我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2024-04-16 09:21:25 美云 祝福语 我要投稿




  1、The early bird catches the worm.

  2、Labor is the father of wealth, land is the mother of wealth.

  3、Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen.

  4、Work is the true source of human welfare.

  5、May day is a tourism festival, the mood maintain every day!

  6、May day is a blessing, wish you peace happy garden!

  7、may day is a time cleaning, remove trouble dont keep!

  8、I wish all the toiling masses may 1 happy!

  9、I wish you a happy may day, lucky countenance, may 1 happy!

  10、May day is a gas station, fill up the body for you!

  11、Toil and sweat, to harvest the fruits of success.

  12、Physical labor is to prevent the virus society great disinfectant.

  13、May day, i wish you a happy work, happy rest more!

  14、Hought exists in labor, people will live on labor.

  15、Labor created history, labor to create the future. happy may day.

  16、To work, and to hard-working, work is the wealth of the most reliable.

  17、Labor is hard, fruit is sweet; without hard work, there is no sweet fruit.

  18、I wish you a happy, a happy holiday, attention body, take care a lot!

  19、The may day i want to have a long sleep, but can you inform me when having a meal!

  20、Labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power. happy may day.

  21、When you all into the society, all around are ordinary labor to give.

  22、With their own hands to create brilliant, for the most beloved people to happiness!

  23、I wish you a happy labor day! horse! work happy! i will always support you!

  24、You use industrious hands, and create a better life, today is you of festival, i wish you a happy holiday!

  25、Your hard work for us to convey warmth, heartfelt greet a cry, you were laborious! happy labor day!

  26、All the treasures that can be derived from labor, all the plight, can be relieved by labor.

  27、Although today is labor day, but also should pay attention to rest, keep healthy.

  28、Have your companions days, even ordinary also romantic! i wish you a pleasant journey and wuyijiekuaile.

  29、The colorful world, friendship is precious, in this long holidays, i wish you happiness!

  30、I wish you the efforts and sweat as soon as possible into tomorrow the fruits of success. happy labor day!

  31、The holidays came, blessing to: happy, worry away easily, to find happiness;; career;Everything is going smoothly., sweet, happiness Labor Day happy.

  32、Happy flying, easy to beat, invite you to the dance. Taking advantage of the sunny season,sightseeing relax. Friends love thick, five one is coming, I wish you a happy life!

  33、Five one, the beautiful blessings send you some good work: some, high pay, mentally, sweetwords, healthy, happy, worry less, more happy Labor Day 5.1 good luck in everything!

  34、The labor day! Is a good day to lose weight.

  35、Labor Day wishes our work to bring you the reward of spring, wish you a happy family!

  36、In 1234567, a total of seven days holiday, you are going to have been bubble mould at home? Come out with me in the summer sun.

  37、wish you a happy labor day! horse! work happy! i will always support you!

  38、You have created a good life with your hard-working hands. Today is your day. Wish you a happy holiday!

  39、Labor is the source of the happiness of mankind.

  40、The May Day comes to meet, really want to holding your arms, I send blessings to wind, may you laugh laugh out loud.

  41、Wishing you a, please in health; Wish you have a fast music, mood cheerful; Wish you have goods have rich, decent income; Bless you have friends have friends, life is rich. Happy May Day!

  42、Sincerely wish you and your family through a happy labor day!

  43、Wish you: Kenneth legitimate cause, the body strong as tigers, numerous money number, work without hard, like romantic music, happiness only you! May 1 happy!

  44、wish you a happy May Day, the life better.

  45、The beauty of the May Day, is kissing the day is spring summer day! The season of dreaming, I give you light slightly drunk!

  46、May Day, to send blessings every bits of bit. I wish you a happy more, smile more, a little more healthy, more happiness, more friends.

  47、May Day excessive drinking, immersed for return journey, muddleheaded, go deep in the woods, vomiting, vomiting, started up yuanyang many!

  48、After the labor of rest is the most comfortable, ha ha, lets enjoy the wonderful holiday!

  49、Usually busy work, take advantage of the May Day shopping frenzy. Its no mistake to be grateful for yourself if your hands are not empty.

  50、Have today, but each has today; Month wages, week in the lottery, a good mood every day, every day good luck, met the god of wealth during the day, night counting money. Happy May Day.

  51、Although today is labor day, but also should pay attention to rest, keep healthy. I wish a happy holiday!

