我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-01 15:05:41 英语六级 我要投稿




大学英语六级作文 篇1

  Recently, the phenomenon of students pursue famous brands has become the focus of the public concern.They always do anything in order to buy what they want. What has caused this problem?It is no easy/simple task to offer the reason for this phenomenon which involves more than one complicated factor.

  There are two aspects reason as follows. On the one hand,with the development of the economy/society/people’s living standard, we can afford the articles of luxury. On the other hand,the mind of rivalry is the most important reason.The topic of the famous brands is the main idea among the students, they think a famous brand is a symbol of sophistication and taste.

  To change this situation, I suggest that college school students should cultivate positive values and look at things in a proper way.Although brand is the best way to show their status,we shouldn’t pursuit brand blindly.students ought to pay much attention to their studies.

大学英语六级作文 篇2





  The Art of War is one of most famous works onmilitary theory of ancient China.It is also one of themost influential Chinese ancient books in theworld.It elaborates on strategic and philosophicthinking which have been applied widely to variousfields,such as military,politics,economy,etc.Its author,Sun Wu,summed up the experience ofwars in the Spring and Autumn period,showing a series of universal laws of military.At last,heput forward an integrated system of military theory.The book is divided into thirteenchapters,and each chapter has a topic.For example,the chapter titled The Strategic Attack tellsus how to attack enemies.Sun Wu advocated that we should achieve the biggest success at apossibly minimum cost,and even sometimes made it without war.He pointed out that there werefour ways to win a war:the best was political strategy,the second diplomacy,the thirdforce,and the worst attacking a city.




  本句是由三个短句构成的长句,包含两层意思,前两句是说孙武前期的经验总结,处理成“主句+伴随状语”: Itsauthor,Sun Wu,summed up the experience of wars in the Spring and Autumn period,showing aseries of universal laws of military,最后一句是说他最终的成就,单独译为一个句子: At last,he putforward an integrated system of military theory。


  (1) 一致问题主要表现为:主谓一致;代词与被指代对象的一致;句子各成分间的一致(修饰词与被修饰词)。如:

  【例17】 Most education system neglect exploration. (20xx.12)

  【解析】systems。本句中education system前的修饰词most后面常接复数名词,而且句子的谓语动词neglect使用的也是复数形式,因此,句子的主语system应该使用复数形式systems。

  (2) 连接词的误用主要表现为:并列句或复合句中连接词的误用。如:

  【例21】 Today, school is what most people come into contact with a formal instruction and explanation of science for the first time, at least in a systematic way. (20xx.12)

  【解析】where。本句是个省略句,根据上下文可以得出:is 后面省略了place。place 指代school, 表示地点,引导表示地点的定语从句,其关系代词应该是where,而非what。

  (3) 时态、语态和语气错误主要表现为:时态错误;语态错误;虚拟语气错误。如:

  【例25】 Our culture餾 decline in reading begin well before the existence of the Patriot Act. (20xx.12新)

  【解析】began。时态错误。本句含义:我们文化在阅读方面的衰落在《爱国者法案》出台之前就开始出现了。很显然这是过去的事情,故应该使用过去式。 3. 语义错误语义错误主要是指针对整篇文章,通过分析含义及上下文的关系,在因果关系、时空关系、人物关系等方面的错误,或者单词含义的错误。

  【例28】 A hundred years ago people didn餿 need to be good readers in order to earn a living. But in the Information Age, no one can get by with knowing how to read well and understand increasing complex material. (20xx.6)

  【解析】without。语义矛盾。本句意思与上一句形成对比。前句提到“一百年前人们不需要有读写能力就能谋生”,本句中的时间则转到了当前的信息时代。众所周知,信息时代要求人们有文化,迅速掌握大量信息,跟上时代发展。所以需要把with改为without,和主语中no 构成双重否定句,表示一种强烈的肯定。

大学英语六级作文 篇3

  1. 现象阐释型







  ① In recent years, ______ has/have been prevailing among.

  ② A number of factors can account for such phenomenon, but the following might be the critical ones. ③ First and foremost, ______. ④ Moreover, ______. ⑤ Undoubtedly, ______. ⑥ Firstly, ______. ⑦ Secondly, ______.

