我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-07-30 18:59:10 英文求职信 我要投稿
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  while studying at the school i was a member of the class publicity, creative and organized a "premier zhou footprints along the way forward" the signature of the 1000 activities of students, school teachers and students have been widely acclaimed.

  i am well aware that as an economic category of students, the exchange of essential practice. thus, in 98 years i joined the "soft science enthusiasts jilin engineering association" in the department of market research. as an assistant, i participated in the preparation of the visit and summed up with the "evergreen daily" cooperation "consumer survey of university students" and "computer at the university campus," the research project, through the real data, correcting some of the people of the community college students is incorrect views caused great repercussions.

  i firmly believe that to adapt to the needs of society as a complex human resources, into the community is essential to draw nutrients. 99 years in august to october, i am in the "xiamen overseas chinese electronics co., ltd." in office has done a three-month long promotional miss, the initial feeling of intense business competition, but also to understand the micro-see giant enterprises in china the status quo. in july the same year to 11-month period, i have a part-time "modern" market consulting company investigators, to "market research" has done a comprehensive, professional, deep understanding. these experiences for me into the community, involved in the operation of business and laid a good foundation.

  i have perseverance character, love and respect their jobs, be able to endure hardship, to be bold, the work can独挡一面, but also solidarity and cooperation.

  my life philosophy is: "there is nothing." i believe you chose me, it chose the pursuit of success. i would like to use their professional knowledge and wisdom for the development of your company to make modest!


  1、《唐伯虎点秋香》 求职关键词:目标 求职就要学习唐伯虎:他有非常明确的目标(秋香),然后就有了规划(拿下华府的offer卖身为奴),再有措施(拣风筝,与四大yin侠合作),斗智斗勇(智退七省文状元,枪挑书生夺命剑),百折不挠(施展生平绝学点中石榴姐),终获成功。找工作的首要任务就是,知道自己喜欢谁,谁是我的秋香。有了明确的目标,就可以做职业规划,踏上奋斗之路。

  2、《007》 求职关键词:装备 手表、皮带、戒指、钢笔、烟卷、宝马车,邦德总有新奇的武器。西装、衬衣、皮鞋、领带、简历、皮包、地图、手机、照片。。。求职装备一样都不能少。

  3、《肖申克的救赎》 求职关键词:信念 “有一种鸟儿是永远也关不住的,因为它的每片羽翼上都沾满了自由的光辉。”十五年的牢狱生活,从未放弃对自由的向往。几年里每天给国家图书馆写信,终于打动别人。心里有坚定和必胜的信念,所以能坚持。

  4、《毕业生》 求职关键词:迷茫,彷徨 压抑,孤单,无助,追求,叛逆,真情,成熟。。。就要踏进社会的毕业生,感受到了吗?许多年以后,当我们成熟坚毅,不再轻易为一件事感动的时候,求职期这段充满复杂情绪的时光,留给我们不只是青涩,更重要的是回忆和品味。5、《阿甘正传》 求职关键词:执着 即使是笨小孩,只要执着,上天总会眷顾。阿甘从不计较什么,只是凭直觉在路上不停地跑;阿甘吃过很多苦,但他从未感觉到,当阿甘站在珍妮的墓前哭泣,说“Jane,Imissyou”的时候,我们很伤感,原来一直被幸运眷照着的阿甘,生活并不完美,但很精彩,很精彩。

  6、《兄弟连》 求职关键词:兄弟 同寝室的哥们是一个专业的,经常一起去争夺有限的工作机会。但是,生活中利益最重要呢?还是友情?与你的兄弟一起进步吧,在最残酷的日子里相互扶持,相互鼓励,相互帮助,时光会让我们明了兄弟情谊的珍贵。

  7、《骄阳似我》 求职关键词:情商 即使你是个天才,也要注意情商。情商高的人比智商高的更容易成功。

  8、《飘》 求职关键词:珍惜 命运随着时代在前进,战火纷飞,流离失所,悲欢离合,直到最后,倔强不屈的斯佳丽才发现,最爱恰恰在自己身边,但此时已失去。每个工作机会,只要全身心的投入,可能就是我们的最爱。珍惜到手的工作,另一山未必比此山高。

  9、《永不妥协》 求职关键词:坚持,不放弃 坚持未必成功,放弃一定失败。追求卓越,挑战极限,从绝望中寻找希望,人生终将辉煌!想想电影中朱莉娅罗伯茨由内而外透出来的倔强,任何困难都变得渺小了。

  10、《勇敢的心》 求职关键词:勇气 被拒,再被拒,无人搭理,去霸王笔试,霸王面试,扫楼,被嘲笑,被鄙视。。。求职中遇到的挫折比任何时候都多,信心尽失的时候,还可以想想华莱士,心底里呐喊:freedom!










