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时间:2021-01-24 18:46:07 名校及奖学金 我要投稿


  英国时间2016年9月21日,泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education)发布了最新的2016-2017世界大学排名,自去年榜单中大学数量增至800后,今天又首次将排名总数增加至980所,共来自79个不同国家和地区,是史无前例的巨型榜单。





  教学(学习环境) :30%

  研究(论文发表数量、收入和声誉) :30%




  2017年WORLD TIMES世界大学排名|2017年泰晤士报世界大学排名(2016年09月22日更新)

Ranking University Name Location
International Outlook
Industry Income
Overall score
1 牛津大学University of Oxford United Kingdom 89.6 94.5 99.1 99.2 62.5 95.0 免费评估
2 California Institute of Technology United States 95.5 63.4 95.7 99.8 90.8 94.3 免费评估
3 斯坦福大学Stanford University United States 92.6 76.5 95.9 99.9 60.9 93.8 免费评估
4 剑桥大学University of Cambridge United Kingdom 90.6 92.4 97.2 96.8 50.4 93.6 免费评估
5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States 90.3 85.6 92.3 99.9 88.4 93.4 免费评估
6 哈佛大学Harvard University United States 87.5 77.9 98.3 99.7 47.3 92.7 免费评估
7 普林斯顿大学Princeton University United States 89.5 77.2 88.4 99.2 49.9 90.2 免费评估
8 帝国理工学院Imperial College London United Kingdom 86.4 96.5 86.6 97.3 67.5 90.0 免费评估
9 ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Switzerland 81.5 98.1 93.7 92.5 63.7 89.3 免费评估
10 University of California, Berkeley United States 82.4 59.6 96.1 99.8 37.6 88.9 免费评估
10 芝加哥大学The University of Chicago United States 88.1 67.8 89.1 99.1 37.7 88.9 免费评估
12 耶鲁大学Yale University United States 88.5 64.3 87.8 97.8 44.5 88.2 免费评估
13 宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania United States 85.9 50.1 88.9 98.6 49.9 87.1 免费评估
14 University of California, Los Angeles United States 82.9 58.0 89.0 98.4 47.1 86.6 免费评估
15 伦敦大学学院University College London United Kingdom 77.4 94.3 90.0 94.0 41.9 86.5 免费评估
16 哥伦比亚大学Columbia University United States 86.9 75.3 78.9 98.6 44.9 86.1 免费评估
17 约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University United States 77.4 71.1 84.3 98.4 100.0 85.9 免费评估
18 杜克大学Duke University United States 80.7 58.2 80.0 98.8 100.0 84.7 免费评估
19 康奈尔大学Cornell University United States 79.7 62.2 86.5 97.2 36.0 84.6 免费评估
20 西北大学Northwestern University United States 75.8 56.1 85.0 97.0 85.8 83.7 免费评估
21 密歇根大学安娜堡分校University of Michigan,Ann Arbor United States 79.4 54.6 86.1 95.8 43.9 83.6 免费评估
22 多伦多大学University of Toronto Canada 74.6 78.3 86.3 91.9 48.8 83.0 免费评估
23 卡内基梅隆大学Carnegie Mellon University United States 70.2 59.6 84.0 99.3 51.8 81.8 免费评估
24 National University of Singapore Singapore 76.7 96.0 86.9 79.7 61.3 81.7 免费评估
25 伦敦政治经济学院The London School of Economics and Political Science United Kingdom 70.8 91.0 74.7 96.3 34.8 80.2 免费评估
25 西雅图华盛顿大学University of Washington,Seattle Campus United States 70.2 55.0 80.4 98.8 49.8 80.2 免费评估
27 爱丁堡大学The University of Edinburgh United Kingdom 67.5 91.5 74.7 96.0 35.0 79.2 免费评估
