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Master PhD面试准备附题目

时间:2022-08-12 03:14:02 面试试题 我要投稿
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Master PhD面试准备(附题目)


Master PhD面试准备(附题目)

  面试的时间一般是25-40分钟左右,不同的老师问问题的方式也不一样,有的问的都是粗枝大叶的问题,有的就问的非常细节。如果给你面试的是program detector、小秘或是校友,他们主要目的是了解你的背景、兴趣、研究方向等。如果给你面试的是教授,那对于学术方面的问题要多准备。

  在面试之前,你应该了解自己的申请材料,了解自己的优势,了解面试的学校和项目。面试中的主要问题有关研究兴趣(research interest),研究背景(research background),相关经验(relevant experience),未来计划(future ambitions),个人兴趣(individual interests)等等。


  Tell us about yourself

  Why did you choose to apply to our program?

  How would your professors describe you?

  How will you be able to make a contribution to this field?

  Why should we accept you over another applicant?

  If you aren't accepted into graduate school, what are your plans?

  What are your career goals? How will this program help you achieve your goals?

  What skills do you bring to this program? How will you help your mentor in his or her research?

  In what ways has your previous experience prepared you for graduate study in our program?

  What do you believe your greatest challenge will be if you are accepted into this program?


  Please tell me something about you, what you have been doing/studying/working on in the past year? (warm-up)

  Why do you want to come to [this school]?

  Tell me about your dissertation.

  How far along is your dissertation?

  When do you expect to defend your dissertation?

  What classes do you like to teach?

  What are the strengths/weaknesses of you Ph.D. program?

  Do you know, or what do you think of [a specific professor at XXX]?

  Are you interested in working with XXX?

  What research do you want to do in the next 5 years?

  In what journals do you expect to publish?

  Tell me about your industry experience (if you have any)? How would you bring that industry experience to the classroom?

  What is your favorite theory or theorist?

  What do you consider your research strengths/weaknesses?


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