什么样的人呢?一个擅长制作寿司的女孩子一定是动手能力比较强的, 而且喜欢做一些琐碎小事的人。同时,

  把寿司的优点引申成自己的个性优点: 简单而美好, 真是一个不错的比喻。

  回答示范2: The name King may sound a bit aggressive, I hope it's won’t make you feel uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, I chose the name King simply because it sounds like my Chinese name Jing. But, there is also a hidden meaning in it,that is, I wish to conquer diseases like a King!

  点评2: 如果你给自己起了一个类似“国王”这样比较aggressive的名字,


  回答示范3: My given name in Chinese is Meng, so I chose Monk to be my English name.I admire the spirit of monks, you know, abstinence and tolerance.

  点评3: 回答得妙呀, 不仅仅真实, 而且展现了自己的独特个性, 告诉面试官自己身上有和尚般的优秀品质: 克制欲望、 容忍。面试官只要不想嫁给你,


  2. What’s the meaning of your email address? 你的电子邮件地址有什么寓意么?

  问题分析: 当代青年男女个性张扬, 所以连email地址也颇为独特。令笔者或迷惑或微笑的email 地址有很多, 比如neverlazy,

  bighead, lazyfish, 52n52n, yulovehong等等。与上一个问题一样, 善于交流的面试官往往乐于给你一个机会展示自己的个性。

  较差回答: Lazyfish? Oh, I admire the goldfish for living an easy life. Compared to goldfish, human beings live a fast-paced life. So I chose this email address to make me feel a bit relaxed.

  点评: 个性倾向于过慵懒的生活, 唉!

  较差回答: 52n52n? oh, it means “I love you, I love you,” because 5 sounds like“I” in Chinese, and 2 for “love”, n for “you”. I registered this address to please my girlfriend, hehe.

  点评: 公开示爱?啧啧, 除了他的女朋友会觉得甜蜜蜜, 别的人一律会露出特虚伪的笑容或胃里泛酸。唉!

  回答示范: Neverlazy? Oh, I want to encourage myself never to be lazy! You know I

  am a hardworking person. So, it’s my slogan!

  点评: 在email地址中都要给自己励志的女子, 一定是个超级工作狂, 好呀!

  Education 关于教育背景的问题

  4. Why did you select your major area of study? 你为什么选择了这个专业?

  问题分析: 外国面试官更喜欢提“为什么”的问题, 他希望申请人是一个有主见的人。

  回答示范1: I was quite good at mathematics and physics back in high school so I chose a related major, Telecommunications. I also applied for the major of computer science. You know, these two majors are the hottest these years.

  点评1: 实话实说。

  回答示范2: As a matter of fact, I didn’t select the major of Geography Education at all, because I have never wanted to be a teacher. I had chosen Business Administration, Economics and Logistics Management when I applied to Zhongshan University, but unfortunately I failed to get into these hottest majors. The score I got on the College Entrance Examination was about ten points less than the minimum requirement. The school allocated me to a cold major, Geography Education, hehe. Luckily, I could select a second focus. I chose Public Relations Management to be my minor area of study. What was that saying? "When God closes the door, he opens a window." Hehe.

  点评2: 这个回答似乎很长, 但是却不得不这么长。这是一个典型的中国特色, 如果你的分数够不上第一志愿, 学校就把你打入某一个“冷宫”专业去,

  而你为了进入这所一流的大学不得不屈服。这种怪现象制造出很多感觉自己比窦娥还冤的“冤男怨女”, 学着“地理教育”却痛恨从事教师职业,

  学着“国际政治”却连国际新闻都懒得看!这个回答的优点在于: 第一, 向外国面试官普及了一下中国特色; 第二, 强调了自己对商业和管理一贯的热诚; 第三,

  告诉对方其实自己高考只差10分才没进去最热门的专业; 第四, 自己是个不轻言放弃的人, 主修学不成用辅修来弥补; 第五, 把上帝拉进来, 显出你的幽默。

  回答示范3: I selected Business English as I was quite good at English back in high school. Apart from this, my high school teachers recommended that I select a major related to business, since I showed some good qualities for business management at a young age. So, I chose this major, business plus English, two in one, hehe.

  点评3: 这个回答强调了自己的两大优点: 第一, 英语好; 第二, 早在高中就已经是老师心目中适合从商的人。

上一篇:求职用得上的面试英语自我介绍 下一篇:英语求职面试常见的7大问题

