我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-07-27 02:02:39 英语试题 我要投稿
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  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




  1.What dessert will the man order?

  A.Ice cream B.A chocolate cake. C.Nothing

  2.What will the man do the weekend?

  A.Go to the movies with the woman.

  B.Celebrate his sister’s birthday C.Go skiing with his parents.

  3.What does the man ask the woman do?

  A.Help him paint his bedroom.B.Make lunch for him.C.Take care of his brother.

  4.Who is the woman?

  A.A waitress. B.A doctor. C.A driver.

  5.What is the man doing?

  A.Having an interview. B.Talking with his boss. C.Writing a resume(简历)




  6.What size shoes did the woman wear last year?

  A.6. B.7. C.8.

  7.Why have the woman’s feet been hurting?

  A.Her shoes were the wrong size.

  B.She walked too much each day.

  C.Her shoes were of very low-quality.


  8.Where is the woman going?

  A.To her house. B.To an appointment. C.To West 22nd Street.

  9.What can we learn from the conversation?

  A.The woman is in a rush. B.It is going to rain soon. C.The traffic is heavy at the moment.


  10.Who are the speakers?

  A.Girlfriend and boyfriend. B.Teacher and student. C.Director and actor.

  11.How does the man appear to the woman?

  A.Hurt. B.Mad. C.Happy.

  12.What does the woman woman to do?

  A.Express his sad feelings. B.Show more anger. C.Take a break.


  13.Where did the woman meet the man?

  A.At the Berlin bus station. B.At the London bus station. C.At the woman’s apartment.

  14.How long was the man’s trip?

  A.An hour and a half. B.Nine hours. C.Nineteen hours.

  15.Why did the man choose to take a bus?

  A.To save money. B.To enjoy the country view. C.To be environmentally friendly.

  16.What did the woman say about the man?

  A.He doesn’t look well. B.He could have taken a faster bus. C.He should care more about the environment.


  17.Who is the speaker?

  A.A TV host. B.A radio host. C.A professor.

  18.What did the Harvard study find?

  A.Fast readers get the best grades.

  B.Parents’ education is important to kids’ success.

  C.More books at home means success in school.

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)



  Good Choice! To Visit Canada in2017

  Whether youre an adventure seeker, culture lover or just overall curious traveler, this year, Canada will appeal to you with the usual amount of hospitality, enthusiasm, and pride.

  To celebrate Canadas 150th birthday, the government department is giving people the gift of experience: the opportunity to visit all the Discovery Pass.This preferential term will be valid form May20, 2017 until October 22, 2017.Though there are plenty of splendid scenery for you to tour, here are two sites you cannot avoid visiting.

  *Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks

  In this area know to the world as the Canadian Rocky Mountain, there are five national parks: Banff National Park.These spectacular sites were declared a UNESCO Word Heritage Site under the name Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks.You can enjoy watching wild animals and taking part in outdoor activities like mountain biking, hiking, fishing in the summer as well as skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing and sledding in winter.

  The usual Discovery Pass price for Rocky Mountain Parks

  Per Adult:$60

  Per child (under 16)free

  Tickets are available either on line or at the attraction

  *Niagara Falls State Park

  Experience the power of Niagara falls close when you ride the world famous Maid of the Mist Moat tour or stand ender the Bridal Veil Falls in the Cave of the Winds.Even though the park is open 365 days a year, the opening of our attractions is based on ice conditions in the Niagara River.So the best tour time to visit Niagara Falls is summer, when it has the most tremendous power.Do it all with a Niagara Falls Discovery Pass and make memories that will last a lifetime!

  The usual Discovery Pass Price for Niagara Falls

  Adult (above 16 years old) $40

  Child(6-16 years old) $30

  Niagara Falls offers FREE admission to all the attractions to children under 5

  Buy your Discovery Pass on line or at the attractions

  21.What gift will Canadian government give to the tourists in 2017?

  A.Free Admissions for all the famous attractions.

  B.A free Discovery Pass for each lucky tourist.

  C.Offering tasty Canadian food for free.

  D.Visiting the famous Canadian attractions at half price.

  22.If you visit Rocky Mountain Parks in July, what tourist activity you can not take parting?

  A.Hiking B.Fishing C.Dog sledding D.Watching wild animals

  23.The best season to visit Niagara Falls is summer mainly because ______.

