我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-03-25 17:58:54 广播稿 我要投稿




  英语校园广播稿 篇1

  A:Hello,everyone,nice to see you again,welcome to our English broad cast.

  B:My dear teachers and students,so nice to meet you in the broad cast.

  A:Today we are talking about the Chinese traditional festival,The Dragon Boat Festival.

  B:WangXin,do you know when is this festival?

  A:Of course I know,it is on lunar May 5th,and this day,people have dragon boat races in many places and eat Zongzi. B:Haha,do you know who were member to?

  A:We Chinese sant----Quyuan.He is a great man in the history.

  B:How many day offs do we have in this holiday?

  A:According to my head teacher,Mr.Wu,he said that we would leave school tomorrow noon,and we have 4 days in all.

  B:That's wonderful,we can go anywhere that we want to go.

  A:Where would like to spend your holiday?

  B:Idon't want to go anywhere,because I have so many homework to do,I can only stay at home.

  A:That's terrible, I want to go shopping with my mother ,I've no clothes to wear, especially the summer clothes, so I decide to buy some new summer clothes.

  B:Oh,you are so fortunate.


  A:So much for today,goodbye everyone.

  B:Wish you have a wonderful time in this holiday.See you next time.

  英语校园广播稿 篇2



  A:Hello,boys and girls.


  AB:Welcome to our English Corner.

  A:I'm Deng Jiajia.

  B:I'm Deng Zeying.

  AB:We're from Class 12,Grade6.






  A:今天是我们英语角栏目广播的第一天,大家肯定很期待吧。 首先,就请同学们进入我们的第一个版块:“Say you say me."你说我说。






  A:今天的“Say you say me"节目中我向大家介绍的英语学习方法,大家课都要记住哦。

  英语校园广播稿 篇3

  A:Good afternoon, my dear teachers and friends, welcome to back to our English broadcast.

  B: Our program has a little change this term. We plan to share a story with you on every Tuesday afternoon.


  A:OK, let’s enjoy the story. 英语小故事带翻译

  B: A man was going to the house of a rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat."

  A: 一个人正朝着一个富人的房子走去,当他沿着路走时,在路的一边他发现一箱好苹果饮料,他说:“我不计划吃那些苹果饮料,因为富人会给我更多的食物,他会给我特别好吃的东西。”

  B: Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust. He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river."

  A:接着他拿起苹果饮料,一把扔到土里去。 他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了,因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿,接着他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能度过河。”

  B: He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them. Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time.

  A: 他开始回家,那天他没有吃东西。他就开始去找吃的,他找到苹果饮料,特别开心地把它们从尘土中翻出来吃了。不要把好东西扔掉,换个时候你会觉得它们大有效果处。


  B: Ok, so much for today, goodbye everyone.

  A: See you next time.

  英语校园广播稿 篇4

  1. A: Good afternoon, everyone.同学们,下午好!Welcome to the English broadcast.欢迎大家收听我们的校园英语广播.

  B: I’m your English teacher Miss Sun.

  A: I’m your schoolmates …

  2. B:刚才我们听到的那首歌,你是不是觉得很有趣呢?其实这首歌的名字也很有意思哦---“Who let the dogs out” 翻译成中文就是―

  A: <是谁把狗放出来的?>

  B: Funny, isn’t it? 很有趣吧,我们再听一下。

  : 这首歌节奏非常欢快,大家是不是有种在非洲大草原上的感觉呢?

  A: 说到非洲草原,我真的很想去呢!

  B: Why? 为什么呢?

  A: Because there are a lot of animals.因为非洲草原上有很多的动物啊!

  B: Yes. 有哪些呢?同学们也想想看!

  A: 有斑马

  B: Yes, I like it. Do you know how to say in English? 同学们知道 “斑马”用英语怎么说吗?

  It’s zebra. Z-e-b-r-a, zebra. Follow me, everybody, 同学们请跟我念 zebra.

  A: Zebra.

  B: Very good. 还有哪些动物呢?

  A: 长颈鹿,脖子好长好长的.

  B: 长颈鹿, lovely, I love that, too. How to say “长颈鹿” in English?

  A: Oh, I don’t know. Please tell us.

  B: It’s giraffe. “长颈鹿” 的英文说法是 giraffe, g-i-r-a-f-f-e . Follow me, students, giraffe.

  A: Giraffe.

  B: Well done! 还有一种动物是我最喜欢的,大家来猜猜看,这是一种大型食肉动物

  A: 是什么呀?

  B: 听听看就知道了! (play)

  同学们都知道是什么了吧! It’s lion. Lion, l-i-o-n, lion, lion, “狮子” I love lions. They’re the king of the beasts.

  B: 还有什么动物呢?

  A: 大象 elephant, 鼻子好长好长的.

  B: Yes, it’s elephant. How to spell? 会拼的同学一起跟着拼哦.

  A: It’ e-l-p-h-a-n-t, elephant.

  B: Very very good!

  A: Miss Sun, I want to tell you and all the schoolmates a secret!孙老师,我要告诉大家一个小秘密!

  B: Secret? 秘密? What secret?

  A: A secret about the elephant!哈哈,关于大象的秘密!

  B: Really? Tell us! 哦,说来听听!

