我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-02-05 09:45:01 其他合同范本 我要投稿



  甲方(订制方): 乙方:(承接方):


  地址: 地址

  联系电话: 联系电话:













  1、乙方按甲方量身通知 日之内到甲方指定地点进行量身。

  2、乙方在收到甲方的订金、确定样衣、量身完毕后 日内交货,约 月 日。








  2、于合同生效之时,甲方须支付合同总金额 % 的定金即人民币 元;乙方全部交货后,甲方支付合同总金额 % 货款即人民币 元;另预留合同总金额 % 货款既人民币 元作为质量和维修保证金, 天内服装没有质量问题,则付清余款。




  2、乙方须按时交货,甲方须按时付款,如因乙方原因延迟交货或因甲方原因延迟付款,逾期,则按日承担合同总金额的 ‰违约金。


  1、服装保修期为 天,在保修期间乙方为甲方提供免费修改服务。










  甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):

  甲方代表(签名): 乙方代表(签名):

  户名: 户名:

  开户银行: 开户银行:

  帐号: 帐号:







  第一条 经购销双方协商交易活动,必须履行本合同条款。具体品类(种),需签订要货成交单,并作为本购销合同的附件;本合同中的未尽事宜经双方协商需补充的条款可另附协议书,亦视为合同附件。合同附件与本合同具有同等效力。经双方确认的往来信函、传真、电子邮件等,将作为本合同的组成部分,具有合同的效力。


  第二条 合同签订后,不得擅自变更和解除。如甲方遇不可抗拒的原因,确实无法履行合同;乙方因市场发生骤变或不能防止的原因,经双方协商同意后,可予变更或解除合同。但提出方应提前通知对方,并将“合同变更通知单”寄给对方,办理变更或解除合同的手续。


  第三条 成交单中的商品价格,由双方当事人商议决定,或以国家定价决定。




  第四条 运输方式及运输费用等费用,由双方当事人协商决定。

  第五条 各类商品质量标准,甲方严格执行合同规定的质量标准,保证商品质量。

  第六条 商品包装,必须牢固,甲方应保障商品在运输途中的安全。乙方对商品包装有特殊要求,双方应具体合同中注明,增加的包装费用,由乙方负担。

  第七条 商品调拨,应做到均衡、及时。对合同期内的商品可考虑按3 ∶3 ∶4 的比例分批发货;季节性商品按承运部门所规定的最迟、最早日期一次发货;当令商品,零配件和数量较少的品种,可一次发货。

  第八条 对有有效期限的商品,其有效期在2 /3 以上的,甲方可以发货;有效期在2 /3 以下的,甲方应征得乙方同意后才能发货。

  第九条 甲方应按乙方确定的合理运输路线、工具、到达站(港)委托承运单位发运,力求装足容量或吨位,以节约费用。


  第十条 商品从到达承运部门时起,所有权即属乙方。在运输途中发生的丢失、缺少、残损等责任事故,由乙方负责向承运部门交涉赔偿,需要甲方协助时,甲方应积极提供有关资料。乙方在接收商品时发现问题,应及时向承运部门索取规定的记录和证明并立即详细检查,及时向有关责任方提出索赔;若因有关单据未能随货同行,货到后,乙方可先向承运部门具结接收,同时立即通知甲方,甲方在接到通知后5 日内答复;属于多发、错运商品,乙方应做好详细记录,妥为保管,收货后10日内通知甲方,不能自行动用,因此而发生的一切费用由甲方负担。

  第十一条 商品的外包装完整,发现溢缺、残损串错和商品质量等问题,在货到半年内(贵重商品在7 天内),责任确属甲方的,乙方可向甲方提出查询。




  为减少部分查询业务,凡一张调拨单所列一个品种损溢在2 元以下、残损在5 元以下均不做查询处理(零件除外)。对笨重商品的查询(如缝纫机头、部件等的残品)乙方将残品直接寄运工厂,查询单寄交甲方并在单上注明寄运日期。

