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时间:2021-03-06 16:44:21 英语六级 我要投稿




大学英语六级作文 篇1





  The Art of War is one of most famous works onmilitary theory of ancient China.It is also one of themost influential Chinese ancient books in theworld.It elaborates on strategic and philosophicthinking which have been applied widely to variousfields,such as military,politics,economy,etc.Its author,Sun Wu,summed up the experience ofwars in the Spring and Autumn period,showing a series of universal laws of military.At last,heput forward an integrated system of military theory.The book is divided into thirteenchapters,and each chapter has a topic.For example,the chapter titled The Strategic Attack tellsus how to attack enemies.Sun Wu advocated that we should achieve the biggest success at apossibly minimum cost,and even sometimes made it without war.He pointed out that there werefour ways to win a war:the best was political strategy,the second diplomacy,the thirdforce,and the worst attacking a city.




  本句是由三个短句构成的长句,包含两层意思,前两句是说孙武前期的经验总结,处理成“主句+伴随状语”: Itsauthor,Sun Wu,summed up the experience of wars in the Spring and Autumn period,showing aseries of universal laws of military,最后一句是说他最终的成就,单独译为一个句子: At last,he putforward an integrated system of military theory。


  (1) 一致问题主要表现为:主谓一致;代词与被指代对象的一致;句子各成分间的一致(修饰词与被修饰词)。如:

  【例17】 Most education system neglect exploration. (20xx.12)

  【解析】systems。本句中education system前的修饰词most后面常接复数名词,而且句子的谓语动词neglect使用的`也是复数形式,因此,句子的主语system应该使用复数形式systems。

  (2) 连接词的误用主要表现为:并列句或复合句中连接词的误用。如:

  【例21】 Today, school is what most people come into contact with a formal instruction and explanation of science for the first time, at least in a systematic way. (20xx.12)

  【解析】where。本句是个省略句,根据上下文可以得出:is 后面省略了place。place 指代school, 表示地点,引导表示地点的定语从句,其关系代词应该是where,而非what。

  (3) 时态、语态和语气错误主要表现为:时态错误;语态错误;虚拟语气错误。如:

  【例25】 Our culture餾 decline in reading begin well before the existence of the Patriot Act. (20xx.12新)

  【解析】began。时态错误。本句含义:我们文化在阅读方面的衰落在《爱国者法案》出台之前就开始出现了。很显然这是过去的事情,故应该使用过去式。 3. 语义错误语义错误主要是指针对整篇文章,通过分析含义及上下文的关系,在因果关系、时空关系、人物关系等方面的错误,或者单词含义的错误。

  【例28】 A hundred years ago people didn餿 need to be good readers in order to earn a living. But in the Information Age, no one can get by with knowing how to read well and understand increasing complex material. (20xx.6)

  【解析】without。语义矛盾。本句意思与上一句形成对比。前句提到“一百年前人们不需要有读写能力就能谋生”,本句中的时间则转到了当前的信息时代。众所周知,信息时代要求人们有文化,迅速掌握大量信息,跟上时代发展。所以需要把with改为without,和主语中no 构成双重否定句,表示一种强烈的肯定。

大学英语六级作文 篇2


  Should People Play Games While od Duty?


  1. 有人认为这很正常

  2. 也有人反对这种做法

  3. 我的看法


  Should People Play Games While on Duty?

  Should people play games white they are working? People*s.attitudes toward it vary greatly. Some people regard it as a common phenomenon in office nowadays. They think playing games is a good way to kill liie boring time. At the same time, it can make them relaxed, which, in turn, can help them do their job efficiently*

  However, some people have the opposite opinion. They think companies should prohibit their employees from playing games. They raaintain that playing games at work is an irresponsible behavior and a wrong working attitude which can exert a bad influence on their colleagues. Moreover, many serious mistakes are often made when people piay games during tbeir working time, because playing games distracts people's attention.

  In my view, people s&outdi^t play games while on duty. Oa the one hand, pi ay mg games can occupy some of their time wbicb can be used to do something more important and meaningful, such as the further study of their working field and the improving of their working skills. On the other hand, playing online games takes up a lot of corporate network resources which may interfere with other colleagues work.

大学英语六级作文 篇3

  1. Although we do not know the long-term consequences of separation or deprivation , we do know that they can produce acute immediate distress .


  2. One can raedily trace the disappearance of dinosaurs to a major cataclysmic event .


  3. The raesons for poverty are many , but for the most part center on illiteracy , the lack of opportunities and in some cases pure laziness .


  4. Child development depends on a number of factors , both physical and psychological . Correct parental nurturing from infancy through adolescence determines both the physical and mental profile of a mature individual .


  5. Factors such as self-condidence and ambition , combined with determination and willpower , contribute to eventual success or failure .