  A: The elephant is the only mammal that can’t jump!

  B: You mean that the elephant can’t jump!? It can’t jump?! Are you sure?

  A: Yes, I’m sure. 大象是唯一一种不会跳的哺乳类动物!

  B: Wow, that’s funny!我还是头一回知道呢!

  OK, students, let’s review the words. 同学们,现在让我们回忆一下今天学到的有关动物的单词,它们分别是, 记得的同学也跟着说哦!

  A: 第一个Zebra, z-e-b-r-a, zebra 斑马 zebra

  第二个 giraffe, g-i-r-a-f-f-e, giraffe, 长颈鹿, giraffe

  第三个 lion, l-i-o-n, lion, 狮子, lion

  第四个 elephant, e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t, elephant,大象, elephant

  B: 恩,非常好,同学们,你们是不是也记住了呢!

  A:接下来让我们进入到今天的最后一个版块 “Charming music” 魅力音乐. 今天将听到的歌曲是来自Aqua (水叮当乐队)的一首歌 “Happy Boys and Girls” <快乐的男生和女生>

  B: And we hope all of you a happy afternoon!

  A: 希望大家度过一个欢快的下午,就像这首歌唱的那样做快乐的人! Just be happy!

  B: Yes, just be happy! OK, so much for today, thanks for your listening! Bye bye!

  A: Bye!

  英语校园广播稿 篇5

  W:Good morning, everyone. 同学们, 早上好!欢迎大家收听校园英语广播,I’m Miss Li.我是李老师。

  How time flies! 时间过得真快啊,我们已经开学两个多月了,大家每周都可以享受英语组的老师们准备的英语广播,Are you ready? Ok, Follow Miss Ye and enjoy it! 准备好了吗?和我一起享受吧!

  在今天节目开始前,我们来公布一下上星期Miss Li抽出的十位幸运听众得奖名单。以下读到名字的同学请于今天早上之内到五年级


  可口可乐 CoCa Cola

  麦当劳 MacDonald

  日立 Hitachi

  菲利浦 Philips

  本田 Honda

  丰田 Toyota

  请同学们大声跟我念:black tea I like black tea.


  blue Monday blue Monday的blue表示“不开心的”,Monday表示“星期一”,不开心的星期一叫做blue Monday。READ AFTER ME.

  blue Monday 刘子锐,英语是不是很有趣呢? 好,下面是有奖问答的时候了。三、四年级的同学听好了,今天我们学习的”black tea”的中文意思是什么呢?



  Thank you for listening. 谢谢大家的收听。

  英语校园广播稿 篇6

  大家晚上好!各位收听了今晚的国美之声了吗?下面是今天的录音文稿5月4号录音文稿:李佳琪 刘晓倩——有关苹果的一切


  Joanna:Today we are talking about some fruit-related idioms.

  Jakki: That's right. Today we are going to be looking at, in particular apples. So I think everyone knows about apples. Apples they come in so many different varieties. And for some reason in English, there are so many different idioms and sayings around apples.

  Joanna: 苹果好像在英美文化中有非常重要的文化属性,所以有很多的idiom短语是跟苹果有关的。

  Jakki: That's right, so we're going to take a look at a few here. So starting off, “as American as apple pie”, basically saying that apple pie is the epitome of being American, and so if you’re as American as apple pie, then you’re just very American.

  Joanna:苹果馅饼是非常具有美国特色的一种食品,as American as apple pie 就是说像苹果馅饼一样极具美国特色。

  Jakki: Yeah, so baseball, jeans, hamburgers, the American flag, fireworks on fourth of July, things like that.

  Joanna: Disney, something like that.

  Jakki: Yes, as American as apple pie. And the second one, you can compare “apples and oranges”. This is actually one of my favorite because what happens a lot of times that people like to make comparisons between what seem like are similar things. Apple and orange are both fruits, but if you look at them, it's impossible to compare them because they are so different.

  Joanna: 当你在指出别人逻辑上的错误时你可以用这个短语comparing apples and oranges, 就是把完全不一样的东西放在一起比较。

  Jakki: Right. There's “apple of someone’s eye”, so a favorite or a well-like person. So for example, my lover is the apple of my eye.

  Joanna: So for anyone who has heard the song "you're the apple of my eye", right?

  Jakki: I have no idea what that is.

  Joanna: What? Are you an American?

  John:I am, but not as American as apple pie.

  Xiaohua: Yeah, that's what I'm going to say. 所以apple of one's eye 就是极为珍视的人,非常珍爱的人。

  John: Then “the apple never falls far from the tree”, so a person’s personality traits are close to those of the person’s parents. This can be good and bad, in fact. And usually the way I remember to hearing it is in a negative context. You know his parents or her parents, they won't very nice people. The apple really falls far from the tree.

  Joanna: I see. 这有点像中文里的有其父必有其子,“苹果落地离树不远”也是这个意思,这个短语有褒义也有贬义,但这里好像贬义的应用居多

  Jakki: Then “as sure as God made little green apples” basically just means that you are very certain. So I'm sure this, as sure as God made little green apples.

  Joanna:当你对一件事情确认无疑毫无疑问的时候你就可以说as sure as God made little green apples.

