我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-01 17:43:15 英语六级 我要投稿




大学英语六级作文 篇1

  In recent years, more and more people, especially some young girls choose to take plastic surgeries. Some people argue that this kind of surgery can improve one’s appearance, thus secure a good job. Others hold a different opinion, they consider plastic surgery as a waste of money. Personally, I agree with the latter.

  Firstly, beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes, virtue is more important than appearance. Plastic surgery cannot improve one’s character. Who do you think is more popular, an ordinary girl with charming personality, or a beautiful girl with arrogant manner? Secondly, success relies on one’s abilities but not appearance. Some people, especially young girls dream to find a good job after taking plastic surgery. For example, it takes one at least 30,000 Yuan to have double eyelid. Fourthly, people have to bear the risks of an unsuccessful surgery which will be a lifelong pain.

  All in all, it is not advisable for people to take plastic surgeries. We can get what we want by improving our inner qualities, such as our personality and ability, and there is no need to endure the pains and economic loss of a plastic surgery.

大学英语六级作文 篇2

  题目:Self-help Traveling





  Many university students prefer a self-help travelling to a packaged one, because they do not have to follow a rigidly-planned schedule. In addition, these young people can stay in and enjoy a spot they find fascinating while leave immediately a scene that they regard not so captivating. Another important reason is that some students are not willing to pay a big sum on accommodation, so instead, they make do with living in a cheaper place.

  It cannot be denied that self-help travelling is less safe. A trip into remote areas or mountains may turn out to be risky. These young people have neither sufficient experience in dealing with emergencies nor do they have somebody to resort to. They might be lost in a place without communication and nobody knows their situation.

  Independent travelling, as far as I am concerned, would be an enjoyable and cost-effective choice as long as it is nearby. For young travelers, before starting, they are supposed to make enough preparations, including route, accommodations and necessary emergency aids.



大学英语六级作文 篇3


  1:The time flies, we haven't seen each other for a long time. All the things here are going on pretty well, I just miss you so much!


  2:It is so great to hear from you again. 能再次收到你的来信我很开心。

  3:Long time no see! 好久不见。

  4:I trust that everything is going smoothly for you. 我相信你那里一切都好。

  5:It is a great pleasure for me to have this wonderful chance to put pen to paper and send greetings to you.



  Give advice:

  In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following action: 在下认为,如果你能采取以下措施,将是一种明智的选择。

  I hope you will not find it too forward for me to suggest that you... 请原谅我的直接,不过,希望你能___________。

  In my experience, it seems that _______ would make sense in your situation. 从我的经验来看,针对你的情况,似乎________会有帮助。 At the risk of overstepping my boundaries, allow me to suggest that you____。 请原谅我的冒昧,不过我建议你_____________。 Gratitude I truly appreciate your kindness. 我很欣赏你的仁慈。

  I am grateful to you for... 非常感谢你_________________-。

  I appreciate it more than I can say. 我对你表示万分感谢。

  I can never thank you enough. 万分感谢。

  I wish there were a better word than " thanks " to express my appreciation for your generous help.


  It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.


  Many thanks for your kindness and hospitality. 非常感谢你的仁慈和好客。

  Now we have arrived back home safe and sound. 现在我已经安全到家。

  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for... 我打从心底谢谢你(真诚地感谢你)。

  Thank you again for your kindness. 谢谢你的'好意。

  Please accept my sincerest and deepest apology. 请接受我最诚挚、最深刻的道歉。

  I apologize most sincerely for... 我诚挚地对___________向你道歉。 I am truly sorry to have done...

  我对________向你表示道歉。 Please forgive me... 请原谅我曾__________。

  I owe you an apology... 我为______向你道歉。

  I regret to inform you that I am unable to do.. 很遗憾地告诉你,我没法___________。

  I am so sorry to have put you through so much trouble... 很抱歉给你带来这么多麻烦,__________。


  The honor of your presence is requested... 若你能出席________,我(们)将感到万分荣幸。

  It's a pleasure for me to invite you to... 我很荣幸地邀请你参加__________。

  We sincerely hope that you make it. 我们真诚地希望你能参加。

  We would be honored to have you there with us... 如果您能参加我们的__________,我们将不甚荣幸。

  I will cover all the expense involved. 我将负担所有的费用。


  I can only imagine how difficult this time must be for you, and I want to extend to you my unwavering support.


