我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-02-03 19:01:13 面试自我介绍 我要投稿


  导语:自我介绍是向别人展示你自我介绍 好不好,甚至直接关系到你给别人的第一印象的好坏及以后交往的顺利与否。同时,也是认识自我的手段。以下是小编整理播音面试自我介绍范文的资料,欢迎阅读参考。


Dear leader:

  Good morning! It is a great honor for me to have this opportunity to stand here and introduce myself to you. Thank you very much!

  I am xx, graduated from xx major of XXX university. At school, I got excellent academic performance and won the third prize in the national English contest for college students. I am cheerful, prudent, honest and trustworthy, and have a strong sense of teamwork and collective honor. Be strict with yourself in life and work hard. My Chinese entry speed is 80 words per minute; And obtained the college student national English level 4 certificate. During the internship, I can use my knowledge to read and write. Able to skillfully use the various functions of Microsoft office(e.g., word, excel, powerpoint, etc.) to carry out efficient office daily work, and introduce the self-introduction model in the interview of the broadcasting host.

  I am a cheerful personality, a wide range of girls. Since the childhood I have a wish, grow up must do a good radio announcer, as the years went by, the flowers bloom, I also slowly grew up, and this desire is more intense, like farmers are with hoe, to the work of broadcasting and hosting more chi love. XX years at college, I was in the study of literacy class, while also continuously widely to absorb nutrition from the ocean of knowledge, to enrich themselves, enhance their abilities, enhance their own understanding, in order to better grasp their own future, realizes own ideal. Just as the singer expresses his feelings with a beautiful song, just as the dancer interprets his beliefs with light steps, and I will convey my love to the broadcasting host with my voice.

  In the university, I also served as a student cadre, with good management ability, organization ability, coordination ability and strong collectivism spirit, and paid attention to team cooperation. In these activities and work, I have developed my ability to do things quickly and efficiently. I also developed a good character of thought, enthusiastic and generous, and helpful. I like reading, writing, photography, music and so on. I sincerely hope that your team can give me a chance.

  In the four years of studying abroad, I have developed a strong character, which has enabled me to overcome some difficulties in my study and life and make progress. If I have the opportunity to be hired, I will be able to get some exercise in my work and realize my own value. I will strive to be a working elite and be a qualified employee. At the same time, I also realized that the relationship between people and work is based on self-knowledge, and I think I have the ability and confidence to do the job well.




  我是xx,毕业于xxx大学xx专业。 在校期间,学习成绩优秀,获得全国大学生英语竞赛三等奖。我性格开朗,稳重,诚实守信,有较强的团队合作意识及集体荣誉感;在生活中严于律己,勤于动手。我的中文录入速度每分钟80字以上;并且取得了大学生国家英语4级证书。在实习期间的工作中,能够运用所学知识进行听说读写。能够熟练的运用microsofoffice(如:word、excelpowerpoint等)的各种功能进行高效的办公室日常工作,自我介绍《播音主持人面试时自我介绍范文》。