  Jakki: Then to be a “bad apple” or a “rotten apple” is to be a bad person. You can also say that “one bad (or rotten) apple can spoil the whole bunch (or barrel)” implies that one flawed person can basically undermine an effort or a group, and you can be “rotten to the core” to be thoroughly bad or worthless.

  英语校园广播稿 篇7

  Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to listen to our English broadcast. 同学们,大家好!欢迎大家收听校园英语广播,

  We are from Class One, Grade Five. Im ImNice to meet you .我们是你们的朋友,很高兴在这里和你度过快乐的10分钟。

  (一)在今天的节目里首先进入我们的第一个版块Say you, say me.说你,说我。

  A. Do you know body language? B. Of course!不就是肢体语言嘛。

  A. Yes。那么你知不知道在一些说英语的国家人们常用一些手势来表达特定的意思呢?

  B. 行了行了,你也别拐弯抹角了,快点把我们今天要说的主题告诉大家吧

  A. 好吧,今天我们给大家带来的是在说英语的国家常用的十种手势。

  B. One, cash:右手的大拇指.食指和中指在空中捏在一起或在另一只手上作出写字的样子,这是表示在饭馆要付帐的手势。

  A. Two, use your brain: 用手指点点自己的太阳穴,就表示要动动脑筋。

  B. Three, fool: 用大拇指按住鼻尖摇动其余四指,或十个手指分开。也常常用食指对着太阳穴转动,同时吐出舌头,表示所谈到的人是个痴呆傻瓜。 A. Four, lying: 讲话时,无意识地将一食指放在鼻子下面或鼻子边时,表示别人一定会理解为讲话人讲的不是真话难以置信。 B. Five, agreement: 向上翘起拇指,则表示赞同。

  A. Six, congratulation:双手在身前嘴部高度相搓的动作表示对别人的祝贺。

  B. Seven, thats all:两臂在腰部交叉,然后再向下,向身体两侧伸出,这个动作表示没有希望了,完了。

  A. Eight, shame:双臂伸直,向下交叉,两掌反握,同时脸转向一侧,这是一个表达害羞 的动作。

  B. Nine, greeting:英语国家的人在路上打招呼,常常要拿帽子表示致意。现一般已简化为抬一下帽子,甚至只是摸一下帽沿。

  A. Ten, pity:头摇来摇去,同里嘴里发出咂咂之声,嘴里还说thats too bad.或sorry to hear it. 这是英语国家的人表达怜悯和同情的方式 A.B:同学们,今天我们教给大家的十种手势是不是都会用了呢,那么就让我们行动起来吧。

  (二)A.B:接下来又该进入我们的第二个版块了,在今天的Big big world 大大的世界栏目中,我们要教大家学习一个美国俚语,首先请同学们听下面这个小对话:

  A: xx, How come the door is open? B: I cant understand it. Oh,I smell a rat. Wed better call the police.

  B:那刚刚同学们听到了一句I smell arat.smell是闻的意思,rat是老鼠。可为什么只是闻到了老鼠的味道却要callthe police报警呢?其实在这里Smell a rat是表示自己感觉有什么事情不正常、很奇怪、不对头的意思,就像闻到死老鼠的味道一样。所以当你发现有什么事情不正常、很奇怪时,你就可以说I smell a rat. 好了,请大家跟我读一遍I smell a rat.。同学们,你们都记住今天学的俚语了么?

  (三)A.B:下面我们一起进入今天的最后一个板块charming music魅力音乐。

  A:同学们听说过著名的美国电影《音乐之声》吗?我想一定有同学看过这部影片,那你们还记得影片中的几首优美动听的歌曲吗?今天将给大家介绍其中的一曲《Do Re Mi》,希望大家喜欢,会唱的同学一起唱吧! (播放歌曲) OK,


  To see a world in a grain of sand,

  And a heaven in a wild flower,

  Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,

  And eternity in an hour.

  If you were a teardrop;In my eye,

  For fear of losing you,I would never cry.

  And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,

  Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright.



  K:yep , and the first slang fot the slang pocket is---- Kick the bucket..

  P: yep, kick the bucket, bucket 表示踢,bucket 表示水桶, 难道,kick the bucket表示提水桶吗?? K:Kick the bugget 是俚语, 所以当然不能用它的字面意思来理解咯。其实,kick the bucket 这个俚语跟老美的杀猪习惯有关,过去他们在杀猪时,总是把猪倒吊在bucket 桶上,然后在猪的脖子上划一刀,开始放血,猪垂死挣扎时就会拼命地kick踢那个桶,因此kick the bucket实际上是对―死‖的隐晦说明,跟我们汉语里的―翘辫子‖是一回事。

  P:oh, i got it , kick the bucket 翘辫子.Let's take a look at a dialogue.

  K: Didn't you hear? He kicked the bucket. Had a heart attack, i think.

  P: oh ,no! You must be kidding!

  K: It's true; no kidding!

  P: all right , kick the bucket 翘辫子

  K:kick the bucket 翘辫子------------and the next slang is ...Not lift a finger.

  P: yep, not lift a finger袖手旁观。如果一个人懒到连FIGNGER手指都不愿意lift 抬一下,那他对你发出的求助信号一定是置之不理,即使你下一秒就被外星人掳走,他也会袖手旁观......