  A.you can ride the Mist Boat B.the park is open only in this season

  C.there is ice in the river D.the Fall has the most tremendous power

  24.How much will a couple with a five-year-old son spend at least if they visit both tow attractions?

  A.$100 B.$200 C.$260 D.$300


  To remind people of those Chinese poems and to promote cultural heritage, China Central Television (CCTV) has produced a TV show-Chinese Poetry Competition.The final of the hit show’s second season was shown on Feb7.

  Wu Yishu,16, who studies at the High School attached to Fudan University in Shanghai, came out on top.“I really admire her knowledge of poems”, said Huang Zijin, 16, a senior 2 student from Ningbo High School in Zhejiang province.“The first time I saw her wearing traditional Han clothing on TV, I was very impressed by her classical looks.She fulfills all my fantasies for classic Chinese women’s talents.What’s more, she always appears sp calm throughout the show, which is very unusual for her age.”

  “Leaning poems isn’t about winning or losing.The power of poetry lies in shaping one’s view of life and developing one’s inner world,”said Li Bo, an expert at the Chinese Poetry Competition’s second season.

  When it comes to teaching people about poetry, Li Dingguang, the show’s academic advisor,suggested that teachers should explain more about the beauty of the poetry from both the aesthetie (审美的) and emotional sides, and guide the student to lose themselves in the poems’ rhythmic and rhyming lines.

  “Although the proportion(比例) of ancient Chinese poems in the textbooks of primary ant secondary schools has increased, many students still learn them for exams,” Li Dingguang told China.org.cn.“Therefore, it’s important to help students truly appreciate the artistry and fun of poetry.”

  25.China Central Television (CCTV) HOSTS Chinese Poetry Competition aiming at .

  A.enriching Chinese history and literature B.learning poems from ancient people

  C.giving people a chance to compete D.spreading Chinese traditional culture

  26.Wu Yishu won the first place in the final because of .

  A.Her rich knowledge of poems B.Her wearing traditional Han clothing

  C.Her rich knowledge of poems and calmness D.Her classical looks

  27.The underlined part in the fourth paragraph probably means .

  A.to have a good taste of poetry B.to read many lines of poems

  C.to fall into piles of poems D.to lose their way in poems

  28.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

  A.Few Chinese learn poems just for exams.

  B.Most Chinese learn poems just for exams.

  C.Poems are now learned by more and more Chinese.

  D.Not all the students are truly appreciating and learning poems.


  Because, like most of you, I began college in my teens, but the second year, I was offered my dream job at Universal Studios, so I dropped out.

  Well, I left college because I knew exactly what I wanted to do, and some of you know, too-but some of you don’t.Or maybe you thought you knew but are now questioning that choice.Maybe you’re sitting there trying to figure out how to tell your parents that you want to be a doctor and not a comedy writer.

  I told my parents if my movie career didn’t go well, I’d re-enroll.It went all right.But eventually, I returned for one big reason.

  Most people go to college for an education, and some go for their parents, but I went for my kids.I’m the father of seven, and I Kept insisting on the importance of going to college, but I hadn’t walked the walk.So, in my fifties, I re-enrolled at Cal State-Long Beach, and I earned my degree.

  Well, what you choose to do next is what we call in the movies the 'character-defining moment.’

  Life is one strong, long string of character-defining moments.And I was lucky that at 18 I knew what I exactly wanted to do.But I didn’t know who I was.How could I? And how could any of us? Because for the first 25 years of our lives, we are trained to listen to voices that are not our own.Parents and professors fill our heads with wisdom and information, and then employers and mentors (有经验的顾问)take their place and explain how this world really works.

  And I want to be clear that your intuition(直觉) is different from your conscience.They work together, but here’s the distinction: Your conscience shouts, “here’s what you should do,” while your intuition whispers, “here’s what you could do.” Listen to that voice that tells you what you could do.Nothing will define your character more than that.

  29.The author went to college in his fifties in order to .

  A.get an educational degree B.go for his parents

  C.give hid children an example D.earn a good reputation

  30.According to the author’s view, what should we mainly follow when we choose our career?

  A.Our parents’ advice. B.Our own intuition.

  C.Our conscience. D.Our teachers’ advice

  31.What’s the right order of the events in the speech?

  ①Took his job ②Got married and had children

  ③Graduated from college ④Dropped out of children

  A.④③①② B.④③②① C.④①②③ D.④②①③


  Seamounts are mountains, usually volcanoes, which rise up from the sea floor.Some of the volcanoes are dead, some are still active.But they are hard to fin because they do not reach the surface of the water.

