我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-01-01 16:02:26 英文简历 我要投稿





  personal details

  target jobs: mechanical engineer、 automation engineer、 engineer manager

  desired salary: 8500 rmb/month negotiable

  when can start: within 1 month


  20xx-9 ~ 20xx-6 shantou university mechanical design manufacturing and automation bachelor degree

  20xx-09 ~ 20xx-07 second yangchun middle school high school high school.

  special skills

  computer level: national computer exam. grade 1

  computer skills: skilled use of office office software;

  skilled use of pro/e, autocad, solidworks and other graphics software.

  strengths: 1.i am good at design and transformation of various fixtures and non-standard automation equipment;

  2.i have 6 years of non-standard automation equipment design www.diyifanwen.com experience that with a solid professional knowledge and rich experience in mechanical design;

  3.i have the rich equipment debugging experience and ability to solve the equipment faults;

  4.can finish the design of non-standard equipment,and the electrical control system;

  5.have receive training about the project management and equipment management;

  6.can operate milling machine,grinding machine.

  language skills

  chinese: good cantonese: good

  english level: cet-4 spoken general

  english: good

  career objective

  career direction: 1.an engineer or management position;

  2.can improve the mechanical design experience,the ability of electrical control,the project management ability,to be a excellent senior engineer;

  3.i am able to create the actual economic benefits,at the same time have a good personal development.


  self info.

  self assessment: 1.has 6 years of experience in mechanical design of non-standard automation equipment;

  2.be good at design factory non-standard automation equipment and fixture with the project way;

  3.be able to complete the system development control equipment plc by oneself;

  4.familiar with the design and improvement of factory production equipment,good for solve the faults;

  5.work responsible,dare to challenge.


  bachelor's degree of engineering 20xx-06-01

  undergraduate diploma 20xx-06-01

  work experience (20xx-6 ~ present)

  company type: foreign enterprise company category: power,electrical,water conservancy

  job title: automation engineer positions: mechanical engineer

  job description: 1.in charge of the assembly deparment's nonstandard manufacturing equipment and jigs design;

  2.provide improvement suggestions for existing equipment and jigs,follow up and resolve using issues about the equipment and jigs;

  3.follow up process of the manufacture, assembly and debugging,guide and train how to use;

  3.complete the written and debugging program of nonstandard equipment by myself;

  4.have successful designed some machines,such as automation assembly machine,bending machine;

  5.finish the other work from my boss.



  英文履历表该有那些内容? 写作注意事项 dos and don’ts resume的三种格式及范例 其他相关网站英文履历表该有那些内容?

  以下是一般resume中常见的项目(你不一定全部用得著,写作时请参 考 resume的三种格式及范例的格式):   heading 包含姓名、住址和电话 summary at the top 一般而言,这一项是不写的,但如果你有什么要强调,可以加在这一部分。 objective 这部分要写用来陈述「目的」的一两个句子。你可以指明申请学位或职位的'名称, 如: "assistant buyer for a major department store", "master degree in the deparmtment of journalism";也可以概括陈述你的目的,如: "an entry level position in public relations that will use my interpersonal and writing skills"。 education 列出高中以上的学历,若成绩好,可加上gpa experience 按时间顺序列出所有的工作经验,以及从中得到的特殊技巧campus and community activities 列出能突显你能力的课外活动 special skills 可包含language skills, computer skills等 personal interests 这部分争议较大,你可以依喜好决定要不要加 references 列出其他一同寄出的参考资料,如成绩单等。 写作注意事项

  多用"action words"(见下面action words表) achieved created formulated recruited administered decided founded rectified affected defined generated researched analyzed delegated governed reviewed applied designed grouped revised appraised detailed guided scheduled approved developed handled searched arranged directed illustrated secured assessed distributed implemented selected attained earned improved simplified awarded effected increased sold built encouraged influenced solved calculated enforced initiated stimulated catalogued enlarged inspired structured clarified equipped installed succeeded coached established instituted summarized compared estimated integrated supported composed evaluated interviewed tailored conceived examined introduced taught conducted excelled invented transformed constructed executed investigated translated contracted expanded launched united controlled experimented maintained validated convinced facilitated mastered verified correlated formed recorded 日期:所有的日期都要写清楚,最好不要写简写。如: january, 1996, summer 1995。

  长度:resume长度最好限制在一页,但如果丰功伟业太多,仍可以超过。 不要有错字,且排版要好看,如果舍得,买好一点的纸印刷,绝对不要用影本。

  dos and don’ts

  do.... 多用action verbs 要看起来专业 文字要诚肯 版面要整洁 多检查是否有错字或文法错误 清楚表达自己的objective 把最要强调的项目写在前面 多用黑体、斜体或底线等来增加版面美观 don’t.... 不要用缩写 版面不要太挤 不要用被动语气写作 不要写太长的句子 不要用"i"来代表你自己(如: mastered use of winword, 不要用 i mastered use of winword) 不要引用对你不利、或不清楚的资料


  一般而言,英文履历表分为三种格式: chronological: 这种格式强调过去的工作经验,将所有相关的工作经验按照时间先后(先排最近的)列出,以显示自己有足够的经验能胜任申请的工作或学位。 [chronological范例] functional: 主要在强调自己的特殊技能,这种格式较适合工作经验不足、或是想要跨领域,使得过去经验和未来想做的事关联较小的人使用。 [functional范例] combination: 顾名思义这种格式综合了上述两种格式,采用的人很多。 **resume的编排没有硬性规定,你可以选择居中或靠左对齐,也可以依喜好自行编排。

  其他resume范例: resume-- 在这个站上有不少英文个人履历表,但并不是全部都符合写履历表的规则。 search "resume" on alta vista--同样的,并不是每个老外的resume都写得好,照著学之前要多考虑。









