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时间:2020-12-29 15:30:00 开题报告 我要投稿





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  毕业论文开题报告学 生 姓 名:

  专 业:

  t i t l e : 论 文 题 目: 指 导 教 师: 邯郸学院外国语学院

  school of foreign languages of handan college 论文题目: 析《最蓝的眼睛》的主题:扭曲的黑人心灵title:

  专 班 级: 2008级商务英语本科二班学 号: 014103082033 姓 i.introduction

  1.1research motives

  1.2 literature reviewthe bluest eye has long been in discussion. many experts have studied from various

  angles and reached different conclusions. these include the image of the character,

  the theme of the novel, the writing style and background of it. anna zebialowicz interprets female characters’ racial dilemmas by employing the

  tool of psychology in her “ probing racial dilemmas in the bluest eye with the

  spyglass of psychology ” which is published in 2009. rather than questioning the

  already well-established methods of analyzing them, it illustrates how modern science

  of the human mind can offer extra dimensions of valuable insight, especially in terms of validating the behavior

  and thoughts of such characters. such insight might offer new angles from which to

  look at them also showing the relevance of the issues these characters deal with to

  the contemporary society.wang shouren says in his “ the black soul under the influence of white culture

  — on toni morrison’s the bluest eye” which is published in 2000 that the bluest

  eye tells a tragic story of a lost black soul under the influences of the dominant

  culture of the white people in the american society. the novel exposes the negative

  impact of the white culture on the black people, and discusses possible ways to resist

  the impact. morrison’s insight into the issues of gender, race and culture places

  her well ahead of her time .according to luo hong’s “ the blacks culture losing under impact of the whites

  strong culture” published in 2007, the bluest eye describes the black culture losing

  under the impact of the white’s strong culture and the blacks would feel confused

  and fall into disorder as long as they regard whiteness and the white culture as their

  valuation. giving up their own culture standard, they would miss themselves in the

  tide of white culture simpact, which only leads to tragedy of the black people. what xue lamei expresses in her “ getting crazy for the eye” published in 2007

  is that in the bluest eye, the child reader, the picture of shirley temple, the mary

  jane candy paper and the blue eyes are cultural signifiers embodied with the aesthetic

  of white supremacy. the nationalsponsored racism is forced upon the black people as a universal truth to abide

  by. facing the value system that denies the essence of black identity, the little

  black girl pecola who belongs to the most innocent and vulnerable group falls into

  the dilemma of pursuing a false identity that betrays her true self. the stronger

  she strives, the more she loses her true self. she gets the bluest eye in an illusion,

  but loses her sanity in the end.chen yiying says in his “the bluest eye, the sadest self” published in 2010

  that the bluest eyes, with a little black girl’s tragedy, criticizes the enslavation

  of white aesthetic and value system has on the black. this paper analyses the

  assimilation of the black girl by the white aesthetic and the loss of self in the

  bluest eye. based on “ eye”, it analyses the book from “being seen” and “seeing”

  to “hiding eye” which extricates the tension of the plot of the and tragic beauty.guo jiajia says in her “the affirmation of african-american women’s identity

  in the hegemonic context——a post-colonial feminist reading of toni morrison’s the

  bluest eye” which is published in 2011 that the bluest eye depicts african-american

  women’s life dilemma in the hegemonic environment, they are suffering twofold

  repression from white hegemony social and internal patriarchy environment in black

  groups. in hegemony environment for their identification, besides a harmonious unity

  of black internal groups, they should first abandon the whites’ aesthetic standards,

  be confident in their own beauty and meanwhile try to overturn white cultural hegemony,

  confirm their cultural identity.

  1.3 existing problemsbased on the results of some initial reading and personal reflection, i find that

  there exist some problems that have not received a due treatment in this field.

  criticists mostly focus on sex, the identity of the black and female problems. there

  is few studies on the causes to all these tragedies.

  1.4 research focusesat the present stage of my research, i select pecola’s, pauline’s and cholly’

  s tragedy to express my view. this essay will try to make it clear how the black is

  influenced by the white culture and how terrible their lives are. my further pursuit

  will focus on the distorted soul of the black under the influence of white culture.

