我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-09-09 15:26:31 英文求职信 我要投稿




英文求职信 篇1










  交际能力是你在工作中表现出来的最重要的能力,而你的求职信就是向用人单位展现你在这方面竟争力的第一个机会。求职信应该有说服力、通俗易懂而且亲切近人。第一个交际行为都是关于你个人的一个信息。在求职过程中可能会用到以下几种信函: 申请信、求职函、信息型信函、感谢信、接受信、撤回申请信、拒绝信。

  1.申请信:这类信函的作用是使用人单位有兴趣看你的简历并为你安排面试。你应考虑采取的策略是说明你是符合招聘要求的人选。仔细研究招聘要求,然后选择一个或几个能有力说明你适合这份工作的方面,如受教育程序、经历、兴趣或责任心等等,还 要将你过去的工作表现和经历与申请的工作联系起来。

  2.求职函:这尖信函的作用于和写作方法与申请信大同小异,它不适用于在异地寻 求工作。信函的形式要与具体的求职目标相对应。写这类信件更应注重从职业和所在机 构的角度来陈述自己能够适应工作环境要求的理由。

  3.信息型信函:这类信件可以为你提供一次参加咨询的机会,而不是一次面试。你会在咨询会上见到一些人,他们会给你提供有关你申请的那个工作的情况,你想得到一 次面试机会的初衷可能会有所改变,但是你希望与一些人联系并得到他们的帮助的意愿 应始终保持真诚。

  4.感谢信:这是一个非常重要但却在求职过程中很少被运用的一种信函。它可以帮助你树立良好的信誉,表达你的感激之情,或许不能增加你成功的`机率。每一个帮助过你的人都值得你去感谢他们。在参加完面试之后,如果你打算写一封感谢信,一定不要拖过24个小时,而且要给每一个你会过面的人都发一封。对那些在人才交流会上见过面 的人和那些给你提供过帮助的人,你也应该给他们发感谢信。

  5.接受信:如果你接受了对方提供的条件,应该发一封这样的信对此加以确认,也 应该积极肯定用人单位的选择,通常情况下,在你发出这类信函之后,应该给对方打个 电话,以进一步讲座有关的细节性问题。

  6.撤回申请信:你一旦接受了一份工作,出于礼貌你应给其它你所申请的单位发一封信,以撤回你的申请。对这些单位对你的申请所给予的考虑表示感谢。你应从个人的 角度来说明接受另一份工作的原因,千万不要说你选择了一个更好的工作。

  7.拒绝信:这类信函并非只有用人单位可以发。求职者可能发现用人单位提供的条件与他们的求职目标不符,因此应该考虑巧妙地拒绝用人单位提供的条件,但是在采取这一行动之前,求职者应充分考虑那些条件,在认为确实不适合自己时才这样做,同时 也不要忘记发一封感谢信,对用人单位给予的机会表示谢意。




  2. 个人资料:写信人应述明自己的年龄或出生年月,教育背景,尤其是和应征的职位有关的训练或教育科目、工作经验或特殊的技能;如无实际经验,略述在学类似经验亦可。

  3. 备询人员或推荐人:正常的顺序是先获得这些人同意后再把他们的姓名、地址列入信中,推荐人二至三名即可。

  4. 结尾:求职信的结尾在希望并请求未来的雇主允以面谈的机会,因此,信中要表明可以面谈的时间。使用的句子要有特性、避免软弱、老生常谈的滥调。

英文求职信 篇2

  BIIT University

  Beijing,China 100000

  Dear Sir/Madam:

  Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?

  I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.

  I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company‘s Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include:

  Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance

  Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database

  My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

英文求职信 篇3

Dear leader, Hello!

  Thank you for looking at my letter of application in a hundred busy days. My name is XXX. I was born in Zhoukou, Henan Province, Luyi county. Contact phone: 123456. XX graduated from Zhengzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College in June, and I studied computer and application specialties. I studied hard at school and never violated school discipline.

  Recently, I saw your company recruiting Secretary / clerk from the Internet. This position is exactly what I expected, and I believe that my related experience and knowledge can play a full role in this position.

  I entered a small design company in April, XX, which was mainly responsible for text entry and image processing. Unable to live because of lower wages, he resigned more than a month later.

  In June XX, he entered Zhengzhou express to engage in customer service. He was mainly responsible for answering telephone calls, giving customer service, informing customer's cargo information, recording sending information and notifying the sending party. Send and receive mail. Later turned to settlement but still belong to the customer service department, mainly responsible for customer information maintenance, customer price maintenance and waybill audit.

  In the work, serious, solid, good learning. To make the work orderly, to benefit the company, and to make the leadership satisfied.

  I would like to be a member of your company and hope to develop together with the company. I believe there is a dream, there is a pursuit, there is a development. Thank you



  Applicant: XXX

英文求职信 篇4

  Shall you need an experienced desk clerk for your hotel next summer? 贵酒店明年暑期是否需要一名有经验的柜台部职员?