  K:是的,所以not lift a finger就比喻不做任何努力,无论如何都不愿意帮忙的状态。for example..She will not lift a finger until she has been paid in advance...对于这句话,我们可以理解成:不提前支薪,她是绝对不会帮忙的。

  P:有时候,not lift a finger中的finger也会换成hand ,for example ...The king did not lift a hand when his people were hungry .国王就看着他的子民挨饿,一点办法都不想......

  K:well, not lift a finger,袖手旁观,for example...He spends all day stretched out on the sofa and never lifts a finger to help.他一整天都躺在沙发上,一点忙都没帮。

  P:example again...Dad won't lift a finger to help them financially. 这句话,我们就可以翻译成:老爸在经济上是不会给他们任何帮助的。

  K:okay, not lift a finger. 袖手旁观。

  P: not lift a finger. 袖手旁观。and the next slang is Rain check..

  K: yep, rain check.表示 改天吧~~ Rain check这个俚语跟棒球比赛有关。棒球比赛时美国人最爱观看的比赛之一。如果球赛当天天公不作美,骤然下起倾盆大雨,比赛就得改期举行......

  P:这时候观众就可以领取雨票RAIN CHECK,或者是用员票根作为雨票,来当做观看改期比赛的入场凭证。之后rain check 又慢慢演变成了―改天、换个时间‖的意思。

  K: all right... let's take a look at a dialogue...

  P: i can't come to dinner Tuesday but hope you'll give me a rain check...

  K: no problem....

  P: okay, rain check ,改天吧。

  K: rain check ,改天吧……and the next slang is Red Tape...官样文章、繁琐的程序。

  P:red tape 这个词组早在17世纪就出现了,可那个时候用的都是它的本意,也就是―红色带子。那么这根红色的带子是怎么跟―形式主义和―繁文缛扯上关系的呢??

  K:让我说吧……原来呢,以前英国的官方文件都是用红色的带子捆起来的,RED TAPE 的象征意义便由此而来,它象征着官僚作风造成的延误…… all right,let's take a look at a dialogue... P: I need this information as soon as possible.See if you can cut through the red tape...

  K: Okay, i'll try my best...

  P:well, red tape..官样文章、繁琐的程序

  K:red tape..官样文章、繁琐的程序.....and the last slang for today's slang pocket is ----Right-hand man.. P:yep, Right-hand man表示的就是 得力助手了。人们往往认为相对于左手来说,右手要有力、灵活得多,所以Right-hand man就被认为是办事得力的、可以帮得上自己的人,被翻译成―得力助手‖ K:那大家以后在使用这个俚语的时候要注意,其中的MAN不光指男人,女性得力助手也可以用Right-hand man来表示。then, let's take a look at a dialogue...

  P:There's a knotty issue relating to our project, Dale...

  K:Give it to Jill,she is my Right-hand man...

  P: OKAY......Right-hand man 得力助手

  K:Right-hand man 得力助手.......then, dear audience, have you got the 5 slang we shared with you today ? They are kick the bucket 翘辫子.......not lift a finger袖手旁观........rain check ,改天吧.......red tape..官样文章、繁琐的程序.......and Right-hand man 得力助手

  P: all right......dear audience , please join us in a minute in the Chat room ,,,and stay tuned...


  P:Well come back...dear audience ,today we are going to tell you all about Thanksgiving Day.

  K:Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.

  P:In 1620, the Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. At last they landed in a place, where is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.

  K:During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.

  P:All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed.

  K:Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today.

  P:Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks and ask for continued blessings.

  I’d like to share something they eat on that day with you.

  K:On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash.

  P:The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.

  K:Christmas is a traditional church calendar of festivals, it is the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. December 24th is the Christmas Eve, and then on December 25th is to celebrate Christmas.

  P:圣诞节是教会年历的一个传统节日,它是基督的徒庆祝耶稣基督的诞生的庆祝日。在圣诞节,大部分的基督的教堂都会先在12月24日的平安夜举行礼拜,然后在12月25日庆祝圣诞节.AND don‘t forget SANTA CLAUS,who is the the personification of the spirit of Christmas, usually represented as a jolly, fat old man with a white beard and a red suit, who brings gifts to good children on Christmas Eve,and his real name is believed to be San NICK.

  K:别忘记了圣诞老人,他是圣诞神灵的化身,常被描述成为一个快乐的,胖胖的,长着白胡子并穿红衣服的老人,他会在圣诞夜中给表现好的孩子带去礼物,人们认为他真正的名字叫做圣尼克。DO YOU KNOW WHERE SANTA’S HOMETOWN IS?AND don‘t forget SANTA CLAUS,who is the the personification of the spirit of Christmas, usually represented as a jolly, fat old man with a white beard and a red suit, who brings gifts to good children on Christmas Eve,and his real name is believed to be San NICK.别忘记了圣诞老人,

  P:他是圣诞神灵的化身,常被描述成为一个快乐的,胖胖的,长着白胡子并穿红衣服的老人,他会在圣诞夜中给表现好的孩子带去礼物,人们认为他真正的名字叫做圣尼克。DO YOU KNOW WHERE SANTA’S HOMETOWN IS



  K:WHAT A SURPRISE!原来圣诞老人来自芬兰乡村。

  P:EXACTLY.让我们今天来到芬兰,一起开始寻找圣诞老人之旅.let’s begin our tour to search for SANTA CLAUS.