  ⑧ In my view, ______. ⑨ To begin with, ______. ⑩ What’s more, ______. Only ______.

  ① 开门见山,阐明某一普遍现象。

  ② 引出造成这种现象的关键原因。

  ③④ 逐条阐释原因,条理清晰,层次分明。

  ⑤ 承上启下,引出这种现象造成的后果。

  ⑥⑦ 通过结构衔接词具体阐释两种后果。

  ⑧ 表述自己的观点。

  ⑨⑩ 逐项阐明自己的观点。


  2. 对比选择型







  ① It is widely accepted that ______. ② What’s more, ______. ③ However, ______.

  ④ On the one hand, some people hold the view that ______. ⑤ On the other hand, a great many people insist that _______.

  ⑥ From my perspective, however, ______. ⑦ Therefore, ______.

  ① 紧扣题目论点,引出相关话题。

  ② 论述一些人对某一事物或现象的看法。

  ③ 用However转折,引出不同的观点。

  ④⑤ 具体阐述两种观点,论述条理清晰,内容充实。

  ⑥ 表述自己的观点。

  ⑦ 得出结论。

  3. 观点论证型







  ① It is not an uncommon social phenomenon that ______. ② For example, ______.

  ③ As to this issue, opinions vary from person to person. ④ Some people hold that ______. ⑤ But others maintain that _______.

  ⑥ As far as I am concerned, ______. ⑦ On the one hand, ______. ⑧ On the other hand, ______. ⑨ In a word, ______.

  ① 开门见山,描述现象。

  ② 举例说明。

  ③ 引出人们对该现象的观点。

  ④⑤ 列举人们对该现象的不同观点。

  ⑥ 引出自己对该现象的看法。

  ⑦⑧ 具体说明自己对该现象的看法。

  ⑨ 对全文进行总结。


  ① As is portrayed in the picture, ______. ② Actually, recent years have witnessed an increasing trend of ______.

  ③ This ______ has inevitably brought about some ______ effects. ④ Anyway, ______.

  ⑤ However, ______. ⑥ Therefore, people should become fully aware of both sides of ______.

  ① 开门见山,描述图画。

  ② 从对图片的描述引出要谈论的话题。

  ③ 分析这一现象造成的某一方面的影响。

  ④ 对本段进行小结。

  ⑤ 使用过渡词转换话题,开始描述这一现象对其他方面的影响。

  ⑥ 对全文进行总结或提出建议。

  4. 问题解决型







  ① As is known to all, ______. ② However, ______. ③ The cases of ______.

  ④ Therefore, ______. ⑤ Firstly, ______. ⑥ Secondly, ______. ⑦ Thirdly, ______.

  ⑧ As far as I’m concerned, ______.

  ① 紧扣题目论点,提出问题。

  ② 进一步说明该问题。

  ③ 举例论证,充实内容。

  ④ 过渡到论述应采取的措施。

  ⑤⑥⑦ 运用结构衔接词具体阐述应采取的措施。

  ⑧ 提出自己的观点。

大学英语六级作文 篇4


  How to Enhance Our Sense of Happiness?

  1. 人们对于如何提升幸福感有不同的看法

  2. 幸福感的提升不仅包括物质层面,也包括……

  参考范文: How to Enhance Our Sense of Happiness?

  Along with the improvement of living standards, people are no longer content with being fed and clothed adequately. They are more concerned about how to enhance their sense of happiness.

  To a large extent, happiness depends on individuals’ understanding about it. For some people, happiness relies on material basis, without which they can’t live comfortably and decently. For others, they believe that happiness has nothing to do with money. Thus to enhance happiness is not equal to improving one’s material living standards. Instead, people are supposed to confront their life with right attitude, to be active and grateful in order to have a happy life.

  For my part, money does buy happiness, but only up to the point where it enables one to live comfortably. To boost one’s happiness not only needs the material but also the spiritual enrichment. It encompasses living a meaningful life, utilizing your gifts and your time, living with reflection and objective.