  2. Because I am very desirous of receiving actual experience in accounting during July and August, I am writing to inquire whether you will need the services of a young man with three years of educational training and some part-time experience. Perhaps I could fill in for one of your office staff during the vacation period. 因我渴望在七、八月间获得会计实务经验,特备函问询你处是否需雇用受过三年训练略有经验的年轻人?在假期中我或可添补贵公司空缺。

  3. Gentlemen: Attention of Personnel Manager I am looking for a postion asassistant shipping clerk. 人事部经理勋鉴:本人正在谋求一份助理船务职员的工作。

  4. Perhaps there is a position in your organization for an young, experienced, and conscientious secretary stenographer. 请问贵公司是否需要一名年青、有经验、负责的'女秘书兼速记员?

  5. I want a job. Not any job with any company, but a particular job with your company. Here are my reasons. Your organization is more than just a busienss house. It is an institution in the minds of the local public. It has a reputation for fair play and honesty with both employees and customers alike. For the past four years, while specializing in accounting at colege, I have had a secret ambition to work for your organization in the accounting department. I graduate in June. As I write this letter, I do not know that there is an opening at persent, but here are my qualifications which prompt me to make application now.

  本人需要一份工作,不是任何公司的任何工作,而是贵公司的一个职位。贵公司不只是商店,而是大众都知晓的机构。以公正、证实的美誉远近驰名。在大学主修会计四年来,内心早就想到贵公司会计部工作,今年七月即将毕业。写此信时,不知贵公司目前是否有空缺,但是下列的资历促使本人冒昧提出申请。 6. As it is nearing the Christmas season, it occurs to me that you many need additional assistance in selling gifts in your shop. I have a whole week before Christmas, from December 18-24, when I might assist you. I could aslo work evenings from six oclock on, before December 18. 圣诞节将届,想到贵公司可能需要销售礼物的助理,本人在圣诞节前一周(十二月十八日至二十四日)有空,可以帮忙。十八日以前每晚六时后也可以。 7. Gentlemen: Attention of Personnel Manager Like many other young men, I am looking for a position. I want to get stated, at the bottom, perhaps, but started. 人事部主任:本人和很多年青人一样正在寻找工作。本人想要有个开头,从基层做起。 中青网

英文求职信 篇5



  Name: jenny

  Date of Birth: December 26, 1979

  Nationality: China

  Nation: Han

  Address: N0.110 XX town, Wuxi city, Jiang su province, China

  Sex: male

  Marital Status: unmarried

  Tel: 0510-1234567 or 0510-7654321


  E-mail: [emailprotected]


  Dates Instituations

  1986-1992 XX school

  1992-1995 XX middle school

  1995-1998 XX high school

  1998-20xx Southern Yangtze University

  Major Degree

  Chinese language and culture Bachelor


  Kinds Level

  Chinese proficient

  English CET-6


  Foxpro, Flash5.0, Dreamweaver4.01, fireworks4.02, photoshop6.0 and be familiar with internet.


  Date Position

  1999-20xx Studying Minister in Student Union

  1999-20xx President of Educational Union

  1999-20xx President of Library governing Union


  Computer, Reading, Sports and Music

英文求职信 篇6

  work experience 工作经历 occupational history 工作经历

  professionalhistory 职业经历 specific experience 具体经历

  responsibilities 职责 second job 第二职业

  achievements 工作成就,业绩 administer 管理

  assist 辅助 adapted to 适应于

  accomplish 完成(任务等) appointed 被认命的

  adept in 善于 analyze 分析

  authorized 委任的;核准的 behave 表现

  break the record 打破纪录 breakthrough 关键问题的'解决

  control 控制 conduct 经营,处理

  cost 成本;费用 create 创造

  demonstrate 证明,示范 decrease 减少

  design 设计 develop 开发,发挥

  devise 设计,发明 direct 指导

  double 加倍,翻一番 earn 获得,赚取

  effect 效果,作用 eliminate 消除

  enlarge 扩大 enrich 使丰富

  exploit 开发(资源,产品) enliven 搞活

  establish 设立(公司等);使开业 evaluation 估价,评价

  execute 实行,实施 expedite 加快;促进

  generate 产生 good at 擅长于

  guide 指导;操纵 improve 改进,提高

  initiate 创始,开创 innovate 改革,革新

  invest 投资 integrate 使结合;使一体化

  justified 经证明的;合法化的 launch 开办(新企业)

  maintain 保持;维修 modernize 使现代化

  negotiate 谈判 nominated 被提名;被认命的

  overcome 克服 perfect 使完善;改善

  perform 执行,履行 profit 利润

  be promoted to 被提升为 be proposed as 被提名(推荐)为

  realize 实现(目标)获得(利润) reconstruct 重建

  recorded 记载的 refine 精练,精制

  registered 已注册的 regenerate 更新,使再生

  replace 接替,替换 retrieve 挽回

  revenue 收益,收入 scientific 科学的,系统的

  self-dependence 自力更生 serve 服务,供职

  settle 解决(问题等) shorten 减低……效能

  simplify 简化,精简 spread 传播,扩大

  standard 标准,规格 supervises 监督,管理

  supply 供给,满足 systematize 使系统化

  test 试验,检验 well-trained 训练有素的

  valuable 有价值的 target 目标,指标

  working model 劳动模范 advanced worker 先进工作者


英文求职信 写英文求职信02-14

英文求职信 求职信范文英文03-10


英文求职信 一封英文的求职信11-11