大学英语六级作文 篇4

  My View on Over-Consumption

  Some people are in favor of the idea of over-consumption. They point out the fact that Chinas rapid economic development has materially enriched the lives of ordinary Chinese people, and at the same time increased our demands as consumers. They also argue that the rising consumption helps drive economic growth.

  However, other people stand on a different ground. They consider it harmful to consume more than what their family can afford. They firmly point out that the dogged pursuit for more accounts for our debts, anxiety, waste and overload. An example can back up this arguement: The American financial crisis caused by over consumption made the people of the world worse off.

  There is some truth in both arguements. But I think the disadvantages of over-consumption outweigh the advantages. In addititon to the above-mentioned negative effects, the surging consuming demand threatens to exhaust our resources and spoil our environment.

  To conclude, our government is advocating ideas of conservation-minded society and sustainable development. Whether due to sense of guilt about waste, or a simple desire to save money, we need to promote sustainable consumption.

大学英语六级作文 篇5

  It is well know to us that the proverb: " ___谚语_______" has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study. It means ____谚语的含义_______. The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows. ( also theoretically )

  A case in point is ___例子一______. Therefore, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb ____谚语_____.

  With the rapid development of science and technology in China, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying: ____谚语_____. The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job_____

大学英语六级作文 篇6

  Nowadays some people like to compare university study to mountain climbing-an activity that requires painstaking, persistent efforts and strong will if one expects to make it a success. In my opinion, university study and mountain climbing indeed have some similarities.

  Firstly, both university study and mountain climbing require painstaking efforts. A student has many things to learn and will sure encounter lots of difficulties in the road of study; while a mountaineer will also face many difficulties before he or she reaches the peak of a mountain. Secondly, university study and mountain climbing require persistence. A university student should learn to accumulate knowledge for his or her ultimate exam, while a mountaineer should also learn to preserve energy for the ultimate challenge. Thirdly, a sustainable willpower is needed in both university study and mountain climbing. With many difficulties and frustrations around, a student or a mountaineer should face them with strong will.

  Generally speaking, mountain climbing is not an easy thing, nor is university study. Though university study and mountain climbing are quite different, they actually have many things in common. Through the above analysis, we could conclude that dreams can only be achieved by painstaking efforts and strong will.

大学英语六级作文 篇7

  Do you check your smartphone frequently? Do you feel distracted if your smartphone is not with you? When there’s no wifi or signal for your smartphone, will you get irritated? If you say yes, then you’ve got addiction to smartphones. Smartphone addiction is a phenomenon that causes a lot of troubles to people.

  In the first place, it may cause some problems to your health, such as visual fatigue, cervical spondylosis, and even neurasthenia. A friend of mine suffers from a serious spine collapse due to her addiction to smartphones during pregnancy.

  Secondly, if you keep playing with your phone when you are with your friends or family, you will spend less time talking to them. In fact, it is they who need and deserve to be cared for.

  Lastly, an excessive reliance on smartphones may weaken your interpersonal skills. When you cannot find a place, you consult your GPS instead of consulting local people. You spare more time playing mobile games than playing real games with real people. As time passes, it’s possible that you may have difficulty in communicating with people.

  Therefore, isn’t it better to get rid of smartphone addiction?

大学英语六级作文 篇8


  How to Enhance the Sense of Happiness

  1. 人们对于如何提升幸福感有不同看法

  2. 幸福感提升不仅包含物质层面,也指...

  The sense of happiness is of great significance. As a vital factorof life, it brings us power, arouses our enthusiasm for loving life, and helps us to create apromising future. However, in contemporary China, it has become a trend for Chinese people tohold different views about happiness and the way to enhance it.

  In addition to material basis, the sense of happiness also refers to several others aspects. Firstly, based on a recent survey, a majority of individuals admit that they are no longer content withbeing fed and clothed adequately, and their happiness depends more on their success in careers, friendship and love. Secondly, a great many people claim that health is the key to their sense ofhappiness. It is health that enables them to build up a solid foundation for anything significant.

  As a college student, I am convinced that never can money equal happiness. To enhance oursense of happiness, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends and classmates toenrich their knowledge, broaden their horizon and cultivate their ability.

大学英语六级作文 篇9

  At present, some colleges and universities permit their students to select lecturers of some courses by themselves. After all, some teachers are very boring and some required subjects are probably not very practical.

  Several fundamental factors are considered when students selecting their lecturers. First and foremost, a good instructor should be able to interest and motivate their classes. Students will learn more quickly and thoroughly from a teacher who makes the subject matter come alive for them. What is more, an outstanding tutor should spend time and energy organizing and preparing the lessons.

  Good as selecting lecturers is, it also has its own disadvantages. On the one hand, if students can choose their own curriculum, they can generally do better in subjects that interest them. On the other hand, given the high pressure to make good grades, many students will misuse the opportunity and naturally choose the easier subjects rather than the harder ones. It is high time that we attached importance to this issue.









