我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-02-06 08:18:13 留学指南 我要投稿




  In recent years, an increasing number of U.S. colleges have started sending their admissions officers abroad to promote their programs and to recruit students from other countries. These admissions officers visit local educational agencies, schools and sometimes introduce their institutions at education fairs.


  For international applicants, especially undergraduate students, these events provide an excellent opportunity to meet representatives, learn more about the universities or colleges that they represent and perhaps be interviewed.


  While admissions interviews typically aren't mandatory for international undergraduates, there are some ways to make an interview with admissions officials from U.S. educational institutions go smoothly, whether at an international college fair or during a one-on-one appointment.



  1. Know where to find an admissions officer: It is ideal to meet admissions officers during a scheduled, one-on-one interview. Normally, local educational agencies can organize such interviews, but the applicant might have to be a client of the agency first.

  1. 了解从哪去找招生负责人:最理想的状态就是在安排好的时间和招生负责人进行一对一的面试。一般来说,当地的教育机构会组织类似的面试,但是申请人必须首先成为机构的会员。

  Otherwise, the applicant can plan to attend an international educational fair, where institutions typically will each have a booth. Applicants should also pay attention to notifications from the admissions offices at schools they are interested in to see if their representatives are traveling anywhere close by.


  The disadvantage of talking to an admissions officer at a college fair is that the environment can be really noisy and your conversation might be interrupted.


  2. Make sure you know what to bring: Applicants tend to want to bring their complete application package, including transcripts, test scores, personal statement, recommendation letters and a portfolio. While they should be prepared with relevant materials, the applicant should be really familiar with his or her materials, and able to answer related questions quickly.

  2. 想好你要带什么:申请人倾向于带上完整的申请材料,包括成绩单,考试分数,个人陈述,推荐信和一个公文包。申请人要准备好相关的材料,对自己的材料很熟悉,能很快回答出相关的问题。

  Meanwhile, the applicant should do some research before the interview, and go into it knowing the basic facts, history and mission of the institution. This will absolutely impress the admissions officer, and make your application more persuasive and your interview more memorable.


  3. Remain confident during the interview: It is crucial to be confident when meeting a college representative. There are a few ways to help make a better impression, such as answering the questions thoughtfully but concisely. This is not to say that you should boast, but take time to respond to the representative's questions honestly and sincerely.

  3. 面试的`时候保持自信:在面对学校代表的时候一定要保持自信。有一些方法可以让你获得好印象,比如在回答问题的时候认真思考仔细回答,并不是让你吹嘘,但是诚实真诚得要花时间去回应代表的问题。

  Take time to properly introduce your strengths and talk about your potential. This will not only raise the admissions officer’s interest to get to know more about you, but also impress him or her with yourcommunication skills and your ability to think logically and quickly.


  4. Know what to avoid during an interview: First of all, never go to an interview without preparation. At the interview, do not brag, but also do not be overly modest – a frequent mistake international students make while interviewing.

  4. 了解面试的时候该避开什么:首先不能毫无准备地参加面试。面试的时候不要过度吹嘘也不要过度谦虚——这是很多国际留学生在面试的时候常犯的一个错误。

  When talking to the admissions officer, do not hesitate too much and avoid using words like "um" or "hmm." Stick to concise language.

  当你和招生的老师谈话的时候,不要犹犹豫豫避免使用一些语气词像“um” 或者“hmm”,尽量用简介准确的语言。

  Finally, do not forget to ask for a business card from the representative so that you can follow up after your interview.