  P:别急,芬兰可供游人徜徉的地方其实很多。有蓝天蓝湖、白云白雪,AND THE WORLD-FAMOUS Finlandish sauna service。

  K:这我知道,谁不知道著名的芬兰桑拿浴呢?我还知道,FINLAND is one of the Nordic countries. Situated in Northern Europe, it shares land borders with Sweden to the west, Russia to the east and Norway to the north while Estonia lies to its south.不但如此,全球家喻户晓的诺基亚手机公司也是芬兰另一个代名词。

  P:THAT’S CORRETCT,芬兰是一个北欧国家,陆地上与瑞典、挪威和俄罗斯接壤,西南面被波罗的海环绕,东南部为芬兰湾,西面则为波的尼亚湾。今天我们的目的地是它的北部城市罗瓦涅米。 K:哦,我知道了,罗瓦涅米是芬兰北部拉毕省的省会,是全世界惟一处于北极圈上的城市。但我们的目的地不是去北极。距市区5公里处有一个村庄叫圣诞老人村。村中的全部建筑物就是木房,围墙、台阶、阳台,一律是木制。还有一条标有“66°32′35″”字样的白色标线,沿线看去,它正好从一座小木屋正中穿过。


  K:沿着这条北极圈标线,穿过挂满彩灯的走廊,不知不觉就进了圣诞老人的家门。这是一个神秘而又充满祥和气氛的家。木板墙上挂着串串铃铛,屋顶有彩灯闪烁,正面的墙壁上镶着一幅木制的世界地图。一位看上去颇为慈祥的圣诞老人笑容可掬地坐在壁炉边的橡木椅上。So that’s the symbol of santaclaus,and the origin of the santa story.

  P:没错,这就是人们假象的圣诞老人的化身,也是圣诞老人故事的源头。走出小屋,让我们再看看村里还有什么。不知不觉,又来到了另一座似曾相识的木屋前。抬头一看,Santa Claus Post Office K:哦,原来是到了圣诞老人邮局。圣诞老人邮局每年都能收到从世界各个角落寄给圣诞老人的数十万封信件,工作人员在这些来信中要选择26万封给予回复。为了完成这繁重的工作任务,邮递中心聘用了近百名工作人员并配备近百台电脑。 THAT’S VERY WARM-HEARTED!

  P:THE WOODEN HUT IS FILLED WITH BAGS OF LETTERS。By a big wooden table which placed in the center of the hut sits a statue of santaclaus,who is concentrating on reading.木屋正厅的地板上还有一些写有“POSTES FINLANDE”字样的、装得鼓囊囊的邮包散乱地堆着,一位圣诞老人坐在正厅中央的一个大木桌边阅信。可以猜想,这位写信给圣诞老人的`孩子一定会从这里得到一份他(她)期待的礼物。


  K:ALTHOUGH REINDEER IS RARELY SEEN IN CHINA,BUT IT’S A COMMON KIND OF ANIMAL IN FINLAND。驯鹿在中国虽然少见,但芬兰却有很多,这也是为什么圣诞老人选择它。村里原先居住着萨米族(Sami)人,他们是芬兰少数民族中最英勇豪放的民族。圣诞老人现今的服饰就是由萨米族的民族服装克隆过来的。是真是假,不得而知。






  P: dear audience , welcome back , and here is MOVIE HOUSE....

  K: yep , and today the movie for you is Hugo .... 《雨果》

  P:At the 84th Academy Awards, Hugo received five Oscars—for cinematography, art direction, visual effects, sound, and sound editing—and its 11 total nominations was the most for the evening.

  K: Hugo also won two BAFTAs and was nominated for three Golden Globe Awards, earning Scorsese his third Golden Globe Award for Best Director

  P:In 1931, Hugo Cabret, a 12-year-old boy, lives with his widowed father, a master clockmaker in Paris. Hugo's father takes him to see films and particularly loves the films of Georges Méliès.

  K:One day , Hugo’s father finds a automaton in the attic at a museum , a special and complicated automaton....( 原声1 )

  P:Hugo's father dies in a museum fire, and Hugo is taken away by his uncle, an alcoholic watchmaker who is responsible for maintaining the clocks in the railway station Gare Montparnasse. His uncle teaches him to take care of the clocks and then disappears. He is later discovered to have drowned.

  K:Hugo lives between the walls of the station, maintaining the clocks, stealing food and working on his father's most ambitious project: repairing a broken automaton, a mechanical man who is supposed to write with a pen.

  P:Convinced the automaton contains a message from his father, Hugo goes to desperate lengths to fix it. He steals mechanical parts to repair the automaton, but he is caught by a toy store owner, Georges Méliès, who takes Hugo's notebook from him, with notes and drawings for fixing the automaton.( 原声2 )

  K:To recover the notebook, Hugo follows Méliès to his house and meets Isabelle, an orphan close to his age and Georges' goddaughter. She promises to help.

  P:The next day, Méliès gives some ashes to Hugo, referring to them as the notebook's remains, but Isabelle informs him that the notebook was not burnt.( 原声3 )

  K: Finally Méliès agrees that Hugo may earn the notebook back by working for him until he pays for all the things he stole from the shop.