28 Karolinska Institute Sweden 62.1 74.2 76.0 95.9 72.1 77.6 免费评估
29 Peking University China 84.6 50.3 80.3 71.6 100.0 77.2 免费评估
30 école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland 62.9 98.6 66.1 96.5 69.8 76.8 免费评估
30 LMU Munich Germany 70.5 65.4 73.4 87.4 100.0 76.8 免费评估
32 New York University United States 75.1 54.3 68.8 95.3 33.6 76.7 免费评估
33 佐治亚理工学院Georgia Institute of Technology United States 60.8 72.8 79.2 90.8 62.3 76.3 免费评估
33 墨尔本大学The University of Melbourne Australia 65.4 88.3 73.6 88.1 63.7 76.3 免费评估
35 Tsinghua University China 78.9 39.4 89.6 67.4 99.7 76.2 免费评估
36 英属哥伦比亚大学University of British Columbia Canada 61.2 92.0 72.5 92.9 41.1 75.9 免费评估
36 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States 65.6 49.7 81.4 89.3 50.3 75.9 免费评估
36 伦敦国王学院King's College London United Kingdom 61.5 93.8 71.0 93.5 42.5 75.9 免费评估
39 University of Tokyo Japan 83.4 30.6 89.2 62.4 53.4 74.1 免费评估
40 KU Leuven Belgium 57.0 67.4 73.7 90.1 99.8 73.8 免费评估
41 University of California, San Diego United States 61.2 47.7 66.2 98.9 67.3 73.2 免费评估
42 麦吉尔大学McGill University Canada 66.4 86.4 70.3 81.8 41.9 73.1 免费评估
43 Heidelberg University Germany 66.7 62.7 65.0 90.8 60.0 73.0 免费评估
43 University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 66.5 99.4 74.5 73.2 52.9 73.0 免费评估
45 威斯康星大学-麦迪逊分校University of Wisconsin-Madison United States 68.2 42.0 71.4 87.9 47.4 72.6 免费评估
46 Technical University of Munich Germany 61.0 66.6 70.5 82.0 100.0 71.6 免费评估
47 澳大利亚国立大学The Australian National University Australia 54.0 93.9 73.9 81.7 53.5 71.3 免费评估
48 University of California, Santa Barbara United States 52.2 63.3 62.6 99.2 87.6 71.2 免费评估
49 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong 53.2 82.8 66.7 91.2 62.0 71.1 免费评估
50 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校The University of Texas at Austin United States 63.9 35.7 65.9 93.0 51.3 70.8 免费评估
51 布朗大学Brown University United States 66.3 58.0 54.4 96.7 33.9 70.4 免费评估
51 University of California, Davis United States 61.4 61.2 67.3 86.6 50.0 70.4 免费评估
53 University of Minnesota United States 60.3 38.2 69.8 87.0 94.2 70.3 免费评估
54 Nanyang Technological University Singapore 50.6 95.7 60.2 90.7 93.5 70.0 免费评估
55 曼彻斯特大学The University of Manchester United Kingdom 58.2 87.0 66.3 82.3 45.1 69.7 免费评估
56 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States 61.9 40.0 59.6 96.1 41.0 69.3 免费评估
57 Humboldt University of Berlin Germany 62.5 64.4 69.0 79.9 39.4 69.2 免费评估
57 Washington University in St Louis United States 60.7 45.5 56.2 99.1 36.9 69.2 免费评估
59 Delft University of Technology Netherlands 56.2 85.9 72.9 67.3 99.9 67.9 免费评估
60 昆士兰大学The University of Queensland Australia 49.7 88.6 60.1 86.1 70.6 67.2 免费评估
60 南加州大学University of Southern California United States 50.5 62.7 60.0 94.7 39.4 67.2 免费评估