  Scientists say seamounts cover more of the earth’s area than deserts, tundra(冻原), or any other land-based habitats.Marine life gathers at seamounts because they carry nutrient-rich water upward form the sea floor.

  In September, a group of scientists set out to explore Cook Seamount.It rises almost 4,000 meters from the Pacific Ocean floor about 160 kilometers off the island or Hawaii, Humans have never seen it up close before.The Associated Press went with the scientists, and provided unique images and information about this seamount and the marine life around it.

  Three people went in a submarine(潜艇)down to over 900 meters below the ocean surface to the top of the seamount.As the blue waters became darker, underwater creatures that glow, by chemically creating their own light, began to swim past the submarine.The scientists dove below the level where sunlight can reach.They spotted some wonders—like a rare octopus(章鱼)with big fins that look like elephant ears.One even changed colors as it swam by the submarine.

  Cook seamount is an extinct volcano, which means it is not active anymore.It is part of a group or undersea volcanoes known as the Geologist Seamounts, that are about 80 million years old and could hold many new animal species.They could also contain elements such as nickel and cobalt that mining companies could extract.

  32.Why dose ocean life like gathering at seamounts?

  A.Because seamounts can protect them from being attacked.

  B.Because there is plenty of food to feed.

  C.Because there is plenty of air to breathe.

  D.Because the rising water can bring them to ocean surface.

  33.Form the fourth paragraph, we can infer that .

  A.the deeper the ocean is, the bluer it is

  B.the deeper the ocean is, the more sea creatures there are

  C.octopuses live in the deep ocean where there id little sunlight

  D.octopuses live in the deep ocean where there is little sunlight

  34.What dose the underlined word“extinct” in paragraph 5 probably mean?

  A.positive B.negative C.dead D.endangered

  35.What passage is most likely taken from .

  A.an adventure diary B.a science exploration report

  C.a science fiction D.a social investigation podster



  How do you pay for goods in a shop? Perhaps you like the true reliability of hard cash? Perhaps the financial flexibility of a credit card suits you better?


  Whatever you use our bodies: our eyes, our fingerprints, even our mere presence in the store.37 Amazon are having a trial on stores which have no checkouts, where technology tracks the items you’ve taken from the shelves and deducts(扣除)the total from your account when you leave the shop.

  French supermarket Monoprix takes a different path: you choose your groceries and leave them with q human cashier.You then leave the shop while the cashier settles your bill, charges your account, and organizes delivery to your home.38 What’s more, wearable items such as rings, bracelets and key chains will carry chips that allow shoppers to randomly shop, going between the web, an app or in store.

  39 Perhaps something totally new will take off that changes money as we know.One such possibility is explored in the movie In Time, which imagines a future society in which money is time itself, where people trade the amount of time they have left to live.Or perhaps we would go back to the simpler financial world of the original economy.In this case, we needn’t use money while trading.It seems as if the images of sacks of grain and herds of sheep being exchanged in ancient times came back to life with the help of modern technology.40 Do you think so?

  A.All these shopping methods are convenient for customers.

  B.But the only thing we know for certain is that money will keep changing.

  C.Who knows what will happen to money in the future?

  D.It is certain that trade will disappear in the future.

  E.Or perhaps you prefer the simple convenience of a smart phone?

  F.This new development means the end of the plastic credit card.

  笫三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)


  Too often, I think that small things in our everyday lives get taken for granted.When a long-lost friend calls to say a random 41 , it can definitely make your 42 .Or, what about the child you used to look after calling once in a while to keep you 43 about what are doing, even though they are full-grown 44 now? These are the things that give me something to look forward to, and make a huge difference to my day.But 45 one day I feared that they hay no idea how much those things 46 to me, so I wanted to do a “random act of kindness” to make them realize it.

  It happened to be around Valentine’s Day.I made a 47 of everyone that made a big difference to my day.I tried to think of 48 things they would love; most were chocolate, and sweet.Then I made a little package with that.Inside, there was a card that hay a simple 49 ,“ Your help makes my days great.”

  Several days later, I 50 back from every single person, and they said how special it made them feel.They also said they 51 thought what their thing was, and it made a(n) 52 to their day.

