我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-08-04 06:02:13 英文求职信 我要投稿
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  hello! my name is ***, the xxx university chinese language and literature fresh college graduates. on the occasion of choosing the occasion, i harbored a sincere heart and the pursuit of education, recommended in good faith to your own.

  university three years, i always follow the "wide professional, solid foundation, strong ability, high-quality" standard to exercise and develop themselves. learning, i work hard, set up the successful completion of the school language and literature, pedagogy, curriculum, each subject to achieve good results are more than can be said to engage in educational work must master a considerable degree of knowledge to understand and master. month internship in the education and work outstanding, i believe competent secondary language education.

  "oaks from little acorns", so i for normal students, "the words one would" give particular attention to basic skills. through these efforts, i passed the national examination mandarin class, and honors received two a-level certificate; usually adhere to diligent practice calligraphy, pen writing, chalk is preferred. after school, i studied under through media such as books and all aspects of network knowledge, expanding their knowledge. , i was also with honors by the national computer proficiency test, and can operate free cooked word and other office software and cai courseware, the network has a strong ability to retrieve information. also, i have been working as student leaders, a former head of community, strong planning skills and organizational activities of interpersonal skills. actively participate in various social practices of public cultural and sports activities, arts and sports in more expertise. because of high academic achievers, was named colonel "outstanding members."

  i grew up on the teachers, the profession is full of reverence and love, to become a good teacher of the people! i know the importance of teachers and for social accountability! i believe i can do a teacher, i will be worthy of the " engineers of human souls, "the title of honor. good birds greener pastures, submit the cover letter is the result of a carefully considered and well-prepared, if your school to give me a chance, i will be able to work hard and continue to forge ahead and dedication to the school to make its own contribution to the motherland nurture more talent, i could use my efforts to prove that you made the right choice.

  i was in a period of energetic life, and love of education, determined to do an outstanding teacher of the people. hope your school can provide a platform for me their expertise, i will make every effort to achieve good results at work. enclose my personal profile, so you can better understand me.

  附: 即将面临就业,对每个毕业生而言,最当务之急的事情恐怕就是制做一份个人简历了。那么, 怎样制做个人简历呢?简历的内容、式样设计方案,仁者见仁,智者见智,然而最关键的是你要记住:任何一个你好单位,他们收到的求职简历都会堆积如山。和你的预想正好相反,没有哪个人事主管会逐一仔细阅读(read)简历,而是用以一种scan的方式匆匆而过,每一份简历所花费的时间一般都不超过二分钟。无法吸引他们注意的简历很可能被忽略而过,永久地沉睡在纸堆里。因此,“突出个性、与众不同”便是你设计个人简历成功的法宝。



  包 括:姓名、年龄(出生年月)、性别、籍贯、民族、学历、学位、 政治面貌、学校、专业、身高、毕业时间等等。一般来说,本人基本情况 的介绍越详细越好,但也没有必要画蛇添足,一个内容要素用一两个关键词简明扼要地概括说明一下就够了。




  主要列出大学阶段的主修、辅修与选修课科目及成绩,尤其是要体现 与你所谋求的职位有关的教育科目、专业知识。不必面面俱到(如果用人单位对你的大学大学成绩感兴趣,可以提供给他全面的成绩单,而用不着在求职简历中过多描述这些东西),要突出重点,有针对性。使你的学历、知识结构让用人单位感到与其招聘条件相吻合。




