  P:Hugo works in the toy shop, and in his time off manages to fix the automaton, but it is still missing one part—a heart–shaped key.

  K:A Georges Méliès drawing similar to the one drawn by the automaton in the film Hugo introduces Isabelle to the movies, which her godfather has never let her see, while she introduces Hugo to a bookstore where its owner initially mistrusts Hugo.

  P: Isabelle turns out to have the key to the automaton. When they use the key to activate the automaton, it produces a drawing of a film scene.

  K:Hugo remembers it is the film his father always talked about as the first film he ever saw (Voyage to the Moon).

  P:Hugo and Isabelle discover that the drawing made by the automaton is signed with the name of Isabelle's godfather and take it to her home for an explanation.

  K:Hugo shows Georges' wife Jeanne the drawing made by the automaton, but she will not tell them anything and makes them hide in a room when Georges comes home.

  P:While hiding, Isabelle and Hugo find a secret cabinet and accidentally release pictures and screen boards of Georges' creations just as Georges and Jeanne enter the room. Georges is upset and feels


  K:Hugo and Isabelle find a book on the history of film and are surprised that the author, Rene Tabard, refers to Méliès as having died in World War I. Tabard himself appears, and the children tell him that Méliès is alive. Tabard, a devotee of Méliès' films, owns a copy of Voyage to the Moon...........................( 原声4 )

  P:Hugo, Isabelle and Tabard go to Georges' home, and at first Jeanne tells them to go before her husband wakes. However Jeanne accepts their offer to show Voyage to the Moon when Tabard compliments her as one of the actresses in Georges' films.

  K:While watching the film, Georges appears and explains how he came to make movies, invented the special effects, and how he lost faith in films when the World War I began, being forced to sell his films to get money, and opening the toy shop to survive. He also believes the automaton he created was lost in the museum fire and nothing left of his life's work.

  P:Hugo goes back to the station to get the automaton to surprise Georges, but he is cornered by the station inspector and his dog. Hugo escapes and runs to the top of the clock tower and hides by climbing out onto the hands of the clock. Once the inspector is gone, he runs for the exit with the automaton, but he is trapped by the inspector and the automaton is thrown onto the railway tracks.

  K:Climbing onto the tracks, Hugo is almost run over by an approaching train when the officer saves him and detains him as an orphan without a guardian. While Hugo pleads with the officer, Georges arrives and says Hugo is in his care. The officer lets him go.

  P:At the end of the movie, Georges gets a tribute ceremony to his movies with Tabard announcing that some 80 films have been recovered and restored. Georges thanks Hugo for his actions and invites the audience to "follow his dreams". ....................( 原声5 )


  K:You've been listening to English sky on Hunan Institute of Technology broadcasting station, we have to say goodbye to you at this point. In the end is a song called .....I'm------,I'm -----,on behalf of our editor Gaobai and Jiangdan, thank you for your listening,wish you a happy mood and we will see you next week!


  英语校园广播稿 篇8

  Good morning,Children. Welcome to our English club. Its time to learn English. Im very happy, and you?


  Do you like English? Now let me tell you something about Chinese traditional festivals.


  1.New Years Day元旦

  Why do these people become so excited when the bell strikes?Because the new year is in. We can start our new life again. What are these friends giving each other?

  They are giving each other presents.


  2.Spring Festival春节

  Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Everyone tries to be at home with their family. People have a big meal in the evening.People in northern China always make dumplings. Each family cooks some delicious food. Nowadays many people like to have dinners in good restaurants.What do you do on the eve of Spring Festival?We usualy have a big dinner.


  3.Childrens Day儿童节

  On Childrens Day many children sing and dance. They visit the science museum. They go to the zoo to see the animals. They get presents from their parents.


  4.Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节

  What special food do people eat on this day?People eat moon cakes. They look at the bright moon and tell stories about it.


  5.National Day国庆节

  What do you usually do on National Day?On National Day we give a big parade at Tian An Men Square. In the evening, we sing and dance and enjoy the fireworks.


  英语校园广播稿 篇9

  Good morning, everyone. 同学们, 早上好!欢迎大家收听第七期校园英语广播,I’m Amy, 我是Amy老师。How time flies! 时间过得真快啊,我们已经开学一个多月了,大家每周都可以享受英语组的老师们准备的英语广播,Are you ready? Ok, Follow Amy and enjoy it! 准备好了吗?和Amy 一起享受吧!下面,让我们进入今天的第一个板块“Say you, say me” 说你说我。


  A:Hi, Amy, what do you want to do this weekend?

  B:We want to have a barbecue. Will you go with us?


  Barbecue 如今是个时髦的词,约上朋友去户外烧烤野餐,既尝到了美味,又是个放松,聊天的好机会。那么这个听起来,吃起来都不错的barbecue背后有个怎样的故事呢?barbecue 来源于海地语,最初是指由树桩制成的木制平台,是人们当床用的。而barbecue 最早出现在英语之中有“床”和“烧烤架”两种意思,到了18世纪才发展成今天的“烤肉”之意。大家是不是越听越有食欲了呢?好了,选择一个风和日丽的周末和你的mom and dad 一起去barbecue 吧!不要忘了叫上Amy 老师哟!


