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时间:2021-02-28 10:24:40 英语六级 我要投稿




大学英语六级作文 篇1

  Is Becoming Rich the Only Goal of Life?

  As the saying goes, "Money makes the mare go." Living in the contemporary society, more and more people are becoming money-oriented whether voluntarily or reluctantly. Sometimes, they should be reminded that becoming rich is not the only purpose of life.

  If one spends all his life pursuing nothing but money, he might live in a big house and drive a luxury car when he gets old. However, a person's material need is within limits. One cannot live in two houses and drive two cars at the same time. Neither should one take in two persons' amount of food. Besides, people's desire and ambition to make money could be infinite. More of money doesn't always make us happier. More of Money tends to make us used to that money and desirous of having even more of that.

  Therefore, we should look around and find other goals of life. For example, one can live a meaningful life by discovering his gift and making the best of it. One can also live a happy life by making more friends and building a joyful family.

大学英语六级作文 篇2

  Making friends are indispensable in everyones life. There is no denying the fact that intelligent and humor are two vital characters of a good friend. Some people, however, may claim that it is better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor.As for me , Im quite agree with it

  To begin with, intelligent friends often enlighten us and teach us something useful which is benefit for our life and career. It means that we will be inflenced by intelligent people and inclined to gain some characters from them. Most importantly, intelligent friends also have a proper goal. They manage their time for their goal, implementing it and complementing themselves, so they have a relatively high probability to success in their life. Staying long with a friend who is intelligent like this, we will be intelligent gruadually too. We can learn a lot of wholesome things from them, but a friend who have a good sense of humor just can brings us jokes. In our daily life, I thought intelligence is user than jokes.

  Furthermore, an intelligent friend helps us more when we are in trouble. Compared with the humorous friends, an intelligent peole think more about the problem in a rational way. Useful suggestions and help from them will of much more importance to resolve the trouble we meet. For instance, if I was in trouble, those friends who are intelligent are more likely to put forth some constructive suggestions for me, while humorous friends may make a joke on me in a improper time. Although their jokes will relax me temporary, but in fact it is suggestion that resovle the problem at this moment and jokes do nothing.

大学英语六级作文 篇3

  1.强迫 coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to)、compel 代替force

  2.扩大 magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is) 代替enlarge

  3.赞扬 extol(stronger than praise)、compliment(polite and politic 代替praise

  4.刻苦的 assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly 代替hard-working

  5.艰巨的 arduous (if something is arduous、it is difficult and tiring、and involves a lot of efforts) 代替difficult

  6.贫瘠的 barren、infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it) 代替poor (soil)

  7.易碎的 brittle、vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically) 代替fragile

  8.展示 demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people. ) 代替show

  9.公正的 impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something. ) 代替fair

  10.袭击 assault (physically attack someone)、assail (attack violently) 代替attack

  11.憎恶 abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons)、loathe(dislike very much) 代替dislike

  12. 破坏 devastate (it means damage something very badly、or utterly destroy it. ) 代替ruin

  13.总是 invariably(the same as always、but better than always) 代替always

  14.永久的 perpetual(a perpetual state never changes)、immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed) 代替forever

  15.吃惊 startle(it means surprise you slightly)、astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound) 代替surprise

  16.热情 zeal (a great enthusiasm)、fervency (sincere and enthusiasm) 代替enthusiasm

  17.平静的,安静的 tranquil(calm and peaceful)、serene(calm and quiet) 代替quiet

  18.错综复杂的 intricate(if something is intricate、it often has many small parts and details) 代替ccomplex

  19.独自的 solitary (if someone is solitary、there is no one near him/her 代替lonely

  20.非常小的 minuscule(very small)、minute 代替small

大学英语六级作文 篇4

  How to improve students’ psychological quality

  As the negative news of undergraduates come out uninterruptedly, student’s psychological quality has aroused wide concern. It’s no doubt that to improve undergraduates’ quality is very important at present. Solving the problem needs collaborative efforts between universities and students themselves.

  On the one hand, authorities in universities play a critical role in the situation. First of all, schools can provide chances for the students to develop their hobbies and interests. Everyone should always do something he likes and master a special skill so that they can enjoy the beautiful (brilliant)life. Second but not least, specialists in this field are needed to give professional advises for schools. In the last place, teachers may have a chance to give guidance in time.

  On the other hand, as a college student, we should try to move from challenge to challenge and face all kinds of hard ships bravely.

  There is no easy method, but with your efforts that must be of some help to improve your psychological quality.

大学英语六级作文 篇5

  At present, some colleges and universities permit their students to select lecturers of some courses by themselves. After all, some teachers are very boring and some required subjects are probably not very practical.

  Several fundamental factors are considered when students selecting their lecturers. First and foremost, a good instructor should be able to interest and motivate their classes. Students will learn more quickly and thoroughly from a teacher who makes the subject matter come alive for them. What is more, an outstanding tutor should spend time and energy organizing and preparing the lessons.