  52、May Day with happiness, good luck to take turns, SMS ZhuFuFa, physical fitness, business from now on, peace wishful partner, finances all over, you at any time to grasp, blessing sincerely, happy May Day.

  53、Today is Labor Day, but e May.

  54、On the arrival of 51 on a faithful blessing for you: sincere wish you and your family a happy holiday through!

  55、Can let you happy life, labor can let you out of trouble; Labor is the source of happiness, labor is the mother of success. On the arrival of May Day wish you labor, happy!

  56、May Day is coming, give your body a off, to go to play!

  57、The May Day, wish you have a happy mood.

  58、Are all in the busy at ordinary times, remember the may rest a little bit more!

  59、Today is Labor Day, but we should pay more attention to rest and keep healthy. Happy holidays and prosperous business!

  60、How May Day? Could you easily. Recreational activities dont let go, dont miss, happy to pass, good luck to go through, want to through the troubles that crosses, more than happy, happy to spend!

  61、Dude, sisters should pay attention to the combination of work and leisure. May day be happy!

  62、You have created a good life with your hard-working hands. Today is your holiday. Wish you a happy holiday!

  63、Friends, meet and get to know each other, know each other, grow together, we each other care, bloomy spring days, we meet, I wish a happy labor day!

  64、wish you a happy labor day, every day good mood!

  65、wish the judging you unload a tired, relaxed holiday and a happy summer!

  66、Dad is getting up and working fast. Dont think today is Labor Day. Help mom to cook.

  67、Busy for a long time, finally put the labor; Hard for a long time, finally look forward to easy to reach; Tired for a long time, finally have to leave sweet. Labor day, wish you relax, happy happy!

  68、Work at ordinary times is busy, want to rest no way out, rarely have a small vacation, if miss what a pity! I wish a happy labor day!

  69、In the colorful world, friendship is precious. In this long holiday, I wish you happiness!

  70、True laborers to work as devotion to his wife did.

  71、The May Day holiday is not altogether gifts clockwork SMS send to you. Healthy and happy longer with you, good luck and you are not isolated. And let me tell you, labor is the hard way!

  72、Mom, you worked hard! Have a good rest at home on May Day.

  73、In the colorful to cook.

  74、On this solemn day, I wish my dear friends all the happiness and joy they have created through their labor!

  75、May Day: the fate of playing cards can not be pulled, the leopard golden handles out, others look at you with a smile, others pay you for money.

  76、Labor day I hope you would like to clean my room, the body good exercise!

  77、Dont give yourself too much pressure, relax and take care of yourself! Happy May Day!

  78、Wine, the longer the more alcohol, friends cross the longer true the water flow more and more clear, the world vicissitudes of life more flow more light, happy May Day, always in a good mood!

  79、Work wholeheartedly, the efficiency of the lead, meticulous work, achievement, career, May Day, send you five, I wish you a good to great!

  80、On the arrival of the five. A send you a heartfelt prayer and blessing for you, sincerely wish you and your family through a happy labor day!

  81、In the solemn day, bless my dear friends can enjoy oneself use labor to create happiness!

  82、You know what? This long vacation is for you and me, so dont hide from me anymore. Please accept my invitation.

  83、Light rain, missing for you, the drizzle oncoming, douse the hurt my heart. Clear blue clouds, miss in the heart, red sun, may read you can not let go. The May Day, miss you.

  84、Dont be too bitter yourself, dont give yourself too much pressure, take care during the May 1 to relax myself, such ability can have everything else!

  85、May Day, blessing you, wish you happy may limit, good fortune 5, 5 health, success in 5, 5, happiness life accompanied by good luck tight!

  86、period of the May Day coming, it is very suitable for an outing, I wish you have a pleasant five a small vacation!

  87、physical labor is to prevent the virus society great disinfectant.。

  88、Blowing in the wind, rain the next, want to make you smile, days affection, and love, and wish you good mood moment, water in a stream, fish in travel, forget all the sad, wish happy labor day.

  89、Once together, let us this precious friendship anomaly, SMS send you and wishing you, May 1 happy!

  90、Relax mentally and mentally.

  91、You are my pain is a knife, cut off, youll be covered; You are my happiness is the glue, tape you will be no worries; You are my happiness is the package, mount you cant escape; I wish you a happy May Day, happy the best!

  92、Labor is hard work, the process is happy, the rest is comfortable, the harvest is happy, the fruit is sweet. Ha ha, friends, I wish you and your family a happy May Day!

