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时间:2021-03-04 20:23:21 英语六级 我要投稿




大学英语六级作文 篇1

  My View on NEET




  注:NEET是Not Currently Engaged in Education,Employment or Training或Not in Education,Employment or Trainin9的缩略语,即我们所说的“啃老族”。


  My View on NEET

  Now in China the problem of NEET has been brought into public attention.NEET refers to the group of people who are not currently engaged in education,employment or training,instead they just stay at home,relying on their parents.

  There are mainly two reasons for this phenomenon.For one thing, since the expansion of university enrollment in l999,an increasing number of college graduates have poured into the job—hunting market.However, some of them are not fully prepared and become unemployed.For another, some young people are the only child of their family and badly spoilt.As a result,they are psychologically dependent even when they grow up.

  To solve this problem,first.colleges or the communities should provide pre-job training courses for the young.Second,parents should cultivate their children's sense of independence in their childhood.Last but not least,college students also have to equip themselves with skills and knowledge and get ready to compete tomorrow.

大学英语六级作文 篇2

  1)Sth will make our life more enjoyable, that is to say, sth can add color to the dull routine of every day life. 。。。能让我们的生活更美好,也就是说,。。。可以给我们枯燥的生活带来色彩

  2)For the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill has become the focus of their lives and the source of their happiness and contentment 对于很多人来说,学习一门新技术占据了他们的生活和充实了他们的生活。

  3)。。。。。, by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented, with no time for boredom.。。。占据了某人大部分时间,使得某人没空想东想西(充实了某人生活)

  4)What's more, living in school can save them a great deal of time on the way between home and school everyday, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. 住校为学生省去了不少时间,这样学生可以把更多的时间用在学习上

  5)Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened. 一点一滴,这样做可以丰富我们的知识和拓宽我们的视野

  6)For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn.对于想过一种有意义的人来说,抽空学习一门新技术很重要

  7)The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.兼职可以让学生们学习个人技巧,这样可以在找工作时更有竞争力

  8)By taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks.学生不仅可以提高学习成绩,还可以获得在课本上学不到的工作经验

  9)Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that learning new skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.

  10)1Sth can produce positive effects on …in more than one way.什么东西可带来好影响 2Sth may bring about negative impacts on …什么东西可带来不好的影响

大学英语六级作文 篇3




  交代清楚故事涉及的人物、时间、地点: 主题句


  具体描述事件发生的原因、经过和结果 起因+经过+结果




  Directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic the day my classmate fell ill.





  开篇句:About _____ o'clock one evening in _______, _____. 扩展句:________. (展开描述一下事件)


  主题句:Without hesitation, _____. It wasn't long before _____. 扩展句:1、one ______. 2、another _______. 3、our teacher _______.


  结尾句:Is _______? Who can tell ? but ______.

  扩展句:1、When ____ , people showed _____ spirit regardless of ____.

  2、This kind of care between persons is the very kind giving, unselfish and priceless devotion or sacrifice. 3、And it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.

大学英语六级作文 篇4


  Should People Play Games While od Duty?


  1. 有人认为这很正常

  2. 也有人反对这种做法

  3. 我的看法


  Should People Play Games While on Duty?

  Should people play games white they are working? People*s.attitudes toward it vary greatly. Some people regard it as a common phenomenon in office nowadays. They think playing games is a good way to kill liie boring time. At the same time, it can make them relaxed, which, in turn, can help them do their job efficiently*

  However, some people have the opposite opinion. They think companies should prohibit their employees from playing games. They raaintain that playing games at work is an irresponsible behavior and a wrong working attitude which can exert a bad influence on their colleagues. Moreover, many serious mistakes are often made when people piay games during tbeir working time, because playing games distracts people's attention.

  In my view, people s&outdi^t play games while on duty. Oa the one hand, pi ay mg games can occupy some of their time wbicb can be used to do something more important and meaningful, such as the further study of their working field and the improving of their working skills. On the other hand, playing online games takes up a lot of corporate network resources which may interfere with other colleagues work.

大学英语六级作文 篇5





  China’s stock market is luring students looking to see how their textbook teachings fare in real life. While there arc no concrete data on the student- investor, business professors say the market boom has boosted the number of students looking to play around with stocks. They invest in the stock market with money from parents and sometimes with amount equal to several times their annual tuition.

  Some people are alarmed at the trend. As investing in the stock market involves many risks, they say,college students are very likely to lose, which may put students and ministry assets at risk. However, some are supportive. As more and more students become shareholders, they will help raise tie general quality of shareholders and there will be more rational stock buyers in securities market, which is actually a good thing.

  In my view, college students may give stock investment a try if possible. Stock investment may be a way to make fast money and help finance students' schooling. Even if the students are likely to lose in the stock market, it may still bring about valuable investment experience — they can learn if they don’t try.








  写完后仔细检查作文中用词、句法方面有无不准确的地方;句式有无变化;句与句之间,段与段之间有无合适的连接及过渡等。 总之,为了顺利通过六级写作考试,突破最低分类线,不但需要了解相应的考试要求,评分原则,掌握各种文体的写作要领,而且更需要平时多读多练习,加强实践 。

大学英语六级作文 篇6

  Should Graduates Spend Much on Job Hunting?

  Nowadays college graduates spend more and more money on job hunting. According to a recent survey, almost every graduate spends some money on finding a job. And clothing, transportation, resumes producing and training expense are the main aspects that cost them a lot of money.

  As to this phenomenon, different people have different views. Some say it is necessary for graduates to spend money in producing embellished resumes and buying suitable clothes, which can give interviewers a good impression and increase their chance of success. However, others don’t think so. They argue that the high expenditure can increase their parents’ financial burden since most students have no regular income. Apart from that, the decorated resumes do little help to find a job because most HR managers pay more attention to skills.

  In my opinion, there is nothing wrong for graduates to invest some money on job hunting. But they should bear in mind that it is their knowledge, skills as well as experience that matter a lot. So they must have a rational attitude toward what they should buy and how much money they should spend.

大学英语六级作文 篇7

  Should College Students Be Allowed to Get Married?

  There isno denying the fact that it is a hotly debated topic today whethercollege students should be allowed to get married. Some time ago, theban was lifted by some universities on students getting married. Tothis peoples attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view.They say that most college students are adults and that it is a basicright for those who have reached the appropriate ages to get married.Besides, they argue that with their biological and emotional needs met,these students will study better. The ban on this means a severeviolation of human rights.

  Many others, however, hold the negative opposite view. Theyclaim that the university or college is a place to study instead of acommunity to lead family life. Allowing college students to get marriedwould adversely affect their study. For instance, they would spend toomuch time attending their family and love, unable to concentrate ontheir school work.

大学英语六级作文 篇8


  1) From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ...从上文已经讨论过的来看,我们可以得出…的结论。

  2) It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop ...是时候去采取严厉的措施去阻止…

  3) It is necessary that steps should be taken to ... 这些被采取去…的措施是非常有必要的。

  4) In conclusion, it is imperative that ...总之,…是有必要的。

  5) There is no easy method, but ...might be of some help.没有什么捷径,但是…也许会管用。

  6) To solve the above-mentioned problem, we must ...要去解决以上提到的问题,我们必须…

  7) In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.总之,如果我们继续忽视上述的问题,那么更多的问题就会涌出。

  8) With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.通过有关部门的努力,这个问题将会被彻底解决。

  9) We might do more than identify the cause ,it is important to take actions to ...我们也许在确认原因上做的太多,更重要的是应该采取…样的行动。

  10) Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear...无论好坏/积极或消极,值得肯定的是…