60 悉尼大学The University of Sydney Australia 51.3 83.7 63.2 83.2 63.9 67.2 免费评估
63 University of Amsterdam Netherlands 49.4 69.3 62.0 90.3 54.6 67.1 免费评估
64 波士顿大学Boston University United States 60.2 54.6 48.5 97.7 34.4 66.9 免费评估
65 Wageningen University & Research Netherlands 51.8 75.6 50.1 92.8 100.0 66.6 免费评估
66 école Normale Supérieure France 59.8 72.2 52.3 85.8 40.0 65.8 免费评估
67 University of Maryland, College Park United States 51.0 36.7 63.2 91.1 38.5 65.3 免费评估
68 宾州州立大学Pennsylvania State University United States 55.6 42.7 63.3 82.9 51.9 65.0 免费评估
69 Erasmus University Rotterdam Netherlands 38.8 77.1 56.8 95.6 57.7 64.6 免费评估
70 Purdue University United States 57.2 67.7 66.8 69.0 62.5 64.5 免费评估
71 布里斯托大学University of Bristol United Kingdom 45.9 83.2 51.7 92.7 40.9 64.4 免费评估
72 Ohio State University United States 57.0 54.6 53.1 86.2 50.6 64.2 免费评估
72 Seoul National University Korea, Republic of 70.2 32.4 69.8 58.8 85.2 64.2 免费评估
74 蒙纳什大学Monash University Australia 49.5 87.1 57.4 78.5 76.0 64.0 免费评估
75 Free University of Berlin Germany 58.1 67.2 67.3 66.9 38.9 63.7 免费评估
76 Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 52.2 84.0 60.4 74.6 44.7 63.6 免费评估
77 Leiden University Netherlands 46.1 68.1 57.9 86.1 47.3 63.3 免费评估
78 新南威尔士大学The University of New South Wales Australia 43.2 91.0 58.6 81.4 49.7 63.0 免费评估
78 RWTH Aachen University Germany 53.3 53.4 63.7 71.3 99.4 63.0 免费评估
80 University of Groningen Netherlands 41.9 66.4 55.1 87.1 79.9 62.2 免费评估
80 University of Pittsburgh United States 49.2 35.4 51.9 94.2 39.6 62.2 免费评估
82 达特茅斯学院Dartmouth College United States 58.6 37.9 41.1 94.2 39.9 62.0 免费评估
82 埃默里大学Emory University United States 52.9 52.7 39.7 97.4 43.2 62.0 免费评估
82 Technical University of Berlin Germany 49.8 60.8 59.3 74.3 98.0 62.0 免费评估
82 华威大学The University of Warwick United Kingdom 46.8 91.4 52.6 80.9 40.8 62.0 免费评估
86 Utrecht University Netherlands 46.1 57.6 48.5 90.7 80.7 61.9 免费评估
87 莱斯大学Rice University United States 46.9 69.5 38.7 99.1 43.4 61.7 免费评估
88 格拉斯哥大学University of Glasgow United Kingdom 40.6 88.6 47.8 90.6 39.4 61.4 免费评估
89 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Korea, Republic of 55.7 34.3 53.2 78.5 100.0 61.3 免费评估
89 University of Tübingen Germany 46.0 57.8 56.2 82.9 56.3 61.3 免费评估
91 University of Helsinki Finland 47.0 52.2 57.6 83.5 34.9 61.2 免费评估
91 Kyoto University Japan 70.2 28.0 70.1 50.4 75.1 61.2 免费评估
93 Uppsala University Sweden 43.0 59.9 57.1 85.2 40.4 61.1 免费评估
94 Maastricht University Netherlands 39.2 96.0 48.6 84.4 85.7 61.0 免费评估
95 University of Freiburg Germany 45.9 61.1 49.9 83.6 100.0 60.9 免费评估
96 杜伦大学Durham University United Kingdom 43.0 87.0 49.0 85.0 37.4 60.6 免费评估
96 Lund University Sweden 41.3 74.6 53.1 83.2 68.5 60.6 免费评估