  93、You are a bird, flying the sky waiting for you. You are the ship, Marine summons you sail; You would be a horse, prairie wait you ride; You are athletes, alpine waiting for you to climb. I wish you prosperity! Happy May Day!

  94、special clew: life is happiness, all want to health, a peace, must be happy, must want to me!!!!!!! Remember!

  95、You are my nail is the board, friendship, nailed measure in traditional Chinese music; I am a line, you are a needle over line handle; You are my ship is sailing, obey the call of lucky wind. May Day, I wish you happiness!

  96、Hair message give you, career success belong to you, happy smile with you, a long and healthy life thinking of you, the last key to inform you that the god of wealth grandpa still want to see you! Happy labor day!

  97、Labor is the glory of all citizens have labor ability.

  98、Keep your promise, let us together in May Day.

  99、You have created a good life e the fruits of tomorro afar. I little to little, and form the habit of loving e May!

  100、Friend, is revised to happiness; Friendship, is hard to get the fate; Greetings, it is sweet. Browsing, is a rare refined; Is carefree, relaxed feeling; I wish a happy labor day!

  101、Friends will be quietly in the side support you, if there are any of those things will look back, you will now have I accompany you, happy labor day, busy little bees.

  102、Work is the boat, performance is the sail, home is the harbor, holiday is shore and wash ZhengChen, zhankai smiling faces, meet happy every day! I wish you: wuyijiekuaile!

  103、You have created a good life e to sleep! Hee-hee, fortable sofa, carefully savoring the leisure of the holiday. Happy Labor Day!

  104、may day is a tourism festival,the mood maintain every day!

  105、may day is a blessing,wish you peace happy garden!

  106、may day is a time cleaning,remove trouble dont keep!

  107、labor is the father of wealth,land is the mother of wealth.

  108、i wish you a happy may day,lucky countenance,may 1 happy!

  109、may day is a gas station,fill up the body for you!

  110、toil and sweat,to harvest the fruits of success.

  111、may day,i wish you a happy work,happy rest more!

  112、Thought exists in labor, people will live on labor.

  113、On the occasion of May Day, I send you my heartfelt prayers and wishes for a happy and peaceful Labor Day with your family.

  114、On the occasion of May Day, I send you a loyal wish: I sincerely wish you and your family a happy holiday!

  115、Labor Day does not work! So I just worked my fingers to send you a message wishing you a Happy Labor Day!

  116、They all say you are a public servant, they say you are a model worker, this is your life year, Niu Ren, May Day rest!

  117、Brother, its damn holidays again. You know I still have nowhere to go. Clean up your messy house and wait for my big shelf to come.

  118、The rest after work is the most comfortable, ha ha, lets enjoy this wonderful holiday!

  119、Usually busy work, take advantage of the May Day shopping spree. Its no mistake to be grateful for yourself if your hands are not empty.

  120、May Day has arrived. The warmest May Day wishes are for friends and friends. I hope you all have a happy May Day.

  121、I havent heard from you for several days. How are you now? Can I send a message back? I wish you happiness.

  122、Labor Day wishes our work to bring you the return of spring, and wish you a happy family.

  123、I wish all the hard-working people in the world like me a happy May Day!

  124、Work is a boat, performance is a sail, home is a harbour, festivals are the shore, wash away the dust, open a smiling face, welcome happy every day! Wish you a happy May Day!

  125、Labor is glorious! Long live the labour! Use your own hands to create brilliance, to the most beloved people happy!

  126、May is a good time to let go. Would you like to fly with me?

  127、Today is International Mens Labor Day. Wish women happy holidays and beautiful days!

  128、May 1st Happy Wish you: Pursue a true love, find a close friend, realize a dream, care for a family, invite me to have a big meal.

  129、"May Day" special tips: life to be happy, health, family to be harmonious, must be happy, must think of me! Remember!

  130、The beauty of May Day lies in the fact that it is a day of kissing in spring and summer. Like a dreamy season, I give you a light drunkenness!

  131、Dont think Ive forgotten you, for example, today, the first thing I think of is you. Come and work in my house.

  132、May Day is still at work, Labor Day should work, do not complain yo! Happy holidays to you!

  133、May your efforts and sweat become the fruits of tomorrows success as soon as possible. Happy International Workers Day!

  134、There are holidays every year, but do you want a unique vacation that can leave you a good memory? Come on, action is better than heartbeat. Take action now.

  135、May your efforts and sweat become the fruits of tomorrows success as soon as possible. Happy International Workers Day!

  136、May 15th I love you, just like a mouse loves rice!