  Some said that they were going to try and make more random 53 to other people.One person even called THREE times a day to say thank you! The extra special 54 to me was that the daughter of one my recipients(接受者) had received a little 55 form her mom, and thought that it was SO 56 .Then after church one day, she told her mom that she wanted to do something for her friend to let him know how 57 he made her mom that she wanted to do something for her friend to let him know how 57 he made her feel.It’s one thing for us to pay the kindness forward between peers(同龄人) and adults, but to 58 another generation into it is 59 more wonderful than I could have thought.I can’t 60 for my next project!

  41.A.goodbye B.hello C.prayer D.sorry

  42.A.apology B.promise C.day D.decision

  43.A.recognized B.promise C.day D.decision

  44.A.kids B.reminded C.convinced D.informed

  45.A.suddenly B.generally C.adults D.roles

  46.A.meant B.generally C.surprising D.unluckily

  47.A.note B.fool C.list D.bet

  48.A.important B.popular C.list D.bet

  49.A.end B.message C.lesson D.journal

  50.A.paid B.went C.heard D.journal

  51.A.sometimes B.yet C.also D.never

  52.A.change B.point C.impression D.difference

  53.A.talent B.surprise C.discovery D.parcel

  54.A.talent B.surprise C.discovery D.parcel

  55.A.rose B.with C.ring D.package

  56.A.economical B.wasteful C.cool D.expensive

  57.A.romantic B.fashionable C.elegant D.special

  58.A.bring B.pull C.push D.force

  59.A.just B.even C.quite D.nearly

  60.A.struggle B.search C.wait D.apply

  第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每题1.5分,满分15分)


  We can have conflicts with our import persons like friends,relatives etc.In a heated 61 (argue),we usually use rude words to made sure we gain an advantage 62 the other person.Then the whole situation goes badly.So we should make sure that there are no rude remarks and the situation 63 (move)in a positive direction.

  It’s easy for us to think we’re right and 64 something isn’t working out, it must be someone else’s fault.

  65 ,if you aim to solve a conflict, you should show some respect and allow the other party to express 66

  (they).Using remark like ,“I understand your concern on this” would make the other feel more appreciated.

  Sometimes some people get too excited and many behave in the wrong way.This can cause a 67 (bad)situation. Actually, they should control their emotions and keep calm.This has to 68 (learn) through swlf-control.

  The tips mentioned above are useful for most situations.However, we don’t rule out the possibility that there are some people 69 always want to create some sort of trouble for others. 70 (put) in an effort to resolve a conflict with them may just not be a wise idea.The best way to deal with these people is to forget them.

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)







  Word Disabled Day fall on fall on December 3 rd, As we all know, there’re many disables people around us.Although the government has that they can live happy life.

  Fist of all, we should respect the disabled and treat them equal.Secondly, we should do that we can make life convenient and comfortable.Thirdly, some disabled people have made great contributions to our society, but they have set good examples to us.However, we should learn from them.

  Dear schoolmate, let’s start now and doing our best to help the disabled.Only in this way can create a harmonious environment for all of us.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  假定你是李华,上个月你从外教Mr.Brown那里借了一本海明威(Hemingway)的小说《老人与海》(The Old Man and the Sea),但不慎将书丢失。为此请你给Mr.Brown写一封道歉信。信的内容包括:







  Dear Mr.Brown,

  I’m writing this letter to make an apology to you for


  第一部分 听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  1—5:ACACA 6—10:BAACC 11—15:ABACC 16—20:ABCCA



  21—25:DCDAD 26—30:CADCB 31—35:CBDCB



  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两小节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  41—45:BCDCA 46—50:ACDBC 51—55:DDABD 56—60:CDABC


  61.argument 62.over 63.moves 64.if 65.However

  66.themselves 67.worse 68.be learned/learnt 69.who 70.Putting

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(10分)

  71.fall-falls 72.of去掉 73.live后加a 74.equal-equally 75.that-what

  76.our-their 77.but-amd 78.However-Therefore 79.schoolmate-schoolmates 80.doing-do

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)(A possible version)

  Dear Mr.Brown,

  I’m writing this letter to make an apology to you for losing the book” The old man and the sea” by Hemingway you lent to me last month.

  I really appreciate the novel.However, I didn’t keep it properly as promised.I was so careless that I left it to the city public library.I’ve been looking for it, but in vain.Feeling awfully sorry, I’ve bought a new one to make up for my fault.I hope you can forgive me for my carelessness.What’s more.I’ve heard that you are interested in Chinese Tang poems, so I’ve also bought a “300 Tang Poems” for any inconvenience it may cause to you.Best wishers.


  Li Hua