98 Aarhus University Denmark 39.0 75.7 54.7 83.0 65.4 60.3 免费评估
98 University of Basel Switzerland 40.1 94.4 36.8 92.4 99.3 60.3 免费评估
98 加利福尼亚大学欧文分校University of California, Irvine United States 42.5 62.3 45.0 94.1 45.5 60.3 免费评估
101 密歇根州立大学Michigan State University United States 51.6 58.8 48.9 81.1 38.5 59.9 免费评估
102 University of Mannheim Germany 39.1 57.7 51.3 88.3 76.4 59.8 免费评估
103 University of Montreal Canada 46.8 85.0 47.8 77.4 67.7 59.7 免费评估
104 乔治城大学Georgetown University United States 56.7 47.3 39.3 84.6 74.4 59.6 免费评估
104 Pohang University of Science and Technology Korea, Republic of 53.8 34.2 48.7 79.2 99.6 59.6 免费评估
106 University of Zurich Switzerland 46.4 89.3 38.5 87.5 44.2 59.5 免费评估
107 阿尔伯塔大学University of Alberta Canada 49.5 82.7 53.0 69.9 61.3 59.4 免费评估
108 范德堡大学Vanderbilt University United States 50.1 29.8 37.3 96.7 73.5 59.3 免费评估
109 谢菲尔德大学The University of Sheffield United Kingdom 42.3 83.1 47.6 82.7 44.7 59.1 免费评估
110 University of Bern Switzerland 43.2 83.8 43.0 82.8 75.5 58.9 免费评估
110 圣安德鲁斯大学University of St Andrews United Kingdom 45.2 94.3 44.3 80.3 33.7 58.9 免费评估
112 University of G?ttingen Germany 49.7 56.6 48.0 81.1 34.8 58.8 免费评估
113 University of Bonn Germany 47.2 64.6 40.8 88.3 37.3 58.7 免费评估
113 麦克马斯特大学McMaster University Canada 43.5 76.2 45.4 82.3 66.1 58.7 免费评估
113 伦敦大学玛丽女王学院Queen Mary University of London United Kingdom 34.0 94.3 39.7 95.1 40.0 58.7 免费评估
116 科罗拉多大学波尔得分校University of Colorado Boulder United States 42.5 39.4 43.7 96.1 38.0 58.6 免费评估
116 école Polytechnique France 58.6 92.3 40.6 67.2 71.9 58.6 免费评估
118 Ghent University Belgium 43.0 55.1 55.5 75.7 84.4 58.5 免费评估
119 City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 42.1 83.5 44.5 81.6 66.4 58.4 免费评估
120 University of Copenhagen Denmark 46.8 82.3 33.1 89.8 44.2 58.2 免费评估
121 Pierre and Marie Curie University France 52.9 71.4 33.7 86.2 38.2 58.1 免费评估
121 Radboud University Nijmegen Netherlands 35.0 68.3 50.6 87.2 45.2 58.1 免费评估
121 南安普顿大学University of Southampton United Kingdom 39.2 90.2 46.1 82.8 39.2 58.1 免费评估
121 弗吉尼亚大学University of Virginia,Main Campus United States 53.7 44.6 38.6 86.6 41.9 58.1 免费评估
125 西澳大学The University of Western Australia Australia 32.3 92.9 44.9 89.0 48.8 58.0 免费评估
126 凯斯西储大学Case Western Reserve University United States 50.2 42.0 38.9 90.2 36.8 57.9 免费评估
126 埃克塞特大学University of Exeter United Kingdom 34.6 87.6 39.2 94.3 34.9 57.9 免费评估
128 Université Catholique de Louvain Belgium 39.6 75.6 51.3 78.5 51.5 57.8 免费评估
129 约克大学University of York United Kingdom 42.5 84.5 45.9 79.8 34.1 57.7 免费评估
130 伯明翰大学University of Birmingham United Kingdom 38.6 84.2 42.4 86.8 38.0 57.6 免费评估
131 Arizona State University United States 38.5 49.7 48.9 87.7 36.6 57.2 免费评估
132 University of Oslo Norway 39.7 71.2 43.1 85.5 42.9 56.9 免费评估
133 利兹大学University of Leeds United Kingdom 42.3 78.2 43.0 81.3 39.0 56.8 免费评估
134 佛罗里达大学University of Florida United States 53.6 35.2 48.1 72.9 65.7 56.6 免费评估
135 塔夫茨大学Tufts University United States 48.1 50.5 34.3 88.5 58.5 56.5 免费评估
135 Ulm University Germany 38.2 56.9 38.1 91.0 84.0 56.5 免费评估
137 University of Geneva Switzerland 37.4 98.3 41.1 79.3 66.7 56.4 免费评估
137 兰卡斯特大学University of Lancaster United Kingdom 37.0 89.1 40.9 84.7 35.6 56.4 免费评估
137 Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Italy 54.0 47.3 47.5 70.3 51.6 56.4 免费评估
137 Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Korea, Republic of 53.7 39.6 50.6 66.5 88.9 56.4 免费评估
141 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey United States 47.7 35.6 49.8 77.9 36.6 56.2 免费评估
142 阿德莱德大学University of Adelaide Australia 37.1 86.3 43.9 78.8 67.5 56.1 免费评估
143 圣母诺特丹大学University of Notre Dame United States 50.2 48.2 40.7 80.2 37.4 55.9 免费评估
144 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany 41.3 59.5 45.2 76.4 98.3 55.8 免费评估
144 Stockholm University Sweden 32.2 72.1 46.2 86.8 33.8 55.8 免费评估
146 University of California, Santa Cruz United States 34.7 48.7 35.3 99.8 40.9 55.6 免费评估
147 诺丁汉大学The University of Nottingham United Kingdom 41.0 81.6 41.3 78.9 39.8 55.5 免费评估
148 University of Cape Town South Africa 32.4 80.1 37.2 87.3 88.8 55.3 免费评估
149 萨塞克斯大学The University of Sussex United Kingdom 32.6 88.8 37.9 88.1 33.7 55.1 免费评估
150 Indiana University United States 46.4 47.0 40.2 82.1 - 55.0 免费评估
151 University of Lausanne Switzerland 31.8 90.1 46.6 75.6 76.1 54.9 免费评估
151 罗彻斯特大学University of Rochester United States 43.4 58.9 32.4 89.4 38.9 54.9 免费评估
153 University of Science and Technology of China China 51.8 24.2 43.4 74.7 77.6 54.7 免费评估
153 University of Twente Netherlands 36.8 83.6 46.7 70.8 84.6 54.7 免费评估
155 Fudan University China 55.3 37.5 47.0 65.7 53.2 54.6 免费评估
156 University of Arizona United States 42.9 41.7 42.2 83.2 35.6 54.5 免费评估
156 VU University Amsterdam Netherlands 33.1 58.9 40.2 89.4 50.3 54.5 免费评估
158 利物浦大学The University of Liverpool United Kingdom 35.1 87.7 35.2 85.7 37.4 54.3 免费评估
159 KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden 42.5 83.3 45.3 67.4 51.1 54.1 免费评估
160 University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Germany 38.7 49.1 43.6 77.3 96.0 54.0 免费评估
161 University of Münster Germany 40.8 44.3 38.3 84.4 62.6 53.9 免费评估
161 University of Vienna Austria 41.1 93.0 46.6 65.9 33.5 53.9 免费评估
163 Autonomous University of Barcelona Spain 39.4 52.3 36.4 86.7 39.9 53.7 免费评估
164 TU Dresden Germany 42.3 49.4 45.6 70.2 95.7 53.5 免费评估
165 University of Auckland New Zealand 32.8 90.5 40.8 75.8 70.5 53.4 免费评估
165 加州大学河滨分校University of California-Riverside United States 32.0 62.2 33.7 93.4 40.5 53.4 免费评估