  第十二条 商品货款、运杂费等款项的结算,购销双方应按中国人民银行结算办法的规定,商定适宜的.结算方式,及时妥善办理。


  第十三条 甲、乙双方的任何一方有违约行为的,应负违约责任并向对方支付违约金。因违约使对方遭受损失的,如违约金不足以抵补损失时,还应支付赔偿金以补偿其差额。如违约金过分高于或者低于造成的损失的,当事人可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构予以适当减少或者增加。





  第十四条 甲、乙两方履行合同,发生纠纷时,应及时协商解决,协商不成时,任何一方均可向仲裁机构申请仲裁或向人民法院起诉。(两者选一)

  第十五条 本合同一式4 份,甲、乙两方各执2 份,并送交当地人民银行及有关部门,监督执行。

  第十六条 本合同(协议)双方签章,依法生效,有效期为1 年,期满双方如无异议,合同自动延长。凡涉及日期的,按收件人签收日期和邮局戳记日期为准。

  开户银行:_______        开户银行:_______

  帐号:_________        帐号:_________

  地址:_________        地址:_________

  传真:_________        传真:_________

  电话:_________        电话:_________

  销货方(甲方)签章:____      购货方(乙方)签章:___


  This agreement, hereinafter referred to as the “OEM Products Agreement”, is being entered into on this 1st day of June 2010 , by and between:

  SHENZHEN DAYU INDUSTRY CO.,LTD, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of People Republic of China, and having its principal office at Block 9, Baoke Industry Area,Langkou,Dalang. Longhua Town, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China- 518100, hereinafter referred to as “Supplier”; And

  Iran Office Machines Center Co. Ltd., a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of Islamic Republic of Iran, and having its principal office at No. 1174/1, Vali Asr Ave., Tehran – 14348, Iran, hereinafter referred to as “IOMCO”.

  Collectively hereinafter referred to as “Both Parties”

  WHEREAS, “Supplier” is engaged in the business of designing and manufacture of the following types of products in an OEM Capacity: Speakers .

  AND WHEREAS, “IOMCO” wishes to enter into agreement with “Supplier” to act as the exclusive agent in the whole specified territory for the products of “Supplier” in the attached addendum.

  Now, therefore, this Agreement covenants and records the intention of both Parties to be bound by the following terms and conditions

  1. Definition

  As used in this Agreement, the following words and phrases, unless expressly provided otherwise, shall have the following meaning:

  Product: shall refer to all devices bought from “Supplier” with the intent to distribute. These are specifically listed in the attached addendum.

  Territory: shall refer to the whole region of Islamic Republic of Iran, and United Arabic Emirates .

  MEVA Brand: shall refer “MEVA” brand, which is the registered Intellectual Property Mark owned by Iran Office Machines Group.

  2. Essence of the Contract

  2.1. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, “Supplier” agrees to sell its “Product” to “IOMCO”. Shipping method via the terms agreed upon in the relevant invoice.

  2.2. “IOMCO” agrees to sell the “Product” under its own “MEVA” Brand.

  2.3. “Supplier” authorises “IOMCO” to be the sole exclusive agent of the “Product” in the “Territory”: No other entity may also purchase or distribute the same “Product“ under any other name or brand, either directly or indirectly through third parties, for the “territory”.

  2.4. “MEVA” brand is the registered Intellectual Property Mark owned by Iran Office Machines Group and the supplier hereby undertakes and agrees that under no circumstances will it currently or at any future time sell any product under MEVA brand to anyone else directly or indirectly through a third party.

  3. Pricing & support

  3.1. Pricing: The prices of the “Product” sold by “Supplier” to “IOMCO” shall be determined through negotiation between “Both Parties”.

  3.2. “Supplier” shall provide quotation upon request from IOMCO.

  3.3. Price Protection: “Supplier” provides 60 day price protection to “IOMCO”. That is, if “IOMCO”’s latest orders were within 60 days before the price reductions,“Supplier” shall compensate the price difference by supplying additional free of charge stocks, or reduce the total amount of the price reduction difference from their invoice.