  137、work ill done must be twice done.

  138、May Day is coming, give your body a vacation, to visit; Give me your heart put a false, and to leisure. A happy holiday!

  139、The earth the person all have a holiday, only I this text messages in overtime. It full of blessings, across many mountains, across the river to fly to your side, May 1 happy, everything!

  140、On the occasion of May Day, I send you a heartfelt prayer and blessing. I wish you and your family a happy and peaceful Labor Day!

  141、Happy Labor Day? Labor is a kind of happiness. Are you going to faint with happiness today? Sleep while you are dizzy. Good night!

  142、Let"s celebrate Labor Day together by honoring all those who strive tirelessly to drive global progress, for they are the backbone of our society!

  143、Friend, although the life is made up of a rosary troubles, but we have to smile for it isn"t it? In this beautiful holiday, I wish you a happy and my dear family!

  144、Although you and I can"t get together, my thoughts and afar. I ance like music, happiness is none other than you! uuuuuuuuuuuu Happy International pany you, even singing karaoke, I have no problem.

  145、May your efforts and spany you, good luck and you are not separated. And let me tell you, labor is the hard e, drives muddleheadedly, falls into the forest depth by mistake, vomits, vomits, startles the mandarin duck innumerable!

  146、May all hardworking individuals feel the value and significance of their perseverance on this Labor Day holiday!

  147、Labor is glorious drop! Labor is not shameful drops! Love of labor is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, everyone go to the labor, I sleep for a while will come first!

  148、The rest after you for several days. Hoplain yo! Happy holidays to you!

  149、Treat life, like work carefully; To work, like love fever; Treatment of labor, as natural as breathing. About the future, calm like reality. Happy May Day!

  150、The air is filled with happiness, SMS is full of happiness, put in bags filled with peace, journey covered with good luck, I wish a pleasant journey.

  151、Wish a konka mengniu, body beauty to rejoice more associations; Life fukang robust, career jetta backgammon; Revenue j Life fukang robust, career jetta backgammon; Revenue j Move have static, in a static dynamic, move stealthily, silent move, the world changes, bless you never change, I wish a sunny day! Sunny day every day!

  152、Happy International Workers Day! I wish you all a good meal, a good time and a good mood!

  153、May Day is coming. You should drink less, eat more food and listen to your wife.

  154、Wish you have moved, please in health; Wish you have a fast music, mood cheerful; Wish you have a goods have rich, decent income; Wish you to have friends have friends, life is rich. I wish a happy May Day.

  155、Once the common struggle, let us this friendship unusual precious, SMS send you miss and blessings, happy May Day!

  156、Wife, you worked hard! Take advantage of this holiday, lets go out together, the location is up to you!

  157、May Day is coming, I am going to send you five: soar, blockbuster results, bon voyage of life, very lucrative business, a lifetime of happiness! I wish a happy labor day!

  158、Boss, I"ve been panied the day, even ordinary also romantic! I wish you a pleasant journey and a happy May Day.

  159、May you: relax, close to happiness, and happiness with, with sweet dates, and health.

  160、Don"t give yourself too much pressure, relax and take care of yourself! Happy May Day!

  161、Do not think that I forget you, in the crucial time, today, for example, I first think of is you. Quick come to my house to work.

  162、May Day is a general cleaning, sweeping away the troubles without reservation!

  163、Thank you for working so hard! Have a good rest at home on May Day.

  164、May Day is a gas station. Fill your body up!

  165、Thought exists in labor, and man must live by it.

  166、Today is Labor Day, but we should pay more attention to rest and keep healthy.

  167、May I wish you happiness, happiness and happiness.

  168、To work, to be diligent: work is the most reliable wealth.

  169、May Labor Day, wish you a happy work and a happier rest!

  170、Red pepper clothes on your body, thrift is a virtue, the most glorious labor.

  171、Labor creates history, and labour creates the future. Happy International Workers Day.

  172、All pleasures can be obtained by labour, and all hardships can be freed by labour.

  173、Use your own hands to create brilliance, to the most beloved people happy!

  174、Labor is the glorious duty of all citizens with working ability.

  175、When you are in society, everything around you is given by ordinary labor.

  176、Labor is the father of wealth, and land is the mother of wealth.

  177、Keep your promise, lets realize it together on May Day.

  178、Labor brings us everything! Celebrate Labor Day and welcome May!

  179、With hard work and sweat, the fruits of success will soon be harvested.

  180、Labor is the source of human happiness.