165 东英吉利大学University of East Anglia United Kingdom 30.7 84.3 31.1 92.4 32.4 53.4 免费评估
165 University of Massachusetts United States 40.4 51.5 34.8 85.6 50.2 53.4 免费评估
169 Texas A&M University United States 53.1 50.1 57.0 50.7 46.9 53.2 免费评估
170 University of Cologne Germany 40.2 55.9 38.3 79.2 64.3 53.1 免费评估
170 University of Gothenburg Sweden 30.3 59.6 40.5 87.9 39.9 53.1 免费评估
172 莱斯特大学University of Leicester United Kingdom 30.9 87.6 32.4 88.4 35.1 53.0 免费评估
173 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院Royal Holloway University of London United Kingdom 33.3 93.0 32.3 84.5 35.7 52.9 免费评估
173 滑铁卢大学University of Waterloo Canada 37.8 77.5 44.9 70.8 41.0 52.9 免费评估
175 Pompeu Fabra University Spain 30.3 65.1 33.0 93.1 40.5 52.8 免费评估
176 Technical University of Denmark Denmark 38.3 85.8 30.0 80.2 60.6 52.5 免费评估
177 Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands 36.6 72.0 43.5 71.7 56.9 52.4 免费评估
178 University of Luxembourg Luxembourg 29.7 99.9 30.0 85.8 40.6 52.2 免费评估
179 Paris-Sud University France 40.6 64.0 31.1 83.2 32.5 52.1 免费评估
180 邓迪大学University of Dundee United Kingdom 26.7 79.1 31.0 92.3 43.8 52.0 免费评估
180 University of Hamburg Germany 42.0 56.7 41.6 70.5 60.6 52.0 免费评估
182 卡迪夫大学Cardiff University United Kingdom 31.8 78.9 36.9 80.9 37.0 51.7 免费评估
182 迈阿密大学University of Miami United States 43.1 65.8 17.1 92.5 38.1 51.7 免费评估
182 东北大学Northeastern University United States 38.2 63.0 25.7 89.8 35.5 51.7 免费评估
182 University of the Witwatersrand South Africa 26.4 69.4 37.3 82.9 100.0 51.7 免费评估
186 Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel 44.3 56.1 39.6 71.1 35.4 51.6 免费评估
186 University of Würzburg Germany 34.8 51.2 37.0 83.4 48.1 51.6 免费评估
188 阿伯丁大学University of Aberdeen United Kingdom 31.0 92.0 31.2 82.6 44.5 51.5 免费评估
188 Lomonosov Moscow State University Russian Federation 75.2 59.9 61.6 12.5 89.1 51.5 免费评估
190 纽卡斯尔大学Newcastle University United Kingdom 33.6 84.9 32.1 81.0 38.7 51.3 免费评估
190 Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Italy 44.7 44.9 33.9 74.1 86.6 51.3 免费评估
192 Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong 35.0 79.7 41.8 69.9 47.9 51.2 免费评估
192 雷丁大学University of Reading United Kingdom 36.8 86.6 37.5 71.6 36.6 51.2 免费评估
194 University of Konstanz Germany 39.8 62.6 44.5 64.4 73.1 51.1 免费评估
195 卡尔加里大学Calgary University Canada 34.8 71.5 35.2 77.9 48.8 51.0 免费评估
195 National Taiwan University Taiwan 51.4 29.9 52.5 54.5 47.8 51.0 免费评估
197 University of Duisburg-Essen Germany 34.1 50.6 28.7 87.5 77.8 50.9 免费评估
198 Brandeis University United States 29.8 49.2 24.6 99.7 33.8 50.8 免费评估
198 Tilburg University Netherlands 38.8 74.3 50.2 57.0 58.0 50.8 免费评估
200 University of Illinois at Chicago United States 46.0 57.1 35.3 69.6 41.6 50.6 免费评估