  4. Supply, Order, Payment and Delivery

  4.1. Payment term: Shall be as agreed upon in the relevant pro-forma invoice.

  4.2. Shipping method: Will depend on the terms agreed upon in the pro-forma invoice.

  4.3. Order: When “IOMCO” or its appointees place orders to “Supplier”, both sides shall sign a written Sales Order/Purchase Order form. Fax copies of this document have the same legal effect.

  4.4. Payment: “Supplier” agrees that “IOMCO” or its appointee will settle all such purchase payments by Irrevocable L/C payable at sight, subject to the terms of the pro-forma invoice.

  4.5. Delivery: Upon receiving order for products, “Supplier” shall deliver on time and inform “IOMCO” about the arrangement of delivery.

  4.6. The order (either signed proforma invoice or purchase order) shall contain the delivery date as agreed by “Both Parties”. In case of any difficulty to deliver the “Product” by the agreed delivery date, “Supplier” shall promptly inform “IOMCO” of the fact and negotiate on it with “IOMCO”.

  5. Quality Guarantee and Principles for Returning Goods

  5.1. “Supplier” is responsible to supply good quality “Products” to “IOMCO”.

  5.2. During the term of this Agreement, “Supplier” will provide 1% extra finished “Product” in each shipment order made by“IOMCO” free of charge.

  5.3. to allow for shipment time and customs clearance and distribution period, the Guarantee Period is 15 month from date of shipment. “Supplier” warranty covers all normal product failures except arising out ofimproper maintenance, abuse, wrong usage, or any unauthorized modifications, repair, adjustment or installation options on the products' hardware of the “Product”.

  5.4. In the event that quality problems amount to more than 0.5% but less than 5% of any given production batch/lot shipped to “IOMCO”, and “Supplier” confirms its responsibility, “IOMCO” may return the defective goods to “Supplier”.“Supplier” hereby agrees to replace and pay for the freight and insurance costs of the replaced defective “Products” or models.

  5.5. Epidemic fault: If any particular model in any single batch supplied by“Supplier” is for any reason faulty or of poor quality and such faulty “Products” exceed 5% of the production batch of that model received by “IOMCO”, this will be considered as an “epidemic fault”. In case of “epidemic faults”, “Supplier” agrees to take back the remainder of the entire batch & replace it with a fresh fault free lot at its own cost of freight & insurance.

  5.6. In the event that “IOMCO” requests to return goods due to some other reasons than quality problems, provided that “Supplier” agrees to exchange the “Products”, it shall calculate the exchange at the latest prices. “IOMCO” shall bear all such freight and insurance costs.

  6. Intellectual Property

  All intellectual property, whether or not patentable, existing as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, which is provided to “Supplier” by“IOMCO” hereunder shall remain “IOMCO”’s exclusive property.

  7. Patent Infringement

  “Supplier” shall indemnify “IOMCO” against any direct claim, loss, action, suit or proceeding based upon or arising out of infringement of any patents, design, copyright or any other proprietary right owned or controlled by any third party, by the “Products”. “IOMCO” will upon receiving any such claim, give immediate notice in writing thereof to “Supplier”.

  8. Responsibilities of Both Parties

  8.1. Responsibilities of “Supplier”

  8.1.1. Whilst this agreement is in effect, any inquiry from the “territory” about the same product models that are being sold under MEVA brand or sales leads for such “Products”, including e-mails, faxes, and telephone calls, shall be transferred to “IOMCO” by “Supplier”.

  8.1.2. When “Supplier” develops any new “Products”, “IOMCO” enjoys the priority to obtain these “Products” within the “territory”.

  8.1.3. “Supplier” authorises “IOMCO” to be the sole exclusive agent of the “Product” in the “territory”: No other entity may also purchase or distribute the same “Product“ models under any other name or brand, either directly or indirectly through third parties, for the “territory”.

  8.1.4. “Supplier” shall provide “IOMCO” the best assistance, know-how and information as may be required to assist “IOMCO” in the sale of “Products” in the “Territory”.