  Complain I am writing to express my dissatisfaction withat... 我写这封信是想告诉你们我对________不是很满意。

  I very much regret to have to inform you that... 很遗憾地通知你,__________。

  I would like to draw the attention of the authorities concerned to the ...我想就_____________问题引起有关部门的重视。 I feel something ought to be done about... 我觉得________方面还可以作一些努力(需要改进)。

  I hope that the above situation will be improved as soon as possible. 我希望以上问题(情况)能尽快解决(改进)。

  Your effort to provide good services will be highly appreciated by all. 我们会很感激您作出的一切努力。

  We will appreciate your willingness to make up for the loss. 我们真的希望你们能对损失作出补偿。

  Inquiry I would like to request some information about...


  My first question is... 我的问题就是__________。

  I am greatly concerned about... 我对_________较为关注。

  Should I need to send further materials, please let me know.


  Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects.


大学英语六级作文 篇4



  Nowadays, there are more and more [某种现象] in [某种场合]. It is estimated that [相关数据]. Why have there been so many [某种现象]? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is [原因一]. Besides, [原因二]. The third one is [原因三]. To sum up, the main cause of [某种现象] is due to [最主要原因]. It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, [解决办法一]. On the other hand, [解决办法二]. All these measures will certainly reduce the number of [某种现象].

  为便于读者理解,我特意用这个模板,写了一篇关于ghost writer(捉刀代笔的枪手)的示范性小作文,请您观摩一下。

  Nowadays, there are more and more [ghost writers / 枪手] in [China''s examinations / 中国的考场]. It is estimated that [5% examinees are ghost writers / 5%的应试者是枪手]. Why have there been so many [ghost writers / 枪手]? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is [hirers'' ignorance / 雇主无知]. Besides, [hirers'' indolence / 雇主懒惰]. The third one is [hirers'' obtusity / 雇主迟钝]. To sum up, the main cause of [ghost writers / 枪手] is due to [hirers'' low IQ / 雇主智商低]. It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, [flagellation / 鞭打]. On the other hand, [decapitation / 斩首]. All these measures will certainly reduce the number of [ghost writers / 枪手].

大学英语六级作文 篇5








  Cyber Crimes

  With the popularization of Internet, cyber crimes have become a serious problem facing us. Nowadays cyber criminals seem to be everywhere on the Internet. To illustrate, some commit fraud or lift intellectual property, others snatch passwords or disrupt e-commerce, and still others unleash viruses to crash computers. As a result, these crimes destroy network security greatly and make computer users suffer great losses.

  However, we shouldn’t tolerate these cyber criminals any more. It’s high time for us to take effective measures to fight against cyber crimes. First, we should reinforce the cyber laws to punish cyber criminals strictly. Moreover, we should develop high techniques as soon as possible to improve intrusion detection and prevent cyber crimes. Besides, more talented people should be trained and more effective firewalls should be built up so as to make the net immune to all kinds of viruses.

  As college students, we have responsibility to join the battle against cyber crimes. For one thing, we should not use others’ computers unless we get permission. For another, we should be honest to others on the Internet and not release or spread unreal information. In a word, it takes our common efforts to defeat cyber crimes.

大学英语六级作文 篇6

  3. 你的看法


  Publicizing Lists of Uncivilized Residents

  To improve tbe behavior of its citizens, the government of X City has teamed with local media to release lists of uncivilized behavion. The lists have photos and basic information of offenders e. g, drivers brealdng traffic rules have their license-plate nurabers listed along with the time and location of the infraction. This has attracted particular public attention.

  Some welcome the policy, believing it will deter people ftom poor behavior They say it will force people to behave themscives, or they will risk being named and shamed in the media. However, critics have complained that the initiative is an abuse of administrative power and is irresponsible* Citizens should certainly be held responsible for misconduct, they say, but the government should also create an environment to help people exercise self-discipline.

  Personatlyt I agree that citizens should be responsible for their improper behavior but governments also do have a responsibility to improve their management. Besides, according to laws, law enforcement departments are entitled to give the proper punishments to violators of public regulations. It is, however, groundless for these governmental organs to publicly disgrace the rule- brcakcis.