  现在大家即将听到的是“Big big world ”, 大大的世界。这一期Amy老师要教大家一个俚语,让我们一起听听下面这个小对话吧!

  A:Tom, you look very angry.

  B:Yes, they think I am a black sheep, but I am a good boy!

  Sheep 绵羊是性情温顺的动物,通常用来比喻善良,纯洁的人。一群绵羊中有时会夹杂一只长黑毛的绵羊,因为黑绵羊不如白绵羊值钱,所以black sheep 就比喻为无用之辈,大家明白了吗?black sheep 指人时是“无用之辈”的意思哦,大家一定要记住,千万不要闹出笑话了。


  接下来是今天的最后一个板块了,和大家一起享受英语真是一件美妙的事情,尤其是听听这首charming music, Amy 老师要推荐给大家的魅力音乐是“ Do Re Mi” 这首歌,希望大家喜欢,会唱的同学一起唱吧!

  ( Do Re Mi)

  同学们,又到了我们有奖竞猜的时间了,今天Amy老师要分别给低年级和高年级的同学提个问题。首先,请一到三年级的同学们听好了,你们的问题是“You are a black sheep” 是什么意思呢? A. 你是只黑色的绵羊 B. 你真没用。 然后是四到五年级的同学们了,你们的题目是“请写出 black sheep 这句俚语的英文”, 请将答案交到你们的英语老师那吧。


  好了,今天的英语广播就到这了,谢谢大家的收听!See you next time

  英语校园广播稿 篇10

  good morning :

  teachers and students ,welcome to our happy english broadcast!



  a: hello, boys and girls. i’m … from class … grade … .


  b:my name is … from class grade … .我是

  ab:. nice to meet you .很高兴在这里和大家度过早间的15分钟。


  b: of course.在上期节目中我们介绍了一个俚语,doggy bag。不知道同学们还记不记得它是什么意思呢?对了,打包的食物的纸袋子被称为doggy bag.



  a: yes.西方文化中的绿色(green)象征意义跟青绿的草木颜色有很大的联系,是植物的生命色。它不仅象征着青春、活力,如a green old age老当益壮;而且表示新鲜

  但是它也表示幼稚、没有经验,如a green hand生手,新手.

  b: green hand?我还纳闷世界上怎么会有绿色的手?还以为是怪物史莱克的手.原来是新手的意思.

  a:对极了! green hand是新手的意思。对于三年级的小朋友,在学习英语上都是green hand,所以上英语课时一定要认真听讲,这样才能成为日后学习英语的大行家。

  b.请同学们进入我们的第二个版块:“say you say me”,说你说我。


  一、 greetings问候

  我们中国人见面打招呼时习惯说:您吃过了吗?(have you eaten? / have you had your meal?)或者说:您上哪去?(where are you going?)。而英美人见面时如果是上午则说:good morning.如果是在下午则说:good afternoon,在傍晚就说:good evening.如果与熟人打招呼则说:how are you?如果是与较熟的人或朋友打招呼则说:hello,或hi.如果用我们中国人见面打招呼时常说的"have you eaten?"去问候英美人,就会引起对方的误解,因为"have you eaten?"在英语里不是打招呼用语,而是"邀请对方去吃饭"。如果见到英美人时说:"where are you

  going?"他们会很不高兴。因为"where are you going?"对英美人来说则是"即干涉别人的私事。"

  二、 parting告辞

  到别人家串门或作客,告辞时,英美人习惯说:"i should go now."或" i'd better be going now."意思都是"我得走了"。英美人在告辞时从不说:"i'll go back."(我回去了。)或"i'll go first."(我先走了。)因为在英语里, "i'll go first."的意思是:"时间不早了,客人们该离开了。我先走给大家起了头,其他客人也应该马上离去。"

  英语校园广播稿 篇11

  A、B: Good afternoon, everybody! Welcome to I love English. Im your friend, William! Im Mandy. Nice to see you again.

  A: Mandy , do you like English story?

  B: Of course, Its funny. How about you?

  A: Me, too. 就在昨天下午第二节课举行了八达小学第六届英语故事比赛,有52名小选手参与了其中,为老师和部分学生充分展现了他们的英语才华,故事精彩纷呈,我也从中学到了很多。

  B: 说得没错!有一位小选手让我印象特别深刻,小小的年纪却能说出那么动听的英语小故事,真棒!令在场所有的老师和同学们都赞叹不已!下面我们就请出今天这个环节的小主人公:来自二年三班的周旻昊小朋友!就让她再为我们讲讲她的故事吧!


  A: 真不错!我也要向她学习。这周五周旻昊等八名同学将代表我们学校参加区英语故事比赛,预祝她们发挥出水平,取得不错的成绩,加油!

  B: 加油!对了,William,你知道什么是doggy bag 吗?

  A: Doggy bag?? 这可真难倒了我,你说说看!