  Good as selecting lecturers is, it also has its own disadvantages. On the one hand, if students can choose their own curriculum, they can generally do better in subjects that interest them. On the other hand, given the high pressure to make good grades, many students will misuse the opportunity and naturally choose the easier subjects rather than the harder ones. It is high time that we attached importance to this issue.

大学英语六级作文 篇6

  北京大学于1898年成立,原名为京师大学堂(the Imperial University of Peking)。该大学的成立标志着中国近代史上高等教育的开始。在中国近代史上,它是进步思想的中心,对中国新文化运动、五四运动及其他重要事件的发生颇有影响。今天,国内不少高校排行榜将北京大学放入国内顶尖大学之列。该校重视教学和科学研究。为提高本科生教育和研究生教育质量、保持其领先研究机构的地位,学校已做出很大努力。此外,学校尤以其校园环境及优美的中国传统建筑而闻名。


  Originally known as the Imperial University ofPeking,Peking University was established in1898.The establishment of the University markedthe beginning of higher education in China‘s modernhistory.In modern history of China,it was a center forprogressive thought and was influential in the birth of China’s New Culture Movement,theMay Fourth Movement and many other significant events.Today,Peking University was placed bymany domestic university rankings amongst the top universities in China.The university laysemphasis on both teaching,and scientific research.It has made great efforts to improve theundergraduate and graduate education,and maintain its role as a leading research institution.In addition,the University is especially renowned for its campus environment and the beauty ofits traditional Chinese architecture.

  1.表示某事物的成立,需用被动语态:“原名京师大学堂”即最初的名字,可译为and its original name was…;也可与前面句子共用主语Peking University,译为was originallyknown as…,但这两种处理方法都不如将其处理为过去分词短语originally known as…来得简洁地道。

  2.注意第二句中“中国近代史”的`译法,“近代史”通常译为modern history.“现代史”则译为contemporaryhistory.“标志着……的开始”可以套用mark the beginning of…句型表达。注意,不要一看到“标志”就翻译为symbolize,该词一般指“某事物的象征意义”,用于此不合适。

  3.第三句中的“对……的发生颇有影响”的中心词是“有影响”(was influential),“对……的发生”表明产生影响的方面,用介词in.“发生”在此处强调的是状态,而不是动作,因此用in the birth of表达。

大学英语六级作文 篇7

  1. The first key factor to solve this problem…Another key factor is…

  2. People have found many solution/approaches to dealing with this problem.

  3. Then how should we solve this problem? Here are some suggestion which may be some of help.

  4. Faced with…we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.

  5. It is high time… Here are a few examples that might be taken immediately.

  6. We need it take a fresh/dear/look at this matter/situation in a new perspective/from a winder standpoint. Otherwise, we won’t come anywhere near solving it.

  7. It is essential/indispensable/that proper action/effective measures should be taken to reverse this situation/trend.

  8. No effective/simple solution can be at hand/tackle the problem of… But the general first step in the right direction.

大学英语六级作文 篇8

  Should College Students Live Alone off Campus or Living with Roommates on Campus?





  Should College Students Live Alone off Campus or Living with Roommates on Campus?

  As adults, college students are responsible individuals capable of sensible and independent judgments and decisions。 Living on or off campus is really a matter of personal choice and different students can make their decisions that best accord with their individual needs。

  Over the years, as many Chinese families become financially well—off, they can afford their sons and daughters better—equipped apartments off campus。 In the rented accommodation, a student enjoys greater personal freedoma more tranquil environment in which they can concentrate on their studies and greater privacy with which they can associate with their friends, including their boyfriends or girlfriends。 Those are all unalienable human rights guaranteed by the Constitution。 As long as those students behave within legal boundaries and their off—campus life does not affect their academic performance as students, there is no reason why college students should not live off campus。

  However, living off campus does pose problems。 A student living alone may incur greater personal risks。 With less time to mix with classmates, he or she will be less competent as a team player。 Having to spend much time traveling to the campus, the student will have serious challenges to be punctual for classes。 Finally, without their independent income, most students will certainly increase financial burdens on their parents。 Therefore, any students with serious intentions to live off campus should really have serious thoughts about those issues before they actually make their choices。

大学英语六级作文 篇9


  Creating a Green Campus

  Recently, with the idea of making and maintaining "a green earth" being the focus of the society, "green campus" has become a more and more popular concept in universities or colleges, which, undoubtedly, will bring us an ever-lasting benefit to both our campus and our society.

  The concept of " green campus" does not only mean a green environment but also refers to an environmental sense in people's mind. Campus plays a crucial role in educating the young generation and the consciousness of " green campus" will definitely produce a profound effect on students' various environmental protection activities after their graduation. What's more, the young generation is under the burden of severe environmental pollution and there are many problems waiting for them to solve.

  To make "green campus" come true, firstly, it is necessary to work out effective principles for the development of sustainable and recyclable campus. Secondly, it calls for people's awareness of the serious pollution around us and actual action to reduce the waste. Last but not least, it is necessary to strengthen the ties between campus and society, so as to ensure that "green campus" can work smoothly with the co-effort of the whole society.