大学英语六级作文 篇7

  The seats in our school reading-room are not enough for all the students. Many people get there very early to "seize" a seat every day. So do I. One day a "special" thing happened to me. And I learned a lesson that I shall never forget.

  It happened on a Wednesday morning last January, just before our final examation. I got to the reading-room very early to occupy a seat. I put a book on the desk and then went to have breakfast. But when I hurried back into the reading-room, I found someone was sitting on the seat which I had occupied in advance. I ran to him immediatly and shouted at him angrily, "Go away. It's my seat." Everyone raised their eyes and stared at me unfriendly. My face turned red and I felt ashamed of myself. I took my book and fled helter-skelter before so many eyes.

  I dared not go to the reading-room for several days. I learned a lesson in the reading-room. Since then I have been keeping the lesson in mind: To be polite to everyone.













大学英语六级作文 篇8

  How to improve psychological health?

  As is known to all, psychological health is as important as, if not more important than, physical health for a student during his/her growth. However, it’s quite worrying that nowadays some students are not quite psychologically healthy.

  Undoubtedly, schools and universities should take great account in the responsibilities of students’ psychological health. Relevant courses and activities should be introduced to students so that they would be more aware of the significance of psychological health and find appropriate ways to maintain and improve it. For example, there should be a psychological counseling hotline or office for students to turn to when they need some psychological aid.

  Of course no psychological health can be obtained without the efforts from the students themselves. From my perspective, what they can do is trying to stay positive, optimistic and follow the right guidelines from their schools. To be more specific, they can participate in some activities such as voluntary work to cultivate an opening and caring mind. Meanwhile, harmful impacts from the cyber space should definitely be avoided.

大学英语六级作文 篇9

  cet6六级级作文范文:how important is money ?金钱有多重要?

  no one would argue , i think , that money is unimpor tant . there a re ce rtain things that human beings need — food , shelter , medical care and these things cost money . but if one has enough money to live on , to pay for the basic essentials of life , is it impor tant to have a lot more money than that ?will your life improve in propor tion to the amount of money that you have ?

  well , there is no denying that money can buy a lot . maybe you do not need much money to pay for a simple shelter , but how about if you want a nice big apar tment in a nice neighbourhood , or if you want to buy a house ? in fact , people do get on each other’s ne rves if they are crowded together in a small kitchen , if a mar ried couple cannot but sha re a room with their parents , if childr en ar e not allowed to have a little privacy of their own .

  mor eove r , it is nice to get a little pleasur e out of life, a little fun from time to time . unfor tunately , many of the fun things that you can do today cost money . in modern cities , for example , on any night , outstanding performers appear in night clu bs and on concer t stages . fur thermore , you can dine on foods f rom eve ry corne r of the wor ld in the restaur ants . so how can it be that many people in mode rn cities do not have fun ? simple, they do not have the money to take advantage of all these att ractions .

  so , is money the road to happiness ? not r eally . la rge numbers of people work eve ry day , work over time, work weekends , and make a lot of money . are they happy ? no . they have no time to form or maintain friendship , no time to enjoy themselves .

  sur ely everyone has thought at times ,“if only i had a lot of money , i would be the happiest person in the wor ld .”but it is impor tant to r emember that money is only a means to an end , not the end itself .


  · int roduction

  * money is impor tant

  * is it import ant to have a lot more money ?

  · with money we can do a lot of things which can’t be

  done without money , e .g .

  · is money the road to happiness ?

  · money — a means to an end , not the end itself



  本文是一篇议论文, 全文围绕“money is not everything ,but everything needs money”展开。作者的论点体现在“money is only a means to an end , not the end itself .”最后一句中。本文篇幅较长, 但思路并不复杂, 例证均邻近生活实际, 因此并不难写。这样的议论文适合于六级和考研水平。



  shelt er n . 住所

  medical car e 医疗

  essentials of life 生活必需品

  in propor tion to 成正比

  get on each other’s nerves 大家都很伤脑筋

  privacy n . 隐私

  pe rformer n . 演员

  how can it be that . . . ? 怎么能行呢?

  take advantage of all these at tr action s 利用这一切可享受的东西

  work ove rtime 加班

  a mean s to an end , not the end itself 达到目的手段而本身并不是目的