  B: 呵呵,不知道了吧!美国是一个很富裕的国家,可是美国人并不随意浪费。例如,在餐馆用餐时,如果点的食物没吃完,他们会将剩下的饭菜打包回家。这时候用来打包的食物的纸袋子被称为doggy bag,大家都知道 dog 是狗,那么打包回家跟狗会有什么关系呢?以前,美国人也不好意思把在餐馆里吃剩的东西带回家,怕丢面子,所以,就经常有人会对服务员说: could you please wrap the rest of the food for me ? Id like to take it home for my dog.(请把剩余的食物给我包起来,好吗?我想带回家给我的狗吃。) doggy bag 一词便这样出现了。在当今的美国,人们把在餐馆中吃剩的东西带回家已经是习以为常了,没有人会因为要把剩菜带回家而感到不好意思了。

  A:今天又新学了一个单词,同学们你们也记住了吗? Doggy bag 就是用来打包的食物的纸袋子。节目的最后是我们的charming music 魅力音乐。今天将听到的歌曲是rivers of Babylon ,同样是一首经典英语歌曲,希望大家喜欢。

  A: ok , so much for today , see you!

  英语校园广播稿 篇12

  Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to listen to our English broadcast. 同学们,早上好!欢迎大家收听第十四期校园英语广播,I’m Amy,我是Amy老师。Winter comes!冬天到了,圣诞节也快来到我们身边了,在此,Amy老师要提前祝大家圣诞快乐,Merry Christmas!现在请大家跟Amy老师一起大声读:Merry Christmas!(跟读) Merry Christmas!(跟读)Wonderful!Amy老师听到大家读的都非常好,圣诞节的时候要记得跟老师和同学们说声:“ Merry Christmas!”

  下面,让我们进入今天的第一个板块“ Say you, say me ” 说你说我。(music)在这个版块Amy 老师要和大家分享世界各地形形色色的天热表达法,希望能在寒冬给大家带来温暖的感觉,大家尤其是要注意听英国人是如何表达热的。

  南非人说:“It’s so warm that the dog is chasing the cat, but both are walking!”(热的狗都追不动猫了!)

  捷克人说:“Flies are falling down tired!”(热的苍蝇都纷纷落下来!)

  丹麦人说:“I’m sweating fat!”(我在出脂肪!)

  比利时人说:“It’s stifling!”(真闷,让人窒息啊!)

  德国人说:“I am leaking!”(我的身体在滴水啊!)

  香港人说:“Chicken leg is burning!”(鸡腿在燃烧。)

  伊朗人说:“It’s raining fire!”(不是下雨,是在下火啊!)

  罗马尼亚人说:“It’s so hot my tongue is hanging out!”(热的我把舌头都耷拉出来了!)

  英国人说:“I am sweating like a chicken!”(汗出的像只鸡!)

  土耳其人说:“It is like a Turkish bath!”(像土耳其式洗澡)

  阿拉伯人说:“Warm today, isn’t it?”(天真暖和,不是吗?)

  芬兰人说:“It’s as hot as in a sauna!”(热的像在蒸桑拿!)

  澳大利亚人说:“Sticky as a box of frogs!”(像一盒子青蛙一样黏)

  加拿大人说:“You could fry eggs on the sidewalk.”(人行道上可以煎蛋了)

  大家听明白了吗?最后,Amy老师要再重复一遍英国人是如何表达热的,请大家一定要注意听,英国人说:“I am sweating like a chicken!”(汗出的像只鸡!)大家听清楚了吗?记住了吗?


  接下来是“Big big world”,大大的世界这一版块,这一期Amy老师要给大家介绍一下the University of London, 伦敦大学。伦敦大学是一所联合大学,是英联邦历史最悠久,规模最大,最具变化的大学之一。依照皇室宪章建立于1836年,伦敦大学现在被世界公认为高等教育的先导,包括二十个具有杰出声誉的自我管理的学院,以及久负盛名的进修学院和多个重要的学术活动中心。伦敦大学学生人数为12万5千人,包括接受大学远程教育的对外课程的3万4千名学生。伦敦大学的学院办学规模,建院时间,以及传统如同所学习的课程一样各不相同。一些是拥有大量学生的多个系别设置的机构,而另一些则是专科的和小规模的学院。所有的学院都颁发了伦敦大学的学位。凭借学院和研究所的教学和科研质量,伦敦大学享有极高的国际声誉。现在大家伦敦大学是否有了初步的认识呢?如果想进一步了解伦敦大学,可以上网查阅一下获得更多信息。


  接下来是今天的最后一个版块了,charming music, 魅力音乐。本期Amy 老师要推荐给大家的魅力音乐是Jingle bell ,相信有许多同学都听过这首圣诞节歌曲,让我们一起再次感受一下这欢快的圣诞氛围吧!(Jingle bell)

  同学们,有到了我们有奖竟猜的时间了,首先Amy 老师要公布一下上一期广播的答案,一到三年级的答案是A. 6种,四到六年级的答案是“发现有事情不正常”,你答对了吗?今天Amy 老师要分别给低年级和高年级的同学提个问题。首先,请一到三年级的同学们听好了,你们的问题是今天Amy 老师给大家介绍了那一所大学呢?A. 伦敦大学B. 纽约大学,接下来是四到六年级的同学了,你们的问题是“英国人是如何表达热的呢?”A. I am sweating like a chicken.B. I am sweating like a dog. 请将答案交到你们的英语老师那吧!

  好了,今天的英语广播就到这了,thank you for listening, 谢谢大家的收听,bye-bye!