  i will have my point of view explained from the following three issues : the distorted

  soul of pecola., the distorted soul of pauline breedlove and the distorted soul of cholly breedlove. in order to examine these research questions more effectively, i would like to

  adopt critical method and illustration method. ⅱ.outline

  2.1 the distorted soul of pecola

  2.1.1 the family’s effect on pecola

  2.1.2 the social discrimination to pecola

  2.2 the distorted soul of pauline

  2.2.1 the self-pity of pauline

  2.2.2 the white culture’s effect on pauline

  2.3 the distorted soul of cholly

  2.3.1 the tragic parenthood of cholly

  2.3.2 the white’s humiliation on chollyⅲ. conclusion expectedby discussing the distorted soul of pecola, pauline and chooly, it is concluded

  that the bluest eye provides an intended depiction of the ways in which internalized

  white beauty standards deform the lives of blacks so that all the characters in this

  book lose the true self thus lead to their tragedy. that is the distorted black soul.ⅳ. bibliography

  baillie, justine. contesting ideologies: deconstructing racism in

  african-american fiction [j]. women: a cultural review, 2003(1). mckittrick, katherine. black and cause i’m black i’m blue: transverse racial

  geographies in toni morrison’s the bluest eye[j]. gender, place & culture,


  morrison, toni . the bluest eye (1970) [m] . new york: a plum book, 1994.zebialowicz, anna. probing racial dilemmas in the bluest eye with the spyglass

  of psychology[j]. journal of africa american studies, 2009(2).陈奕颖.最蓝的眼睛,最忧伤的自己———析莫里森处女作《最蓝的眼睛》[j].梧州学院

  学篇四:开题报告 school of foreign languages title:analysis of english neologisms translation from the perspective of functional equivalence theory major: advisor: date: chapter 1 introduction

  1.1 significance of the study for second language learners, the translation of these neologisms is particularly

  important. up to now, many tradition methods have been put forward by language

  workers, those are crystallization of their wisdom and worthy of being followed.

  so i am wondering that it will be better if i could summarize a few general translation

  methods of english neologisms and see how they achieve equivalent effect in different

  context.through this study, i hope to give some tips for readers to master the

  translation methods in neologisms.

  1.2 structure

  my paper consists of five chapters. the first chapter is a general introduction

  of the paper, including the current situation of the neologism, the purpose and

  significance of the research on translation methods of neologism. the second chapter

  is literature review, the author did research on the studies about neologisms at home

  and abroad, finding their highlights and limitations, then talked about what she will discuss in the

  following paragraphs.the third chapter mainly concerns with a brief survey on

  functional equivalence theory and equivalent principle in english neologism

  translation . the fourth chapter infers to the translation of english neologism from

  the perspective of functional equivalence theory, in which many formation methods

  of english neologisms as well as several translation methods of english neologism

  will be presented. the last chapter concludes the paper.chapter 2literature review

  2.1 previous studies on english neologisms aboard speaking of the research on english neologism, it dates back to theearly 20th century. in 1920, leon mead published his work word-coinage, being

  an inquiry into recent neologisms, also a brief study of literary style, slang and

  provincialism, which was the earliest book about the research on english neologisms,

  although it is not a dictionary of neologisms, it contained many articles of

  neologisms.some academic magazines also published articles to introduce new words.

  many neologism dictionaries in the 1950s are very popular, especially the dictionary

  of new words in english (paul, 1953) and the dictionary of new words (mary, 1955).

  during 1950s, mr. paul charles berg did a lot of job to collect new words about the

  war, which brought us his dictionary of new words in english (paul, 1953). there

  are some scholars discussing the neologisms from the perspective of social


  2.2 previous studies on english neologisms in chinain terms of the research on neologism in china, many linguists

  contributed a lot to its booming development. in 1984, lu shuxiang, a renowned

  chinese linguist, published an article on neologisms in dictionary research, which caught the attention to the study of neologisms. from

  then on, chinese scholar began to keep a watchful eye on the study of neologisms.

  hu zhuanglin, in particular, provided many methods of its formation in ’s work, such

  as derivation, blending, invention, back-formation etc.(linguistics a course book,

  fourth edition ). and wang rongpei’s findings on vocabulary are solid foundation

  of formation methods of english neologisms. in recent years, considering the

  globalization of language, many scholars put more emphasis on translation methods

  of neologisms, they concluded many translation methods ,such as literal translation,

  free translation, transliteration, omission. etc

  2.3 research questionsbased on the previous studies on english neologisms, this author intends to

  address these questions: (1) what is the functional equivalence theory (2) what

  is the what formation methods can be employed in english neologism(3) what

  translation strategies of english neologisms can be provided from the perspective

  of functional equivalence theory篇五:开题报告模版 武汉理工大学本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告很大。这些因素导致系统运行存在着严重的 大马拉小车 现象,造成电机功率因数低、




  耗强度较高,能源安全面临的形势十分复杂,节能降耗势在必行。 港口作为我国对外开放的窗口和现代物流供应链中的重要环节,日益成为集运输、配送、











  箱码头港口装卸工艺优化及其节能方法的研究。 港口码头系统作为一类较大的'服务系统,具有多个随机因素,如船舶和货物集疏运工具










  学 生 姓 名:

  学 院、系: 专 业: 论 文 题 目: 指导教师:

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  的书写,应按照国标GB 7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》的要




  5. 有关年月日等日期的填写,应当按照国标GB/T 7408—94



  6. 指导教师意见和所在系意见用黑墨水笔工整书写,不得随


  毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告




  二级学院 班 级 107040801学生姓名 XXXX 学号



  ( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

  摘 要:首先总结阐述了国内制造型企业的问题和现代生产管理思想,接着分析了看板生产系统的产生发展及国内外的应用现状,并提出国内企业可以通过引进看板生产系统,改善目前生产状况的思想。本课题还拟结合某发动机总装车间生产实例,利用Witness建立看板生产系统仿真模型,进而有效评价和改善该实施方案。


  Abstract: First of all, the problems of domestic manufacturing enterprises and the modern production and management thinking are summarily described, and then the coming into being, development and application status at home and abroad of Kanban production system are analyzed. The idea that Kanban production system can be introduced in domestic enterprises to improve their current status of the production has been put forward. The research project also intends to combine an engine assembly plant for the case of Kanban production system. At the same time, using Witness simulation software to establish a simulation model of kanban production system, which could be used to effectively evaluate and improve this program that we have designed. Key words: Kanban production systemoptimization of production systemsimulation. 0引言



  道路。本文拟采用Witness物流软件建立看板生产系统仿真实例模型,以便及时发现并解决企业实施看板生产系统时可能出现的问题,有效评价和改善该看板生产系统的实施状况。 1制造业管理现状分析和现代生产管理思想




  表1 国内制造型企业存在的主要浪费





  当前,生产管理领域有三种主流管理理论,即企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning,简称ERP)、约束理论(Theory of Constraints,简称TOC)和精益生产方式的核心之一准时制生产(Just In Time,简称JIT)[3]。


  ERP 就是一个有效地组织、计划和实施企业的“人”、“财”、“物”管理的系统,它依靠IT的技术和手段以保证其信息的集成性、实时性和统一性。ERP 最初是一种基于企业内部“供应链”的管理思想,是在MRPII 的基础上扩展了管理范围,给出了新的结构。它的基本思想是将企业的业务流程看作是一个紧密联接的供应链,将企业内部划分成几个相互协同作业的支持子系统,如财务、市场营销、生产制造、质量控制、服务维护、工程技术等。ERP 可以说是MRPII 的一个扩展。



  约束理论(Theory of Constraints,TOC)是以色列物理学家戈德拉特博士(Dr.Eliyahu M.G01dratt)在他的最优生产技术(Optimized Production Technology,OPT)的基础上发展起来的[5]。TOC理论是一套关于进行改进和如何最好地实施这些改进的管理理念和管理原则,可以帮助企业识别出在实现目标的过程中存在着哪些制约因素,TOC理论称之为“约束”,



  JIT是精益生产的核心管理体系之一,即“只在需要时,按需要的量,生产所需的产品”,这也是Just In Time一词所要表达的含义[6]。这种生产方式的核心理念是是追求零库存、零浪费、零不良、零故障、零灾害、零停滞,并为此开发了包括看板在内的一系列具体实施方法和运行系统,并逐渐发展形成了精益生产体系。JIT生产方式的特点是零库存,并能够快速的应对市场的变化,其生产组织方式是拉式生产,即以市场需求作为企业组织生产的源动力。


  但目前企业最急需解决的就是生产管理不善的问题,由于缺乏合理的生产管理技术,导致企业出现生产与需求不符,过量生产,滞后生产和生产不均衡等现象,从而产生浪费。因此,本课题将从改善企业生产管理模式入手,引进日本看板生产系统,通过设计适合我国企业生产运作的看板生产系统,来帮助企业达到均衡生产、准时生产和经济生产。 2看板生产系统的产生发展及国内外应用现状


  20世纪50年代初,当时在丰田汽车公司机械工厂工作的大野耐一,从美国超级市场的管理结构和工作程序中受到启发,从而找到了通过看板来实现“非常准时”思想的方法[7]。丰田生产方式(Toyota Production system,简称TPS), 基本思想是按需准时生产,即“在需要的时间,把所需的物品,按规定的数量,完好无损地送到规定的地点”,不赞成提前生产与过量生产,因而有效地避免了库存积压和流动资金的固化。TPS 严格根据订货与预测组织生产,通过看板在工序间传递物料需求信息,并利用看板的权威性将生产控制权下放到各工序。这时,看板生产系统应运而生。