大学英语六级作文 篇5

  My View on NEET




  注:NEET是Not Currently Engaged in Education,Employment or Training或Not in Education,Employment or Trainin9的缩略语,即我们所说的'“啃老族”。


  My View on NEET

  Now in China the problem of NEET has been brought into public attention.NEET refers to the group of people who are not currently engaged in education,employment or training,instead they just stay at home,relying on their parents.

  There are mainly two reasons for this phenomenon.For one thing, since the expansion of university enrollment in l999,an increasing number of college graduates have poured into the job—hunting market.However, some of them are not fully prepared and become unemployed.For another, some young people are the only child of their family and badly spoilt.As a result,they are psychologically dependent even when they grow up.

  To solve this problem,first.colleges or the communities should provide pre-job training courses for the young.Second,parents should cultivate their children's sense of independence in their childhood.Last but not least,college students also have to equip themselves with skills and knowledge and get ready to compete tomorrow.

大学英语六级作文 篇6

  The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today . Water is polluted we have no clean water to drink Many trees are cutting down some animals is getting less and less.Some factories is poring dirty air in the sky the population is

  increasing faster and faster resources is getting less and less…etc. Not only does it affect our lives and health it also has a great affection in the future. people's health has been greatly affected by air noise and water pollution. Many people died of diseases.In order to live a better life we need protect our world.

  We should n’t throw away rubbish everywhere.We want to recycle reduce reuse things .Don’t waste things This saves money and reduces pollution. Use things for as long as possible. We don’t use plastic bags . We mus plant more trees and stop the people cutting them .We hope our world is more and more beautiful .




大学英语六级作文 篇7


  1. As the proverb says…

  2. It goes without saying tan…

  3. Generally speaking…

  4. It is quite clear than because…

  5. It is often said that …

  6. Many people often ask such question:“…?”

  7. More and more people have come to realize…

  8. There is no doubt that…

  9. Some people believe that…

  10. These days we are often told that, but is this really the case?

  11. One GREat man said that…

  12. Recently the issue of… has been brought to public attention.

  13. In the past several years there has been…

  14. Now it is commonly held that… but I doubt whether…

  15. Currently there is a widespread concern that…

  16. Now people in growing number are coming to realize that…

  17. There is a general discussion today about the issue of …

  18. Faced with…, quite a few people argue that…, but other people conceive differently.

  19.Recently, the problem of … has aroused people’s concern.


  20.Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


  21.Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face.


  22.It is commonly believed that… / It is a common belief that…


  23.Many people insist that…


  24.With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that…


  25.A lot of people seem to think that…


大学英语六级作文 篇8

  College Graduates Work as Village Officials 大学生当村干部

  There is no denying the fact that it is a hotly debated topic today how college graduates should choose their careers. Some time ago, it was reported that some college graduates chose to work as village officials. To this people’s attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view while others are against it. As far as I am concerned, I believe that it is a wise choice.

  On the one hand, college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the countryside. First, they can apply their professional knowledge there. Secondly, they can introduce new concepts to the countryside and speed the development of rural culture. As a result, the gap between the city and the countryside can well be bridged.

  On the other hand, these graduates can benefit a lot from working as village officials. While too many college graduates are fighting for the handful of positions in big cities, these graduates can find themselves a wider stage of development and realize their value.

  Therefore, college graduates working as village officials is a win-win choice and more graduates should be encouraged to work in the countryside.

大学英语六级作文 篇9


  The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication





  The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication

  The picture depicts a couple dating in the park. While the man just focuses on his cellphones, and doesn’t pay any attention to his partner or the nature beauty in the park. This picture reflects a common phenomenon in today’s society: people spend too much time with their cellphones and communicate less and less with the people around them.

  Nowadays, the smart-cellphones become more and more important in our daily life. They have made our life more convenient. We are timely aware of the most latest news around or faraway from us.

  However, everything has two sides. Except for all the advantages, the smart-cellphones also have brought some problems. First, when you’re focus on the cellphone, you may ignore the beautiful scene around you. What’s worse, you are just absorbed in your own small world, rather than share your happiness and sorrows with the family. You hardly talk with your family and the ones around you. You become indifferent to them.

  All in all, let’s put down the cellphones and spend more time communicating with our family and friends face to face directly.