  8.2. Responsibilities of “IOMCO”

  8.2.1. “IOMCO” shall exert all reasonable efforts to promote the sales of the “Product” in an effective manner in the whole“Territory”.

  9. Secrecy

  Both Parties hereto shall not disclose to any third party any technical or business information of any other party hereto acquired in any transaction hereunder without prior written authorization from the disclosing Party hereto, provided that the Parties’ confidentiality undertakings shall not apply to any information which (i) was in tangible form and in the possession of the receiving party at the time of its disclosure by any other party, or (ii) was known to the public prior to its disclosure to the receiving party, or thereafter become known to the public through no fault of the receiving party, or (iii) is subsequently disclosed to the receiving party by a third party having a lawful right to make such disclosure.

  10. Force Majeure

  Both Parties hereto shall not be liable for any failure to perform or for delay in performance hereunder which results from act of God, war, riot, fire, explosion, governmental orders or restrictions, strikes or other labour troubles, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the affected Party, provided that such causes affecting performance hereunder shall not relieve any Party from its obligation to make payment of amounts then due as a result of performance previously completed.


  Period of validity

  11.1. This Agreement shall come into force on the date of execution.

  11.2. The term of this Agreement shall be one (1) year from the date of execution.

  12. Terms for Termination of the Agreement

  12.1. Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time upon sixty-day (60) prior written notice.

  12.2. Notwithstanding the above, any of the Parties may terminate this Agreement and/or any outstanding purchase orders in whole or part, if any of the Parties hereto (i) commits a material breach of any provisions of this Agreement and fails to make good and remedy within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice from the other Party hereto; (ii) becomes insolvent or makes or attempts to make an assignment for benefit of creditors; (iii) voluntarily or otherwise, enters into reorganization, liquidation or bankruptcy; (iv) has a receiver appointed with respect to any substantial part of its asset or business; and/or (v) ceases to function as a going concern or to conduct its operation in the normal course of business.

  12.3. All obligations concerning confidentiality, indemnification, ownership of the MEVA brand, shall survive termination of this Agreement.

  12.4. All obligations concerning the warranties or guarantees of “Products” shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

  12.5. All obligations concerning the exclusivity of “Products” for the aforementioned “Territory” shall survive the termination of this agreement.

  12.6. When the agreement expires or when either side of the two parties requires the termination of the agreement, both parties shall settle their accounts with each other.

  13. Renewal of the Agreement

  This agreement is to automatically be renewed unless any of the clauses are broken, or if written notice is given by each party to the other for a period of not less than sixty (60) days.

  14. Arbitration

  In case of any dispute arising between the Parties, it will be the endeavour of the Parties to resolve the same by mutual agreement within sixty (60) days from the date of arising of the dispute. If the dispute is not resolved by mutual agreement, it shall be referred for arbitration under the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce. The award of the arbitrators including costs shall be final and binding on the Parties. For any and all disputes brought against “Supplier”, the venue of such arbitration shall be at People Republic of China . For any and all disputes brought against “IOMCO”, the venue of such arbitration shall be at I.R.Iran . The language of the arbitration shall be in English

  15. Severability of provisions

  If any provision hereof is invalid, illegal, or incapable of being enforced by reason of any rule of law or public policy, all other provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect, and no provision shall be deemed dependent upon any other provision.

  16. No Waiver of Conditions

  Failure of any Party hereto to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or delay in exercising any of its remedies, shall not constitute a waiver of such terms and conditions or a waiver of any default or remedy.

  17. Amendments

  Issues that are not covered in this Agreement shall be supplemented in the future through consultation between the two parties. No amendments, additions or deletions of the above provisions shall be made without written and joint assent between the two parties.

  18. Entire Agreement

  This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding among the Parties hereto as to the subject matter of this Agreement and merges and supersedes all prior discussions, agreements and understandings of any and every nature among the Parties hereto, and each Party shall not be bound by any condition, definition, warranty or representation other than as expressly provided for in this Agreement.

  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives.



Iran Office Machines Center Co. Ltd.

Signed By:



Signed By:










